Home screen rate thread

Home screen rate thread
We guess how cool user is by their apps and homescreen

Motorola G4 Play
Custom OS


R8 me fags

Why do you have dual clocks?

Fit and play guitar,must be swimming in pussy


Isn't it past your bedtime?

Nigger detected.

You must be lonely


Okay james you better go to bed now. High school starts early as usual.

iPhone 7
Hella organized, only one screen


What do ya think?

>shitty jpeg of pot leave
Lemme guess, 15 with a shaggy skater cut, vans, acne, and smokes weed out of a Gatorade bottle?


Can't post mine because filesize

Fucking weeb

Plain as shit fuck off

Note 4

Ugly af. Like how do you even look at your phone?

Nice and simple.

Probably the best so far

My home made daft punk wallpaper

Needs more JPEG


Rate my setup



Everyone has to much shit on there screens looks messy best so far is the note

Nice wpp, mind to share it?


Agreed. I miss my jailbroken iPhone, had a sweet minimal set up. Unfortunately, no jb for the 7 on iOS 10.2 right now

What the fuck is going on here

Faggot detected

I have the corpse as lockscreen

Just a fag I presume. Probably a furry too.
All the same

Ok well apparently I had the same app on my home screen twice. Fixed now

Skeet skeet skeet

You didn't delete hearthstone or ifunny you faggot, why post again?



A E S T H E T I C as fuck

>TV guide

What the fuck motherfucker

The actual fuck. Do you have that echo disorder or something?

Seriously wtf is the point of 2 of every app

That isn't organized user. You just have things in folders.

Your wallpaper is a fucking pride flag. Gtfo

How u likin the pixel

Folders are organized by most used to least used tho

Thx mate also dubs checked

Damn, I know a james that fits this description

Well if it works for you...

Oh. Sorry i upset you, cunt. It's just a fuckin rainbow M8.

I operate on muscle memory a lot, so having everything in a place like that allows me to navigate my phone faster

Still gay

Same. It blows when I'll switch phones.

Cuz its relevant...

P. Much

Yall need to step it up

I've had an iPhone since I was like 14 or something, so I've more or less had the same layout for about 7 years

Yeah, best so far

How do? Please teach me your ways.

same cocksucker. shit screen faggot.

>Galaxy S8+
Haven't gotten around to custom iconss and shit yet. Using Nova Launcher.

this got to be bait no one on Sup Forums wants to out themselves as the biggest faggot on Sup Forums

Forgot image fuck

"iphone 7"
well we already know what is wrong there


See, why can't more people have simple wallpapers


Ooh shit that's clean af

It's one of the stock wallpapers. It's fun because it's animated and scrolls with your phones gyroscope movements

fucking slick


Pretty big fag tbh cuz who uses ES File Explorer nowadays

Shit, it was free. I've had one since I was 14, so it's just what I was used to

Where do i start on this piece of shit

degress in the wrong format
facebook...google search bar so much spam on home screen

yep this one

i want to switch to cosmic yi but im gay and lazy.

I think I should get into web design...

reddit heartstone bloatware every where waste of life and time

The apps are shown when I tap the bottom portion of the screen.

would be okay if it wasnt overloaded with a shitton of useless apps.

Ooooh pretty


Cluttered shit storm you'd expect from your Mom. No additional effort put in.


Nice aesthetic, simple and clean. Very likely loss of efficiency for the sake of a lame mural though.

Fucking garbage. You have an app tray for a reason. Looks nice but is fucking confusing and wastes time.

Clean yet semi cluttered. Good compromise between an art project and a something expedient.

The actual fuck.

Beta fag here


Damn you're edgy

I bet you set those folder names special for the screenshot didn't you user?

Sorry I don't speak fucking English

LGV20, it's pretty great

iPhone 4 E S T H E T I C


Me :)

Same. Love this thing. I had the v10 before and loved it too. I do a little photography.

'Reddit is fun' is a way better client than the official Reddit app

whats the actual fuck

Shit hurts my fucking eyes