Can We please do something about #FireColbert? If anyone said anything half as bad as he did about Obama...

Can We please do something about #FireColbert? If anyone said anything half as bad as he did about Obama, they wouldn't have gotten away with it. Whether you like Trump or not, he's trying his hardest and getting results. I'm begging you glorious fuckers to get this guy fired.

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An hero please

What is wrong with you? Seek help.

I wish he would get fired. He's a libtard moron.

"Waaah, I need my safe space. Someone abuse the court system so I don't have to be confronted by ideals that confuse and frighten me!"

OP, you're a fucking crybaby pussy. When did conservatives become such pants shitting cowards?

If HIllary won, would you let us call her a cocksucker on national television as our first female President? No. It's hypocrisy

but colbert is fucking great

colbert is a character, and he's funny

>If anyone said anything half as bad as he did about Obama, they wouldn't have gotten away with it

That just means you have at least twice as much freedom of speech under Trump
I thought 'murricans would kill and die for their freedom of speech

Still hurt that Hillary lost huh? If people said shit like this about Obama 5 months ago they'd be served on a fucking spit roast

Pussy. Cant face the fact your angry orange old man candidate with tiny hands has so many bad things to said about.

I thought it was libcucks who were afraid of words, not conservitards.

>That means there's twice as much freedom of speech

No you fucking idiot. Freedom of speech is still there. I never said he should be in Jail. I said fired. He doesnt deserve a paycheck

I'm a liberal.

speaking of spit's the ole wifey these days?

I voted for Hillary, and all I'm saying is that if she won, they wouldnt have been doing this. I want the politics out of my comedy. The elections over, we lost. Get over it

which is, funnily enough, precisely the reason he WONT get fired
really revs up that grey matter

nice try trump.

colbert used to be pretty funny but since leaving comedy central his show is unfunny garbage

holy fuck the stupidity is so real

I don't give a shit about any if this shit, but what the fuck is happening in America? Those on the left seem to be getting violent and causing a ruckus and those on the right are being the cry babies looking for a safe place. I just find it interesting. Also, isn't Trump trying to get the ability to sue people who say mean things to him? Fucking hilarious.


keep crying snowflake

Sorry, I don't argue politics with adolescents on the Internet.

>all I'm saying is that if she won, they wouldnt have been doing this
No shit, because she wouldn't be performing nearly as bad.

And conservatives would still be shit talking her anyway.


Yet Youtube gets it's 80% of it's ads pulled because of a few videos with Controversial subject matter ? So its Wrong to make fun of everyone and everything BESIDES Trump is what your saying.

Why are conservatives so easily triggered?

I would. who gives a fuck?

Pick another late night show then. Wont find comedy or politics warching jimmy falon though. Everyone gets scrutinized, trump is jusy making it easy for everyone.

I think it's because on the left you have the majority of the entertainment and comedy folks, and on the right you have angry talk show host yelling into a microphone. It's all the same shit that would come out somehow depending on what side won. It's just a different outlet depending on what side it was.


Basic psychology.

People who always talk so tough and macho are obviously compensating for being wussies.

Again, Im a Liberal.

Triggered conservacuck. Go cry, pussy.

Agreed. Liberals need to stop being so sensitive about everything and grow a thicker skin. Jokes are just jokes.

prove it

He is #1 in the ratings, deal with it conservative snowflake.

He has gotten a lot more "shilly" since he started his new job. Probably since he's forced to say what he's told or risk his job.

Oops, wrong thread. Anyway OP, I agree completely. This is simply unacceptable, comedy is one thing but people shouldn't be allowed to just go on TV and say these kinds of hurtful things. Why are liberals always so hateful?

you dont try to fire people for saying things you dont like. thats what leftists do.

Nice try cimservacuck

>Bait: The post.

Nobody watches late night shows anymore.


Ha. Good job friend.

> (OP) #
>An hero please

H3h3 Stopped making money for their videos for doing way less than what Colbert did. And they have the same sponsors. The only difference is that H3H3 makes fun of everything besides the President.

>he's trying his hardest and getting results

Again, Im a fucking Liberal. You're making us look stupid,

He's not making ad revenue anymore but has a shit load of sponserships so he can do fun vids like the tank one.

Holy fuck you are sad. Sad!

You are making you look stupid.

fake news

>Republican Justice Gorsich
>Keystone Pipeline
>TPP Withdrawl

Should i continue? What did obama do in his first 100 days that was so fucking special?

He shouldn't be fired.fuck that. People on the right need to look and see how offended they get while at the same time calling the lift snowflakes for getting offendeded. All because someone "insulted" the president. He's a fucking comic you pussies

No, I actually have an argument. You're talking like some highschooler that got into the school's computer lab and went on Sup Forums for memes instead of actual discussion. In which case, you're pretty fucking stupid.

Right because we can just say this after the fact and know it to be 100% true.

It shouldn't be wrong. Everyone and everything is fair game. Everyone needs to wipe their twat and calm down

Again, Comedians have said less than him and gotten their ad revenue pulled because of it.

>listing gorsich as an accomplishment

wow congrats, literally took donald zero effort.

I knew donald would be a failure, but this is getting beyond pathetic.

ib4 pictures of a fence from 2015 that trumptards think is a new wall being built by daddy donald. literal cucks

Fuck off cuckservative

>if I say I voted for Hillary they will surely believe me tee hee

that's called free market capitalism

fuck off pc police

colbert triggers cucks so easily

Exactly, so Liberals get edgy comedy yet Conservatives don't? What bullshit is that?

>Again, Im a fucking Liberal. You're making us look stupid,

I believe you are a liberal. In fact it's obvious that you're trying (and failing) to make conservatives look stupid by being a really incompetent false flag. In other words, we're supposed to think "look at this dumb Trump voter, trying so poorly to pass himself off as a liberal."

Next time, don't use "I'm begging you glorious fuckers" that's too cringey and obvious, as is the hash tag and the general crybaby tone.

And that kind of shit is stupid. I really hate to use the "free speech bro" argument but for real. Even hate speech is free speech. Why the fuck is everyone so asshurt over every little thing

What is your argument again pissy? That poor little you cant handle politics in his comedy show he chooses to watch. Heres a solution for you faggot. Dont watch it and go fuck yourself instead.

conservatives suck at comedy, get over it

Dude I've seen both sides getting butt hurt as fuck. It's all retarded. All of it.

Not your personal army, pal!

>Zero effort

He had to get the Supreme Court to Override a filibuster from the Whole Democratic Party. Also it's still a result that people wanted from him. So your argument is pretty fucking stupid

HOLY SHIT colbert triggered the PC police

get fucked cucks

I call woo woo on you

dropping a big bomb on afghanistan is an accomplishment....

Some of Obama's were beginning the process of withdrawal from Iraq, the Lily Ledbetter fair pay act, reversing Bush's dumbass ban on stem cell research, passing the stimulus and saving the US auto industry, among others.

>He had to get the Supreme Court to Override a filibuster from the Whole Democratic Party.

lmao wut? why are conservatives so stupid?

all donald has done is play golf and sign a bunch of executive orders written by retards that arent legal

My argument: it's unfair that MY favorite comedians get their shit fucked for talking about Christians, Yet THIS cocksucker gets away with literally offending half the country because Fuck Trump

Colbert the shit...leave him alone you trolls

You forgot bringing ISIS into power

oh yea obama literally founded isis. daddy donald said so and i am a cuck so i will repeat every dumbass thing he said

also colbert offends me. waah waah

>it's unfair

top kek. find a safe space user

Lol so because you say it's not true, makes it not true? He plays golf at his own resort and doesnt take a presidential check. Hes not even doing it on taxpayers money

Amerilards in general have scarce sense of humor, since they heavily revolve on themself too much to be fun to the ears of somebody who's not american himself. Only South Park probably manages to be worldwide enjoyable.

Lack of irony, but more importantly, of self-irony of whatever form is just one of the bane currently crucifixing amerilards in their own shit. Colbert is one of the funniest comedian they have, conservatives are less funny than the average american, they have power now, so it's probably fitting est for them to get rid of the first place, before the orange bimbo starts wiggling those tiny hands on the wrong buttons.

The world is pathetic, but the US are simply THE cesspool. The only positive aspect is that we seriously riak to see the end of this garbage called Earth thanks to the fasciat pig once and for all.

GO TRUMP, make bigbang great again.

>pulling out of Iraq
And creating a power vaccume

>stimulus bill, auto bail out

How those can be "accomplishments" is beyond me

He actually did, Pulling out of Iraq was what started it. He even had a chance to stop them, but instead he called them JV. Do you even know what youre talking about?

As much as i agree with you about religion being bullshit, comparing it to a candidate being ripped on is apples to oranges. Religion can be way more offensive than making fun of a candidate

>not on taxpayer money

You sure about that? Like at all?

>Whether you like Trump or not, he's trying his hardest and getting results
>trying his hardest
>getting results

What the fuck are you talking about.
Stay stupid.

Fuck safe spaces. I'd rather watch him get fired like the people who I liked to watch.

Starting iraq war by that logic created it dumb ass, shall we pin this on bush?

so do something about it instead of whining online like a child

>He plays golf at his own resort and doesnt take a presidential check.

lmao.... 1 of donalds trips to golf or mar a lago cost more than his entire presidential sallary for a year.

you are funny

How could he?! He's not getting Paid and he has his own fucking jet to get to a place that HE OWNS

If people wanted another Bush they wouldve elected Jeb. Nobody likes Bush

Like who Bill O Riley?

Pulling out of iraq did not start ISIS. ISIS didn't enter Iraq until a year and a half after all US troops were out of Iraq. What was going on in Syria was a bigger driver of ISIS emerging than Iraq. And in the end it was invading Iraq, not leaving it, that set the whole place on fire in the first place.

Of course we do.,amp.html

For even being there? Yes

For announcing when we were gonna be out of there? For arming isis? For calling them the JV team while they took over city after city, that's all on barry

You're dumb as fuck. It cost more in security than the presidential salary

Super glad that fuck got the boot

I suppose all the secret service agents travel for free there too, trump despite saying he would rarely take vacations, despite pissing himself with rage if Obama took time off has spent more money on his golf trips in his first 100 days than Obama did in 8 years, that useless obese sack of shit isn't only a liar and a hypocrite but he is a waste of money too

>He's not getting Paid and he has his own fucking jet to get to a place that HE OWNS