Give me one reason you're not doing steroids to turn into a slayer b

Give me one reason you're not doing steroids to turn into a slayer b

because zyzz never took steroids.

How long did it take you?

Nigga why you gotta lie

You can put on about 40lbs of mass in two years taking Test E, Dianabol then cutting on Tren to get the chad body

cuz im a scared faggot that doesnt want to destroy his body because im too lazy to learn how to use them properly and plus i already got a girl and ill only do it if she asks

Hair loss

Good call. You should do literally anything that goddess asks of you. Women love it when men act like this.

I'm not a homogay like you

yeah or I could work out for like 2 months every 6 months and I'll look pretty decent and girls will still have sex with me because my personality isn't dog shit and I'm not a fag

i have been lifting for 8 years natural and im a sperm donor, don't want to fry my testies.

steroids is EZ mode for faggots

Because my face is still fucked

Don't act like you don't look at traps on here all day. Now bend over and show me that twink ass of yours

LOL wasting 8 years of your life lifting when a roid brah would look just as good around two years in.
The test shit is mostly a myth unless you're doing lots of orals. They shut you down pretty bad.

Don’t know where to get them.

Pic is natty as fuck

i don't lift weights to "look good", I lift weights because I like it and it makes me happy

the thing is, when you stop doing drugs, you will no be able to maintain your muscle mass.

it will dive like a german stuka and you will hit a black hole of depression

anyway, drugs may enhance your body, they won't cure your shit personality

and i don't need a fake as fuck body to maintain a high level of confidence I do well on my own

well aslong as she doesnt go cucking me and she lets me smash every so often i can safely say i wouldnt mind living the rest of my life with her she rlly is great no pics cuz she knows id post them

That didn't answer the question you retard. He asked how long did you do it.

Shows what you know. You can maintain most of your gains. Who was muscle memory? Once your body grows to a certain size even if you lose a little mass you won't ever revert to your pre-lifting state.
If you're really been lifting for 8 years then you're already at or very close to your natural genetic limit. You'll be turning to roids soon if you want to continue making gains regardless.

Good call. You should never step out of line with your women. You need to appreciate every aspect of her. You should probably start referring to her as "Your highness" or "majesty" this is done partly for her benefit, but it also helps your own psyche. It helps you understand how much lower you are then her.

Meso-RX forum has suppliers that make posts. There's tons of sources, it's not like a little roids if a class-1 drug.

You know streroids raise your chance of breast cancer by a shit ton. Cant wait till you got two tumors in your chest the size of watermelons

Because I actually want to go through the effort of getting there naturally rather than like a fucking homogay like OP

Or maybe I am just fine as it is now, I don't need to be bigger.

easy come, easy go. i don't do drugs to take the easy way.

you are welcome to fuck your organs up, it will hit you like a rock later in life, "bro".

cause ive got 111 slayer waiting for the update cause there gonna fuck exp rates

LOL that easy way. You probably look like your stereotypical non lifting skinny fat phaggot. Pics of "8 years" or gtfo

alright you had me at good call but you blew it with the whole call her highness and majesty like some fucking virgin neckbeard i dont recommend doing that to girls you just met maybe a close friend might think its funny but that shits creepy also im not submissive at all so miss me with that shit nigger

yeah you wont look great if you fuck over your hairline and have bad skin. Cycling is retarded and depressing making/losing gains...blowing up and deflating. get on trt+ in your late 20's. you look like youre less than 200 lbs and have good genetics. you can get much bigger while staying natural

whoa whoa whoa!

benchpress 142,5 kg
squat 160 kg (no belt)
deadlift 220 kg (no belt)

chill dude, I do cardio aswell and I don't live in the gym. mind you I am 30 years old.

Did it really take you this long to realize I'm trolling, or are you just trolling me now?

how much can you shoulder press i.e lift above your head

it was too perfect to pass up since i had the picture ready and everything

with db's or bb's?
I don't to db's often, i max. around 40 kg's (5RM). military press is 70 kg's (1RM).

also, no belt.

Thank god. I know that many mostly beta males lurk on Sup Forums but I would have been amazed if someone thinks that it's a good idea to follow all my advice.

i don't want to look like earthworm Jim.

For those people in here who doesnt realize, the guy in OPs pic is still really skinny, he has a very small amount of actual muscle, hes mostly just like non-fat milk or something.

So if that guy would have actually been on roids, he should be really disappointed by now.

you gotta actually workout for steroids to do anything good

Barbells...i was able to press 40 Kg, 1 time having never lifted before...was thinking about starting weights tho

>Im such a troll XDXDXDXDXD

Then they make you grow actual tits. And if you stop using it you get to be a fattie.


with a barbell or a dumbbell?

starting lifting weights was the best decision of my life.

hit the gym, do squats (not in a machine, not in a smith rack) - REAL fucking squats, deadlifts, benchpress, pullups - do COMPOUND exercises and don't waste your time doing 5 different curl exercises and 4 different shoulder exercises - it's a waste of time.

get strong. real strong. eat food, alot of it, protein, whole wheat products, milk (not the low fat type), eggs and you are on your way.

GET YOUR SLEEP. very important.

>goes from being a skinny lesbian girl to being a full grown trap, complete with shitty tits

You'd there'd be an easier way to transition.

I don't have a small dick, therefore I do not feel the need to compensate.


mfw op thinks he's swole
mfw either version would last about 5 seconds in a real fight