Girlfriend has been camming on Chatrubate behind my back

Girlfriend has been camming on Chatrubate behind my back.
One of my friends told me. I just caught her in the act.

She saying it's no big deal. My friends seem to be in disagreement on the issue.
Half of them are saying it's cheating and the other half are telling me to grow up and stop acting like a pilgrim.

Is camming behind someone's back cheating?
Should I break up with her over this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>behind your back
this is the important part. The answer is yes

only you can decide...
i would love to date a porn star...
but she'd have to be upfront about it

I would break up with her in that fucking minute ! Im telling u from a 12 years married to a woman .


Yes, do it when she's streaming and film / screenshot / document and post on Sup Forums

This is why you set boundaries and talk about stuff like this early on in the relationship if you want it to be a serious thing.

If you didn't specifically set that boundary in conversation, she couldn't have really known it was a big deal to you. You can't assume everyone has the same idea of what a relationship is without talking about it first.

What's her cb name? I'll go investigate for you.

Fuck no.

Ask her if you can join her and get paid to have sex moron.


Christ your friends are telling you to grow up over this? They're braincucked beyond belief, if I knew my girl was fucking playing with herself in front of strangers on the internet I'd be fuckin gone. Your friends need to check their ballsacks to see if there's anything left in them, jesus christ

Man the fuck up and join her dumbass.

Are you mildly retarded or just a cuck?

more info needed
more pics and cb name.

>btw, if you randomly decided to start whoring yourself for money by showing your naked body to strangers, i wouldn't be Ok with it.

I would dump any boyfriend who said that to me.

Depends entirely on whether or not you care what she does with her body, though the fact that you weren't aware of it doesn't speak well of your relationship.

So? Do you care, or are you asking us if you should?


I think OP does but is too much of a cuck to dump the whore.

>she couldn't have really known it was a big deal

FOLLOW UP QUESTION: If I broke up with my gf a month ago, and she slept with 3 people, and now wants to get back with me, should I take her back?

The twist: They were all girls.

Cheating is whatever you say it is. My gf can fuck other girls but, not guys because that is how it is defined in our relationship. Every relationship is different and whatever you decide you don't want each other doing is cheating.

She has an Exhibitionist Fetish.
Fuck her in public a few times.
Post Nudes.

These are the types of insecure people who can't take anything seriously. A serious relationship is built upon mutual honesty, openness, and consistent care. It's something that two people create together, it doesn't 'just happen'. If you think otherwise, you're falling into what a 'typical' relationship is in whatever culture you live in. You're playing your part like a puppet on a string, and inevitably that string will break.

The only reason I'm throwing pearls of legit relationship info to you swine is because I have time to kill, I know you immature tards probably won't appreciate it.

I have lost all faith in my generation.

No way you break up with her. You have to encourage this behaviour and keep encouraging it. You tell her that you want her to start fucking niggers on cam while you sit there and fap to her getting reamed up the ass by nigger cock while your getting blown off some big fat chimpy mama. Watch her get covered in thick white nigger cum while your spirting your pineapple chunk all over chimpy mama.

Fuck yes.
Post Nudes

YOU are the immature one if you think all relationships are set within a predetermined boundary. Relationships can be dynamic and as unique, but it's people like you who fall into the mold society has set for you that assume everything should be a certain way. You're the problem.

Would you please elaborate on that?


Good grief, reading about you poor bastards makes me sick.
OP stop being a little bitch and just get angry.
You fucking deserve to get angry over this. It is a big deal. Things can't get normal between the two of you until she apologize and start behaving like a devoted girlfriend.

If she insist it's not big deal, dump her ass. You don't deserve to be cucked, nobody does.


>You're a pilgrim because you don't want your girlfriend exposing herself and performing sexual acts for the public over the internet without your knowledge or consent

Jesus fucking Christ is this where we're at as a society?

>Do you care, or are you asking us if you should?

Yes I care. I don't want a bunch of dudes looking at my naked girlfriend's body and fapping to it. There were hundreds of people watching.

It felt like she was cheating on me in massive gangbang.
I felt butterflies in my stomach and I have a lump in my throat thinking about it.


>Exhibitionist Fetish.
all girls have this if they know they can get away with it

Collect yo money fag.

Do the couple thing and fuck her in the ass while you tell her that somebody tipped big for it.


For some reason I thought this was going to be a poem.

Was she doing it for cash?
Also will she suck your dick on cam?

yeah thats hot, you should do it

she'll probably be down for threesomes with hot chicks to satisfy her thirst for pussy. nurture that shit.

here's how it goes:
>if you can sleep with other girls when you're not with me, you can damn well sleep with girls with me

>have her call up friends for threesomes
>treat her however you want
>optionally dump her when you're done

You're going to have to man up and leave her. You look like a pussy boi faggot now. You should of told the people that told you that you knew about it.

Now you just look like a beta faggot that gets bullied around by your woman.

Holy shit could you be any more self-delusional beta? She was fucking hiding it, which meant she fucking knew it was outside of what OP would find acceptable.

Which makes it wrong. It's dishonest. That shit isn't a "relationship", it's using him for whatever the fuck (probably money, or security) while doing whatever the hell she wants because she thinks OP is too fucking stupid or weak to find out about it or do anything when he does.

It's cheating in the same way dry humping is fucking. But really, but if it's gone that far, it's going to happen. Abandon ship.

this nigger

Your bird's a whore m8. Do yourself a favor and find a good girl.

You make a good point

you need to kill yourself

Not really. Even if explicitly setting boundaries is iseful, his partner should have known better than to masturbate in front of strangers. That is an intimate act. An intimate act that is usually reserved for your partner or for yourself. An intimate act that is devalued as more people get access to it. If it is possible to be intimate with her without taking care of a relationship, then why bother? Unless it is something you both ha e decided is ok or is your fetish or just a thing you both do, then it is basically goving away something that by default is intended for the person (or persons if you are into polygamy) you are in a relationship with.

Dry humping = Prefucking, equally as bad. Sometimes maybe worse..

Op's gf confirmed. Post nudes please.

Any more pics?

All y'all stupid ass fucks arguing over this ho, get a life losers

Op dump her ass you retarded shit for brains


Multiple seedy old men have came all over themselves to your 'girl'.

Maybe you can live with it. I couldn't.

youd dump someone instantly for saying they dont want you to be a stripper? Your gonna end up with a scummy piece of shit and deserve it too.
Also tits or gtfo
>implying your actually female


What the fuck?
>How could she know that this is a big deal
>Its basically your fault
This is what a retarted feminist would say

I wholeheartedly agree with the first part of what you said. The second part though: you cannot claim to know the more intimate details of the relationship, and you shouldn't speculate because it will obfuscate the point you made, which is 100% valid, being that she knew and understood that her behavior was unacceptable.

Little kid fucks that can't accept their girl isn't a "innocent virgin" that hasn't sucked other peoples dicks and done shit like this?

You arabs or something?



Was she using a Lovense Bluetooth vibrator?
Did she cum?
How many times did she cum?
Did she cam for hours and hours having one orgasm after another?
Did she thank the guys all of the guys who made her feel good?

Do you think she was ever driven to have sex with you just because they made her so horny she just couldn't take it anymore?


Not read any of the posts up until now but guessing they're mainly pretty kneejerk. My advice is to play it cool and asks yourself rather than Sup Forums. Cheating isn't a black and white thing; only you can say what counts as a breach of trust.

If, after a bit of a think, you decide that you're OK with what she did then great. If not, speak to her. Relationships have ups and downs but you don't know if you can work through stuff till you talk about it. Whatever the case, introspection is the key here. Think it all through yourself and work out if any lines were crossed. Listening to Sup Forums is an awful idea for stuff like this.

I dont mind that shes fucked or sucked other dudes.

Doesnt mean she can be doing it while shes with me.

Dis be truth

This thread disgusts me. Speaking as a 28 year old male. Females are allowed to do as they please. You can't fault her for this. She's going to get looks anywhere she goes by males. Either working at a low end job or high paid.

Men want to fuck women and are constantly eye raping them. This clever girl is taking advantage of the sick individuals that are fueling this rape culture online. If you can't accept that then you need to let her go and be free. To many women are told they can't do this and can't do that. The oppression needs to STOP.

I bet you happy go to work and look at all your co workers asses and flirt with them. Same thing your gf is doing. So support her where she needs support.

all girls want to advertise and be desired sexually. it's hardwired

She had something pink sticking out of her pussy.
I didn't know what it was.

I couldn't watch more than 15 minutes of it.

Pic related. This is you.

>forgot pic

Anything she does that is sexual that is "Behind your back" should be taken very seriously. Even these millennial faggots can identify with that.

Pic related. This is you.

you disgust me faggot

Sup Forums thos is a commercial post

Stop letting the website get cucked you fucking plebs

If your pic related is really her, think twice about breaking up.

ye i know its a troll thread but thought id chime in.

>Caught my girl doing just this way back in highschool.
>Chatroulette was new
> "it was a one time thing user, i love you!"
> lets it slide because i was once a beta fag.
> Didnt know she had added a guy and a girl
> She proceeds to send the chick nudes.
> Found out a week later
> Bitch probably sent shit to the dude to
> MFW hes from south africa
> Pic of him and puppy on her phone
> Still lets it slide
> Cheats on me 6 months later

fastforward 5 years
I dont put up with shit, 4 girls later and even one little slip, i walk out the door. Dont be a cuck, Its just human nature, 95% of bitches are sluts meant to be discarded.

Only thing i wish i did to that highschool bitch was play on her guilt to make her do shit like a 3sum or anal.

MFW shes fat AF now and uses one of those photo editors to give her a more slim face on her Facebook

Stay mad and single. It's 2017 and equal rights. Women have the same rights as us. (Men)

of course, but some girls are more stable about it

other girls are less in tune with it and it manifests itself chaotically and they act out like theyre possessed

If she's hiding it from you OP, it's because she herself finds it as something wrong to be doing. Tell her to stop (if you are not ok with it) and if she refuses drop her like a rock. It's as simple as that. No one needs a whore in their life.

>Females are allowed to do as they please.
>You can't fault her for this.
>If you can't accept that then you need to let her go and be free.
You need help

til they get hit in the mouth

yes so liberated and modern. why even have a relationship if you'd be so self centered

Obvious troll is obvious.

chaturbate is cheating. if she was gonna become a stripper online or not, she should discuss it


Your girlfriend is a self centred woman who doesnt give a shit about anything other than the good feels you give her if you want a future with her you aren't going to get it should probably leave her

if shes using a tip vibrator then yes dump her fucking immediately. cunts who use those are the scum of fucking chaturbate.

it's a vibrator that activates upon tipping a set amount of money. 5 different settings which increase in intensity the more you tip. It literally enables her viewers to make her have an orgasm. Here is a video showing how much it vibrates.


I guarantee she wasn't faking her orgasms. They were really making her cum. Over and over again.
Probably better than you can.

My god you are a massive fucking faggot. You won't get anywhere in life by being a white knight cuck user. Just stop while you are ahead. Women in the first world are no more oppressed than men. There is no such thing as a rape culture, and I know you're not trolling. You're just an SJW fuckstick. Seriously, hang yourself.

this has to be bait lmfao. Your logic is like saying "hey this guy on the subway is gonna eye rape me either way so i should probably just strip down and rub myself for him for 10 bucks"

It is degrading and harms the feminist movement.


This. If she meant what she said about it being no big deal she would of fronted up about it.

No. Do not break up with her over this.
Instead ask to join her on her cam.
Fuck her on cam for people to watch and enjoy.
You can make quite a bit of cash doing this on chatturbate.
Just jump in there and fuck her on cam and share the link with us so we can watch and envy you and pay you to fuck her for our viewing pleasure.
It will bring the two of you closer together.

>This thread disgusts me
>This thread

the ole "Sup Forums went to shit" shpeal gets tossed around a lot these days but holy hell what has happened to this community...

Trips has spoken


Look. If you are fine with having a weak relationship that can end at any time with no consequences beyond hurt feel I can't stop you but this "whatever" and lazy attitude toward love and marriage is precisely why divorce rates and single motherhood are through the fucking roof.

Another faggot SJW pops its head up lel.

Fuck her on cam, make some money, dump the bitch when you find someone new.

>implying we want to see this neckbeard fuck his landwhale

OP's pic is not his girl

Fuck the shit out of her, record it, then dump her and sell the smut films. It's all the whore is good for.