Just finished pic related, and it was goshdarn phenomenal. Why on Earth did they not release it in 2012...

Just finished pic related, and it was goshdarn phenomenal. Why on Earth did they not release it in 2012. Probably would have sealed the deal.

Also, it kinda made me sad thinking about how much better everything could have turned out.

How was it? I mean obviously there probably arent any spoilers since we know how the story ends lel

>wanting a republican in the white house

It was pretty good, no political slant at all, just presented Romney as a person.

do they show doggu on car

Libshits get out

>wanting a democrat in the white house

>prescribing to two party politics

holy shit you are a fucking retard.

It was too soft on him and showed little of the juicy behind-the-scenes strategizing.

It was cool to see his reactions to the debates at least.

I voted for Obama twice, but Mitt Romney is a genuinely good person. He's smart, competent, and decent. If he would've won, I wouldn't have been happy about it, but I would've been totally comfortable with him as President. He is infinitely superior to Trump in every possible way.

I enjoyed the documentary.

The word you're looking for is subscribing

why is trump worse than romney

>I voted for Obama twice

Bullshit. Romney is evil.

Mitt Romney is the apex of fake and gay. 2nd term Obama has been a disaster but it will perhaps serve a greater good in allowing the Democrats to be the ones responsible for kickstarting America's decline as a global superpower.

Mitt just looks like the Antichrist.

Make me you retarded faggot.
You niggers want a right-wing hugbox where you never read an opinion you don't like you can always make your own board on 8tismchan.

Romney is at least honest about being a scummy business man. Trump is painting himself to be some infallible giga multi billionaire who started out with nothing. The truth is Trump is probably not worth close to a billion dollars and probably pays very little in taxes and does tons of trade with countries he bashes, like muslim countries and Russia.

All of this is all but confirmed. The only thing he needs to do to quell the rumors is release his tax returns.

I used to work in a recycling plant with a conveyor belt like that. Worst place I've ever worked at, so many dead rotting pets passed through

He doesn't bash Muslim countries or Russia, though.

So he's worse because he's not as rich as he claims and avoids taxes?

Doesn't really seem relevant to the job of running the government and foreign policy of the country.

Ann could have saved us from this.

That's not the point. The point is he panders to his low IQ followers by bashing obvious adversarial countries like SA/Iran/Russia. His tax returns will probably show significant trade with those 3.

it's not. But it does damage his image severely. That's one of the most important things about the self-stylized image he and his publicists like to project. If he really isn't a billionaire then he becomes a legit laughing stock.

because Trump is a genuinely bad person.
not even people who support him will deny this.

>You niggers want a right-wing hugbox where you never read an opinion you don't like you can always make your own board on 8tismchan.
But 4+Sup Forums is the website with a /leftypol/ board because they didn't had a save space in Sup Forums Sup Forums.

>it's not. But it does damage his image severely. That's one of the most important things about the self-stylized image he and his publicists like to project. If he really isn't a billionaire then he becomes a legit laughing stock.

But how does that make him worse than Romney

>does tons of trade with countries he bashes, like muslim countries and Russia.
But he has never talked bad around the Ruskies, he even said the two countries should be closer allies.

you realize you're admitting to going on autismchan by saying that?
which is a lot worse than admitting to going on reddit

>which is a lot worse than admitting to going on reddit
Said the Redditor.

Okay, but you could apply that label to every president since Carter both in the blood they spilled and actions they took in their will to power

Is divorce halal in Mormonism?

No, divorce is illegal in the church

no, not really i'm not talking about random conspiracy shit about what people have actually DONE
trump deliberately wants to be seen as a cunt that's his thing
that is his schtick
his go to gimmick

>The point is he panders to his low IQ followers by bashing obvious adversarial countries like SA/Iran/Russia.

He doesn't bash those countries, you retard. That's what we're saying.

He wants to have closer ties with Russia, in fact, and wants to stop Cold War 2.0, which would most likely improve relations with Iran as well (even if he isn't a fan of Obama's Iran deal).

SA isn't an adversarial country either. They're one of our closest allies in the ME, unfortunately, although Obama has damaged that relationship.

>doesn't even know what halal means

No it isn't, you moron.

Go away, Mittens.

Stop being a faggot towards Trump.

So that's what Mittens bought with his Trump Attack Good Goy Points

My Mormon uncle cheated on his wife but I think they're still officially married lel

Divorce is SUPER haram for Mormons, even moreso than Catholics.
When Mormons get married, nobody is allowed to come. Your friends and family can stand outside while you two go inside and you're "sealed in the temple" for eternity. The only other people who can be there are super high up Mormons. Youre basically paired for eternity (not just Christian eternity, but super duper eternity where, if you give the church enough money and suck up to sky daddy enough, you become gods together in another planet in the afterlife [for reals]).

do you know what you're talking about?
that was his entire thing with "The Apprentice"
that's how he wants to portray himself

Anyone else wish they were born Mormon? Obviously it's too stupid to actually convert, but it seems like it would be really cool if you were born into it.

I accidentally confused halal and haram. I deleted my post before you even corrected me. Settle down, Ahmed.

Why are mormons so gay now when they were basically like jihadis locked in guerilla warfare with the fed in the beginning?

As someone who's seen how Mormons are raised and grew up an arms length from the church but still had to attend semi regularly? No.

Mormon get together are super comfy though.

>ywn be born a Romney

seems like a superchill family t b h, also superrich

>not transcribing

Wow, you're touchy today. Hope this picture of a loser makes you feel better.

>wanting a mormon neocon for president

Have you ever seen the Apprentice? He was completely reasonable the entire time.

Yeah, Obama is responsible for ruining two countries and a third (Egypt) which has somewhat recovered despite his efforts; hundreds of thousands are dead because of him
Bush ruined one (Iraq); hundreds of thousands - potentially millions are dead because of him
Clinton the Balkans and Iraq sanctions leading the deaths of half a million people
H.W. Bush lead the largest war since the Korean war
Reagan supported paramilitary forces that butchered partisans in central America

Those are things that people who have become president have DONE

Trump has built casinos and fucked models

Who's this loser? He has a bad case of the gay face. Does his father know he's a fag?

They've been infiltrated by shitbags like Romney.

Neocons are the fucking masterrace. Fuck you Trump for ruining the good thing we had going.

>Neocons are the fucking masterrace

t. mormon

>Neocons are the fucking masterrace.

I believe you mean Chosen People

i've never been disgusted with a comment until now.

The documentary does a good job of humanizing him in a way the man himself was unable to do while campaigning, but even if he loves his family he's still a neocon piece of shit. The most telling moment in the doc is when he's discussing his concession speech after he knows he's lost the general election and, in private and emotionally heated, he singles out excessive taxation of the rich as a sign that the country is in crisis.

>had going.

The GOP has been dilapidated since Obama has taken power.

The war started by Bush has turned into a apocalyptic proxy holy war in Syria .

Globalism continues to entangle our country into bullshit.

What good thing did the Neocons have going?

Pray tell.

>brings up Syria

Virtually nohing to do with GOP. Iraq is enough of a disaster though.

They blew up a bunch of countries Israel doesn't like

>right-wing hugbox where you never read an opinion you don't like

user... I think you have your sides of the political spectrum mixed up.

The faggot was half right. We have an echochamber not a hugbox

>what is Sup Forums

The Syrian Civil War is basically a continuation of the Iraq War that Obama stupidly got us into at behest of the Saudis.

Iranian Revolutionary Guards are fighting in both Iraq and Syria, Al-Qaeda has been taking over the rebel factions under their Al-Nusra Front, and the Kurds have been sweeping up territories in Northern Syria.

We're going to have to redraw the borders of Shia Iraq, Syria, and Kurdistan when this bullshit is all said and done with.

lol what a joke, we were going to take power again this year. Jeb Bush would have smoked Hillary in the polls by now, but no, you guys had to elect Trump.

Even if we lost this year. The Dems are only benefitting from the fact the economy has done well. Next time there was a crash we'd be back.

You guys would fail PoliSci 101 so hard.

Yeb! would have lost a majority of the White vote due to an apathetic base

>The Syrian Civil War is basically a continuation of the Iraq War

Proxy fighters were certainly allowed to metastasize in and be drawn from Iraq (as well as Libya for that matter), but the Syrian Civil War is the result of US foreign policy to contain Assad for the sake of Israel and cripple an important Russian ally. That's what the leaked emails suggest.

The spark for the revolution came from the Arab Spring though.

t. Breitbart

The economy grew at ~1% this quarter. It's not doing well at all.

Romney deserves no sympathy

The Presidency was handed to him on a sliver platter & he somehow fucked it up

He didn't own his wealth & was ashamed of it, so the 47% thing hit extra hard
Then despite winning the first debate with ease, he fucked up with the other 2 somehow\

Also perhaps most important, he wasn't going out & rallying

Jeb is a fucking autistic boy of a man you absolute retard. The Bush name is forever worthless and your Neocon philosophies have been rendered worthless by the Great Recession and the inevitable rise of the Eurasian Bloc

Your so called Project for a New American Century crashed before it could even begin.

Yes of course these are all the reasons the Syrian Civil War began and how it became a proxy war but the fact of the matter is that our leaving of Iraq under Obama did not end the war for those were were fighting.

The game didn't change, the playing field just expanded

Redpill me on Mormonism, Sup Forums

Incumbents win 90% of elections

The last two presidents with one mandate and one defeat were Carter and Hoover

>tfw the only non-neocon candidate left is the Republican

What the fuck is going on

I guess that excuses Romney for fucking off and not campaigning at all during the last month of the general. Mittens is entirely to blame.

People love Dubya these days, you NEET, if you ever left your parents basement, you would know this.

a pedophile convicted conman used his classic con, but this time instead of defrauding farmers for access to their land, he defrauded parishioners for a group to travel west. American mob justice took care of him, but his successor built a stronghold on American land, then declared war on and killed innocent Americans, before bending over backwards to join America

They deserved it, they were the same people who tried to genocide Mormons in Missouri.

Also, all these lies about Uncle Joe, why are you so jealous of our religion?

I spoke nothing of Dubya's character, which is fine among traditional Republicans groups.

The Bush name itself is worthless.

>The Bush name itself is worthless.

It is now

real question is why you faggots are not voting for Johnson?

I don't mean to be rude, but this is simply untrue. The Bush name is strong, and I predict the next wave to be hitting in the next decade.

If Bush was such a bad name, how did Jeb poll much higher than every other candidate on pretty much name value alone. His polls didn't drop until people realized he was autistic.

Also they have magic underwear.

>he fell for the libertarian meme

It's a shame 15 year olds can't vote or Gary and Bernie might have been a threat

>how did Jeb poll much higher than every other candidate on pretty much name value alon

Because most of the others were "literally who?" tier

the image is inaccurate
Johnson is anti-gun and pro open borders

His entire campaign was run as Jeb!

He was propped up by the GOP to waltz into Hillary and then fail.

He was worthless.

>libertarian anti-gun


and why was Jeb not literally who tier, then?

Bullshit, the competition in the 2016 RNC primaries were possibly the tightest ever

It's Hillary who was up against who's & still somehow almost lost & had to rig it

>Yes of course these are all the reasons the Syrian Civil War began and how it became a proxy war but the fact of the matter is that our leaving of Iraq under Obama did not end the war for those were were fighting.

>The game didn't change, the playing field just expanded

I totally agree. That's what I was trying to get across in my post. All of those actions in my post were Obama's/Clinton's decisions.

You mentioned SA, and while the emails mention Israel, I think it's understood that what's good for Israel in the region is generally good for SA as well. We're kind of at the mercy of that duo in fighting their wars.

Because I agree with Trump more than Clinton or Johnson.

Gross. Still it seems like easy work.

Where's Jill Stein?

>l'epic establishment wanted to lose meme

Is this bait, or do you actually believe that?

Johnson is essentially Democrat-lite but with more weed. He's hardly a libertarian.


In the garbage where she belongs

She is GILF material tho

>I voted for Obama twice


You fucking piece of shit kill yourself