Why did people vote for this guy? Explain it to a non-american, please. Are all americans just stupid?

Why did people vote for this guy? Explain it to a non-american, please. Are all americans just stupid?

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We thought we'd get true nationalism, only to find out he was a globalist puppet for Israelis.

Also, fuck Antifa, and fuck Reddit.

Sup Forums

go there

cause that other hag was shit

This. I don't hate him but I am disappoint


Hillary was worse.

>not understanding that people have different opinions
>not understanding that people have different political interests
>asking americans for help understanding something unironically
>thinking that one person can explain the voting decisions and motivations of millions of americans
>actually probably maybe being serious about this

OP is an ignorant non-American bitch asking Americans for their help with condescension.

Fuck off, yo.

lesser of 2 evils. hillarys billions spent on a campaign that was essentially "really ur gonna vote for this guy?" got tiring after a while and helped recruit voters for trump.

More Americans voted for Hillary than Trump, by the millions in fact.

> because the 'acceptable' alternative was just as bad
> people were disillusioned by healthcare changes and he promised to fix it
> people are naive
> he's a really good liar

At the end of the day you really have to blame Hillary Clinton for this more than anyone else. She blames Comey, Wikileaks, and sexism, but in reality if you don't do stupid shit that can get leaked (rigging primary), guess what? They can't leak it. Her little speech yesterday just proves how out of reality and selfish she is.

The other large portion of the blame goes to the American people for believing a word the man said, and not working together to rally behind a non Trump, non Hillary alternative.

Nobody is gonna check this?

>Are all americans just stupid?

Remember to ignore Shareblue.

>implying that if you were old enough to vote, you wouldn't vote for the worst socialist fuckstain politician you could find because "muh social justice and free services" you support

They believed his lies.

How about this? GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD EUROCUCK! THIS IS AN AMERICAN BOARD FOR FUCKING AMERICANS ONLY! Trump signed an executive decision banning all subhuman Non-American pieces of shit from our cyberspace! You are not allowed to dance across our virtual borders anymore! This is illegal cyber immigration and terrorism! Go the fuck back to your own third world shithole of a countrys cyberspace and stay the fuck off of AMERICAN websites!

We didn't want another politician saying the same old things just to get our vote. We wanted someone who would actually make changes to help our country. We didn't want a warmongering sociopath to lead the world into nuclear war (inb4 Trump is warmonger). And even though all powerful figures in the country didn't want him elected, the blue collar working man and woman wanted him. We're sick of what lies we've been fed by our government and knew it was time for a change, or keep what we've had for many more years to come. Also, Hillary was just a bad choice overall.


those quints deserve tits

You're probably the kind of fucktard that calls every state that went for Trump dumbfuckistan

Conservatives got cucked

>Actually make changes to help our country
>Selling us off to the highest corporate bidder

Yep, good work there, moron.

Shhh user, Trump supporters hate when you say truthful things, and Trump apologists don't want to be reminded that their vote actually didn't matter.

Bernie wouldn't have worked.

the fact that the elite and masses of useful idiots didn't want trump was a good sign

Shut up satan

You forget that there were many illegal voters, so those get thrown out. And by many, I meant a few million illegal votes.

Any state that went establishment DNC or RNC is dumbfuckistan.

America is dumbfuckistan. Both sides ignorant as fuck.

Hahahaha okay. Show me some proof, any proof.

To make the Marxists in DC suffer.

not sure if troll or....

This, really.
Not American, but most of the election speeches were televised here. I would probably have voted Trump just because he talked about his actual policies (most of which sounded pretty shitty, to be honest) while Hilary waffled on about how only idiots would vote for Trump without saying much about her own plans.

I voted for him because I dislike liberals, faggots, trans-gender's and foreigners. I have nothing against niggers as long as they work and pull their damned pants up

>Why did people vote for this guy? Explain it to a non-american, please.
Same reason far-right nationalist candidates are popping up all over Europe. A variety of demographic changes and tensions converging in a perfect storm and a howl of resistance from baby boomers who are tired of change.

For what it's worth... fewer people voted for Trump than his opponent. He only got the job because of a quick of how votes are districted.

Let me guess, BSABSVR? Fuck off.

the lowest estimated number of fraudulent votes for hillary was about 800,000

if you drop those trump still wins

At least I wouldn't have to worry about the internet.

That alone would be worth having shilldogg.

Doesn't matter. Total popular vote isn't what is used. If it was, campaigning would have been done differently. Instead we use the electorial college, and they vote for us (based on the popular votes for the given state, or not in some cases).


The quints have a good point. OP you are being a faggot right now. This retard was elected months ago, so go find factual information on it instead of shitposting.

Help an ausfag out here.
This electrol college stuff... let me see if I got this right.

Let's say City A and City B have 1 million people each and everyone votes for Trump.
City C has 3 million and everyone votes Hilary.

Trump wins cos he got 2 cities? That how it works?

I'm well aware of that. Doesn't change the fact that your boy Donny lost by the MILLIONS in the popular vote. Just because our fucked up system put him in office doesn't mean he deserved it or was a good choice.

Because her emails, right? But the entire republican party sucking Putin's cock is perfectly acceptable to you because, hey, Trump and his cabinet may have been treasonous cunts, but at least their emails are secure... Oh wait, washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/03/02/hackers-accessed-a-private-email-account-vice-president-pence-used-for-official-business-as-indiana-governor/?utm_term=.b9a73407ae5d.

read the wiki page, ausfag, or watch this

Basically it's about states and not people. The focus is on the federal level. Population does give some states more voting power, but the distribution does not directly relate to population.


why? us economy is not really doing as good as it used to during the last century. the 21st century world produces products that are as good and even better than us products and they do it cheaper.
us were used to a world that wants to live the american dream and needs them to be defended. now most of those countries are doing pretty good and the "defence"-thing lost it's weight (despite that this is a nato thing and not a only us thing).
us global influence and role as the leader of the western world is weaker than ever and even on the military sector many nations left the "it's ok when us say it's ok and we will follow them"-faction.
us are still the major voice in the "western" world but the old, used to work unilateralism (we (us) talk -you listen) system does not exist anymore and many nations do only listen if the us listen to them too.
us lost their role as role model for the world. the worlds youth does not want to be as american as possible and many countries they decided intall a "democracy" at refused or it just did not work while it worked so good in europe after wwII.

a system the old, cold war leader of the free world us never got used to.
so they had to decide:

a) face the problems that a globalized world creates and find a new role. one which maybe is less powerfull (not powerless) than before since the others countries grew stronger (economics and military). a tough decision to make since it equals losing the place on top because you share it and it will require every country and every person to reduce their standard of living. since you need to find a level that allows you to compete with low wage countries.
b) one can decide to "ignore" the problems that come with globalisation while trying to rebuilt that world that used to be the way they want it to be.

irony: russia / putin chose that b) way too. another former super power that lost much of it's role as a once leader of half of the world.


trump is an idiot and clinton a bitch that would sell her soul to gain power. So trump at least has a kind of better morals.

Tried that. I think I get it, but its a weird system.

Yeah... gonna repeat and say its a weird system. But its a big place, I guess. Without that shit I guess everyone would just shoot to get the biggest states on their side

Holy shit that's rich. You're a brainwashed idiot.

This is the average Trump supporter. 63 million people just like this cunt.

What illegal voters though? You cant vote without an SSN.

Problem: Idiot believes infowars and not the 130 million dollars that his party has invested into convicting Clinton of anything. Idiots have failed, after 130 million dollars of taxpayer money, a republican dominated house and senate has still failed to find any crimes beyond "shitty email policy". Dumbasses whose nether regions get tingly when Alex Jones rips off his shirt and talks about lizard people still try to justify the horrible people they are with this lunatic's babblings.

You'd have to take into account American history. They started out as a collection of states that grouped together for mutual benefits. Each individual state/governor at that time didn't really want to lose what power they had, especially to the other states/people.

are you stupid, they don't have any choice,
they're both evil and corruptive,the le americans have no choice but to choose one lesser evil,
it's either the racist guy or the liar,

Oh truu




American here, I voted for Trump because I needed a little UMPH in my life. His daughter is hot as hell, he's a troll, and Hillary is a liberal cuck who is boring as hell. Trump may be bring down this nation, but he extended my life.


You got it in one.

good work comrades

doubtful you are non-american.
positive you are butthurt.
I didn't vote for him.
I voted against Hillary.

Only about 25% of our electorate are stupid, less than half of the turnout. He won with the largest negative-vote margin ever. Five times Bush Jr's deficit.

If not for the electoral college, Bush Sr. would have been the last Republican president.

will the crying ever end?

sure kid.

Fuck Socialism!

Cant stump the Trump youtu.be/5UNwjB-k6aI

Literally every american is a stupid, in-bred, retarded cuntflap.
If the USA and the middle east didn't exist, this world would be perfect.

>>Trump was still a better choice than hillary though

Why does any politician win? He had a better campaign. More people voted for him. And, essentially, Americans ARE ignorant to problems not their own, and men like this exploit the fear that this sheltering causes.

Yea...millions of shit poor, uneducated, urban dwellers, who literally always vote the straight ticket for democrat regardless of who is running because it's their meal ticket.

Bad-mouthing America's a great way to get bombed.

>we thought we'd get true nationalism

Basically you retards believed everything a politician said without an ounce of critical thinking ?

You're just responding to all of the Democrats who think all republicans are, "poor, uneducated, [rural] dwellers who literally vote the straight ticket for [Republican] regardless of who is running because [they want to impress dad]."

Because the other choice was a corrupt, lying old whorebag.

Actually most people who knew Hillary was a piece of shit but aren't so fucking braindead they would vote for a blatantly obvious con man who has no idea what the fuck he's doing voted for Hillary. Only mentally handicapped people think Trump has ever given a fuck about this country.

>Are all americans just stupid?

Just the people who voted for Hillary

>but you can vote without ID

What if both Hillary and Trump care about this country than you ever did because their actions speak for it? God, I can't believe this election tricked me and so many others into such hysteria.

Most didn't vote for Trump. He lost on a large scale. It was proven that votes were tampered with, yet no one will fix the issue. That is how America is, too afraid to fix corruption.

Public education in the US is lacking, there's no history and no critical thinking on the curriculum.
Their media doesn't carry news, but propaganda, serving the owners of the media.
No unbased media means no coverage of anything which said owners don't want covered.
Which is why only the rich can go into politics, as any candidate must pay for their own coverage.

So no, the Americans aren't necessarily stupid, they're just ignorant and uninformed.

Also the American vote doesn't mean shit. It's the electoral college that determines everything. They're just the spawn of rich asshole who vote how they're paid.

You are the dumbest person I have ever come across, and I once lived in kentucky.

Because he is the only one that tell the truth.

Debunked multiple times. Stop rambling about made up shit.

You don't speak English do you? I've been listening and that umpalumpa talk for two years, and he has yet to say anything at all.

It doesn't make any sense, it never has.

>removes everything about climate change
>telling the truth

>inb4 jew cuck

The reason liberals didn't win this one was because they was too much infighting. Instead of rallying under a single common enemy, they were fighting each other. Bernie and Hillary both were fighting one another, splitting the votes apart and making sides form.

I remember, after Bernie dropped out, I chose to vote Trump, and I refused to vote Hillary, even though policy-wise she was the more desired candidate.

Simply Bernie was too busy digging up shit on Hillary and Hillary was too busy trying to make up for that instead of supporting each other, and preventing Trump from winning.

This election, if anything, taught me that most of these fuckers are just out there for power, not for the concerns of the american people.

Trump is doing his best right now. I'd like to think Bernie would killing it in office, but because he was too busy telling liberals that they were stupid for voting Hillary, he failed to get the support he needed, and dropped out.

Fucking Liberals ruin everything.

Honestly? At the heart of it, I believe most people who voted for him, did so because they are simply tired of the same old shit. People wanted something beyond what they always get from their politicians and thought, maybe this guy will make a real impact, whether good or bad. Nothing is going to change though. The wheels on the jew-bus go round and round...

but as it turns out, not as shit as the orang utan

only because you were stupid enough to believe that a billionaire who has never done anything for anyone but himself and is clearly a narcissist and pro privatizing everything to profit from it ever cared about you.

A 1% chance of nationalism was a better vote than the 100% chance of further globalist cucking we would have had with Hillary. It's not really that hard to understand, many Americans wanted something(anything) different than the same shit we've been getting.

oh look four numbers the same, how super.

oh look shiney things, how super

oh look my aitism consellor, how supper
oh look dubs, how super

oh look Sup Forums idiots making lots of comments about a few numbers repeating, in a psudo random fashion.

fuck sake guys, isn't it time we got over the fact that in a sequential series of numbered posts some will have repeating digits?

Populism and fear mongering. Same reason people voted for Brexit. They're playing with the feelings and fears of the general populace that doesn't know much about actual politics. Also lots of lies.

so you never read her extenisive policy declarations ont he website, or litened to her speeches, or watched the debates then?

jeez, if all you listen to are soundbites on Fox what do you expect.

Fuck off moot. Youve always hated the dubs


Dubs don't lie