You guys ready for the movie of the year. Uncircumcised cucks please don't watch this video

You guys ready for the movie of the year. Uncircumcised cucks please don't watch this video.

It's going to be the shittiest movie in a long time.

>Not giving into the genital Jew

Lol, dude who wrote this must have a circumcised baby dick.

>Alienates the entire foreign market with the mark of the jew

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Americans?


Older Australians used to be circumcised at similar rate to Americans but younger ones are not.

WTF I hate Kristen Bell, MIla Kunis and that other chick now

How can Mila Kunis stoop so low.

America cucked South Korea in to circumcising their kids?

>KBell cosplaying as a giant uncut cock
Great, a new fetish is born.

Older Australians living somewhere sandy.

I haven't been mutilated, but I found that funny. Kathryn Hahn is very underrated in my opinion.

That's not even a movie. It's just an angle less shit of them in the mirror talking offensively about cocks

haha funny picture, i love radiohead

Circumsisized cocks look better.

It's more hygienic, and it reduces the chance you get AIDS.

Anteater dickfags are some of the most insecure little cuckolds on the planet.

yeah but we can always get circumcised if we wanted too

you're stuck with your mutilated dick

>It's more hygienic, and it reduces the chance you get AIDS.
[citation needed]

did I ask for your opinion Reddit? now fuck off

>Anteater dickfags are some of the most insecure little cuckolds on the planet.

You just made a post stating how you need to mutilate your cock in order to feel good about how it looks, and that you're worried about your ability to maintain your own hygene.

How is that an expression of having fewer insecurities about one's dick than a person who's happy with what they were born with?