Why conservatives and Trump supporters worship this man?

Why conservatives and Trump supporters worship this man?

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Because they're fucking morons. Lmao. How is this not apparent?

I don't.

he stands for a lot of the same policies as the conservatives. They just don't fall for the identity politics.

It makes them seem less homophobic

I don't worship him but he gets shit done that most of quite kids are incapable of doing. I don't agree with everything he says/does but as long as he's dealing with the stupidity on college campuses then I'm right behind him ifyouknowwhatimean.

Black conservative btw. Race shouldn't matter but somehow people think that because I'm black I'm a bedwetting liberal.

>who was phone camera

Milo bf pls go

>old meme
>old photo

Get fucked

They aint homophobes

He is the same as those ""conservative gurls"" like Lauren Southern who are in their 30's and still single with no kids but talk shit all day about feminism. They are in there for the money from betas who love anyone who tells them what they want to hear.

>old meme
>old photo
Does that mean he is no longer a degenerate arrogant faggot who fucks niggers?


because the left couldn't touch him without being called a homophobe.

Trump/Milo/Alex Jones/Rebel Media/Ben Shapiro supporters are not conservatives but CUCKSERVATIVES.
They're just brainless rednecks obsessed with the idea of serving to israel no matter what.
A real conservative figths for his country and will never defend degenerates, pedos, nigger lovers and kike supporters like Milo and Trump
Source: I may be the last true conservative on earth.

Because the majority of neo conservatives that voted for trump dont give a fux about gays, the gays wanna fight like they are still shunned by society because being anti was cool and edgy and thats why they turned gay and now they just suck dick for no reason cause the majority of americans jusy dont care anymore.

Ironically, gay people are way less cucked by the zionists and israel, than these new wave of neo-con faggotry.
At least gay people don't like jews, unlike Trump supporters.

Because youtu.be/5UNwjB-k6aI

>I may be the last true conservative on earth
>on Sup Forums

Alt-right is the opposite of conservative my friend, do i really need to explain you why a movement that has a jewish pedophile, nigger lover can't be conservative?

we don't , that said he shows liberals their fucking hypocrisy are so we like him for that.
Thats why the Afeeta leaders are so scared shitless of that fagot.

not like having your leaders pushing for muslim law in the USA oor being led by soros

This isnt pol you dumb cunt this b. We hate niggers, especially ego fueled ones who tell everyone they're black.