Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
I was recently diagnosed with schizophrenic prodromes and I'm kinda struggling to come to terms with that and all that entails.
If anybody has been diagnosed with any mental issues like this I'd like to chat it out
Pic wholly unrelated

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paranoid skitzo here. a therapist helped me set some boundaries for thought. when I cross them I know I need to chill out and re work my viewpoint. starting with convincing myself that the government isn't stealing my thoughts (no matter what proof I have) and work my way back. had to quit all drug and alcohol consumption too. (made my grip on reality even more tenuous) but I live a totally normal life now. going to college, have "friends" and all that crap.

What's it like when symptoms actually start to kick in? I'm aparrently in the prodromal phase and I haven't experienced an active phase yet.

sucks dude, i hope you can cope.

lurking for the stories tbqh.

Nope, not me...

Not me either!

how did you not realize you were schizophrenic?

Anxiety and panic-attacks. Took a lot of work but I beat this shit

I'm not the person you're responding to, but when you're schizophrenic, these thoughts don't seem abnormal. they seem logical, as this person said, they had the "proof"

Please tell me how.

that's what I mean though , when I was a kid I used t have thoughts like that , from 5-8 I used to think that someone was coming to my house every night to murder me.
I used to think crazy shit like I invented certain words and that people could see through my eyes hear my thoughts and shit.
Once I reached a certain age though around 11 or 12 I realized that shit was crazy and there was no way any of that was possible.

Imagine that thinking continuing on and progressively getting worse. Welcome to schizophrenia.

Don't know what I have, but setting boundaries within your mind seems fucking retarded. Psychologists are basically there to limit your thinking, dumb you down and fuck you up- taking any gifts you've been given along with that.

I used to think that I was in the illuminati, used to think i could speak to demons and I used to fuck with them, even fucked a couple. I got over it myself.

I thought that I was living in hell, that I was a demon and a cat for three years. I know it's bullshit but I hold the memories close because I enjoyed that part of my life


your non-schizo briain realized that shit was crazy
a schizo brain is different
from what I understand, you may during remission realize that what you were thinking was crazy, but while in the active phase it makes perfect sense.

You'll make your life so much better if you:

>exercise daily
>stop using drugs/alcohol (even pot and coffee)
>remember: you have a mental illness and what you're feeling right now may not reflect reality
>keep taking your meds

Mental illness is MENTAL.
You have more control over your mind than you realize.

It did get worse though, I went almost 10 years dealing with all kinds of crazy shit like that but once I was smart enough to use logic rationalize and realize it was all in my head it stopped and has never happened again.

Paranoid schizophrenic here.

I was never forewarned and it hit like a loaded truck. I was told I was one of the worse cases and I'd never get better, but I slowly did over the years. I'm still a neet who is 19 at heart even though a decade has past. I've lost most of my friends, family, but prefer it that way.. It's not easy, OP, but it varies from person to person. There's a reason why they call schizophrenia "the cancer of mental illness".

I wouldn't lose hope after reading this, though.
After everything I've been through, I want to live and tomorrow is another day.

and that's the thing at the time it did make sense , for almost 10 years it made perfect sense , I spent 3 years terrified as fuck every single night cause I thought I was going to be killed while I was in bed among a million other delusions

I'm concerned because I don't know what the hallucinations or anything is like
Are you able to tell what is a hallucination and what isn't?
When in the active phase, are you a danger to yourself or others around you? I don't want to hurt anybody.

>Are you able to tell what is a hallucination and what isn't?
When it first hit, no. I thought I was talking to my friends in a parallel universe for the first 6 months. After I pulled myself out of all the nonsense, it's just background noise nowadays. It took a long time for me to get to the realization that it's all in my head. The sooner the better OP.
>When in the active phase, are you a danger to yourself or others around you? I don't want to hurt anybody.
Schizophrenics are mistaken as violent people.. It's just a myth. You probably will think of suicide a lot more often though. It's up to you to reinforce positive thoughts.

Not everyone experiences hallucinations. Sometimes it can just be a 'warped' view of thinking.

Sometimes I wake up and I feel like today was replaced, in the sense that things aren't how they should be. Logically, I understand how my brain comes to think this way, so I know this isn't the case. Doesn't do much in terms of changing how it feels.

Also try tickling yourself.

Schizophrenia is the beauty of all mental illnesses smh

Paranoid bipolar here. I've had phases where I spoke to demons and even believed I could summon them in the shower. The feeling that walked over me when I summoned them (to live inside of me) whas empowering and I kept doing it until I got worse than worse until I finally drank a bottle of draino thinking that it would kill the demons inside of me and that I was ridding the world of its demons by transferring them into me and then killing them. I was a "demon hunter." I ended up in the hospital after a few days of going on a trip to wyoming to be a cowboy and breaking into a strangers house to take over his ranch and call it my own since in my head the ranch was a gift to me from God. Almost got shot the guy pulled a gun on me and I spent the next 6-8 months in a psych ward. Those are the only times I ever almost hurt myself or got myself killed. Maybe it will be different for you OP best of luck. You just wanna keep people around you who can keep you tethered to reality so you don't go off the deep end like I did because it can happen in the blink of an eye going from 100% normal to batshit insane

Been hearing voices, my psychiatrist gave me seroquel and now adderall

>stop using drugs/alcohol (even pot and coffee)

even decaf?

decaf still has some caffeine . caffeine won't affect you when you're dormant but when you become active it will make you stay awake longer and thus worsten your symptoms

Depression and anxiety here. took way too much shrooms a few months back and now I get bad anxiety and mild hallucinatory shit often when I get tired. Sometimes it'll get so bad I have to go for a walk around. Anyone else in a similar situation?

There are lots of theories.

But... theories on how to deal with mental illness, devised by people currently suffering from mental illness, are something you may want to treat with caution.


Yes. Even decaf.
Educate yourself if you have a mental illness.

>not even riveted

larp/cosplay trash

Not schizophrenic myself actually. I'm the guy who mentioned the shroom trip. I know coffee makes the anxiety worse so I've cut it out, and I had some decaf which exacerbated the anxiety a little bit still too. I'm gonna miss coffee.

My heart goes out to the anons with schizophrenia. I have a hard enough time putting up with what I've got.

yeah I know, butted is a horrible thing, but I feel it's good for demonstration of linking patterns, because there's less visually there
half solid/half riveted is my personal fave

migraine-fag here.
>Not schizo

I mostly get classic migraine symptoms that rarely intersect with the brain scrambling you guys have, but.....

>pic related

has long had me very, very curious. The artist, Louis Wain, was diagnosed and treated for schizophrenia that progressively worsened over time. Yet, the stuff he painted looks SO much like the classic "scintillating scotoma" which itself is almost completely alien to any normal perception.

Do you guys ever see hallucinations resembling this? Jagged oscillating rainbow bands? Or is it just some bizarre coincidence that Wain happened to see these things?

looks like what I saw that one time I did acid

Scotoma = blind spot - especially in terms of perception.
Used in polite society to indicate someone with a moral/political/whatever blind spot.

>it's all in your head

"scintillating scotoma" - a particular kind of blind spot that's surrounded by rapidly oscillating, jaggedly angled bands of color. It's, afaik, peculiar to migraine.

My scotoma so don't take the form of cats, (lol) but the fringes surrounding them, DO resemble the fringes around Wain's cat pics. The interior of the scotoma is dead space; kind of grayish. But the outer border is anything but dead.

Anyway, you would probably be better off seeking medical treatment for your condition than babbling about conspiracy theories on Sup Forums.

90% of the time it just makes we want to kill myself.

Schizos are impossible to deal with and reason with, if they have a delusion that there is a conspiracy against them and you tell them that there isn't, you become part of the conspiracy. I lost a bro to mental health.

Another schizo here, not diagnosed though.

For me it started the same as this user , it was after a trip n-Bome and hit hard after a lot of speed and cannabis some months later.

I often described the voices as angels (not beliving in it though it's just a way of describing them), sometimes they were good, but sometimes they evaluated what i was doing, and thinking which was pretty annoying.

One day i decided to do what my angels told me to do, and it felt great (was pretty high on cannabis though).

After that i come to realize it was my conscience but somehow in voices of other people i know.
I think that i somehow got distant from my conscience, ergo myself.
It's no wonder for me as i was pretty hyperactive as a child, what leads to a lot of unpleasant reactions from others and procrastinated a lot in my teens (stonerfag), and still do.
It's like you know what is the right thing to do, but you don't follow it or test it out - lack of inner motivation i would call it. Sooner or later these itches become bigger and bigger and then comes the crazy.

Now it only comes back when i'm wasted, or when i smoke pretty strong cannabis. But somehow i just know what's going on and i let it swoosh.

i was diagnose with psychopathic personality distorter, it made me feel weird knowing i havent even felt emotions like other people do