What was their end game?

What was their end game?

Other urls found in this thread:



my dick in their ass



>tfw I made this cropped blacked image that everyone is reposting

I'm so sorry Sup Forums


short term financial gain over all else


I like how they go specifically after the most nordic looking women they can find to feature in their perverse interracial smut

Why do you post this kiwi cunt in every B L A C K E D thread?

Go sit in the corner and think about what you did, user.

This scene is not nearly as hot as it should have been.


Honest question, why is cuck shit so popular on Sup Forums? Even Sup Forums and Sup Forums don't have anything like this

>your dick

You need, at least, 12+ inches whiteboi

As opposed to the perverse intraracial smut?

Nice trips btw fàm

Do you even contrast?

They never have light skin nigs either it's for cinematography purposes. It's why the lighting is so flat to play up the contrast.

Probably the fact that many movies try to push this pairing. Some people get mad, so others take advantage of this for easy targets.

i'm a brother you goofy

Truly xxx kino

There is probably 40% more cuckposting on Sup Forums but for whatever reasons mods actually moderate it as opposed to here.

aka aliceposter

The mods are the ones that make these threads
was made after this thread and its already been deleted

>it's for cinematography purposes.

The real epiphany is the realization that all women are like this, or at very least have the ingrained capacity to do this if the right situation presents itself. It's not that they are all being spiteful, mean spirited, deceitful, and manipulative all the time, it's that those things all are just a general property of women. Consider the element Sodium. It doesn't always explode or catch fire, but it does always do it when it's exposed to air or water. The explosive reaction to those things is part of its basic nature, just waiting to be activated by the right circumstances. So it is with all women. They all have manipulation, selfishness, cruelty, and deceit as part of their basic nature, just waiting for the right combination of circumstances to bring it out. The key to not falling into the marriage trap is knowing that all women are like this. Every last one. There is no special girl out there who is sweet and caring, kind, selfless, submissive and docile. They can act like that if you expose them to the right traits in yourself, but under the surface will always be the cold, calculating, entirely selfish, sometimes explosively violent nature. They are after all just walking baby factories, whether they want to admit it or not. That's what their genes defined them to be. And as such, their natures will always be propelling them to hoard more resources taken from men, more control, and so forth, because that is what is best for having babies. It's in them all. Your ex, my ex, GLOs plates, famous actresses, that cute nerdy quiet girl from the library who looks like she'd rather be at ComiCon than a frat party. All of them. The same drives for sex with the top male, the same drives to consume resources, to manipulate men around them for their own benefit, the same wanton disregard for others, social mores, morals, right and wrong, or basic principle, all for their own benefit. Once one truly understands this, marriage is unthinkable.


I am sorry? Why are you calling me a goofy? And who's brother are you and why should I care?

As I was saying, you need, at least, 12+ inches to please these women. Something you obviously dont have, dicklet.

It's guaranteed (You)s

You did good work blacked-user


Have you ever even SEEN a Blacked vid? It's pure kinography, no memes

It's kino pleb.

i'm black you stupid suburban white boy

Seven inches is actually the ideal length, what you want is a very thick dick.

Clitoris-slamming monster cocks are terrible anyway, they're visually impressive and amazing for some women but you're most often going to find women turned off by them by the end of sex.

Why is it guaranteed replies though?

In the 10 minutes these threads last we approach 100 replies. Actual on topic threads take a day or so to reach 300. Why? Why do all these people like to discuss BLACKED?

no one in porn has a 12 inch

To bring great shame and disappointment to their famiries.

Meme threads always get the most replies

Pratai is just an autist
Marcus is a /got/ loving pleb that spams black dongers and child porn when hes triggered

All the little redditors get excited because it makes them feel l ike they're posting on Sup Forums, but don't have to worry since Sup Forums 2016 still panders to their reddit sensibility

What does Sup Forums think of Elsa Jean? Think she'll last long in the game?

BLACKED has nothing to do with Sup Forums.

No because she has fucked niggers.

Do Black guys/cuckolds really make up that much of the porn buyer's market? The snippets of BLACKED I've seen seem very high quality for a niche porn genre.

she did ir too early and no anal yet
she'll be forgotten in a year

It's almost like they're very heavily financed

>15 year olds posting ebic porn shit
>not Sup Forums tier dogshit in the year 2016
Oh boy. Go make another pedo thread


And why should I care about you being a dumb Negro? Is that why you said you are a ''brother''? Is that how your kind communicate these days?

Stop replying to me.

A little effort goes a long way.

Of course not. Ever notice how there was basically no niggers in porn 5 years ago and now they're basically forcing porn stars to fuck niggers?

Rachel is such a cute

It's extremely unpopular

It gets funding pumped into it by Jews to promote white genocide

It's why we're getting female Ocean's 11 despite Ghostbusters (((2016))) failure



Am I crazy for thinking they're very unnattractive?

Is it true that a nigger mod from Sup Forums is the one who makes these threads cause he is mad people are racist?

Any actresses you'd like to see in a blacked or darkx scene?

Pic related tbqh

Can we get some redpills on the negro, Sup Forums?
Some gore involving these animals would be good too

Pretty much as much material as possible to spam when Redwood comes here in a few months to spam star wars

The one on the left is getting by with make up and lighting. Other two are okay. They're not beautiful but far from unattractive.

That's sad to hear. I'm sick of her stepsister/daughter/blacked shit, but otherwise find her really attractive. Chloe Foster still has my heart in the pale, petite, emo department though

Hes confirmed one of them and Quentin

Somebody is triggered tonight.

fucking THIS!!!!

Stay mad lil dick white boy

Whats wrong? Are you scared?

>To bring great pleasure and enjoyment to inherently cuck white males

we all know nothing brings whites boys the highest satisfaction as seeing their women with dark men while they jack their tiny dicks in the corner

She's Jewish they'd never let that happen


The mods on this boards are literal cucks so these threads stay alive longer than any other board on the chan

I wanna see jessica chastain or bryce dallas howard do a watch mommy go black scene but with the BLACKED kinographers


It is clear by now that you are offended by my claims, and its ok. But trying to insult me in your negro slang wont solve anything.

Not replying will. Now be an obedient ''brother'' and go do something else.

Elsa (middle one) looks like she has a touch of something, but her face is pretty fuckable imo. Right (don't know her name) is kind of hot but there's something off about her face. Her forehead maybe. Left is just straight busted.

she's SO silly!

Jewesses burn coal too.


Also best site to upload this where they can't cry to the owner/dmca it??

good pasta

Why does Asian moot not fire the nigger mod for making these threads?

get mad

gook moot is a shit owner

To make me masturbate. And pay for it. Joke's on them, I only did ONE of those things.

Ever notice how it's always white girls who do this kind of demeaning shit on camera? So much for the "master race", amirite?

Scared of what? The bbc clearly lives rent free in your head m80.

Will you PLEASE stop posting my sister.

It's honestly all about racism and misogyny.

Seriously, the biggest consumers of cuck porn are from the Southern United states who hate niggers. The people watching it probably have grown to loathe women after constant rejection and extended time in solitude. What better way to see women defiled then to have them slum it with the race they most abhor?

No one else likes cuck porn.

It's strictly degradation fantasy and meme shitposting.

they sucked coal together and that's a bond that can never be broken

Asian women shove live octopi in their vaginas for money.

To get into the sorority. Pay attention next time

I'm white and deep down inside I love cuck porn.

Maybe I should transition I feel like many white males are repressed on this


>head tilted to make her chin look smaller

Literally bred for BBC

It literally hemorrhages money for studios more often than not, and thats proven multiple times by obsessed Sup Forumstards.

Its basically a forced meme. And once you start looking at why the rabbit hole just keeps getting darker and sicker.

Japan and Brazil are both capitals for weird porn you swine.

>All of them

That is just not true.

nice try alicecuck

But at least they aren't rimming niggers on camera.

>he doesn't like women with good jaws
Have fun having jawlet sons.

hrm realy maek u thunk . .

modern white women are trash. that's why I'm gonna marry my Uruguayan gf. she's basically white but she's not a sjw mega slut. black guys can have white women. i'd rather date a black chick than a white girl at this point.