Hi, Redditor here

Hi, Redditor here.
This is a right wing website right?

Other urls found in this thread:



Well this site is plagued with pedos, nigger lovers, trap faggots, zionist cucks... So yeah, pretty much nowadays "right wing"


Stfu Sup Forumstard go back to your board


No, we're all non-political, self-entitled pond scum.
Our opinions are just opposite.
"opposite of what?" I hear you ask - to which the answer is "yes, opposite".


No, that would be tumblr
This website is for left leaning people who wants civilized discussions. If you're right wing you can get out of here you nazi

pretty accurate
I'm cancer though

No fuck off with the politics

Basically Sup Forums is website about who can take Devil's Advocate to the autistic level.

gerfag here. i like trump and think he was the better choice as a president, despite my media trying to manipulate me otherwise. or did i just form my opinion based on the media reports because i am a hipster faggot? we will never know.

Fuck mang. Imma Jew.
Seriously tho the table is flawed authoritarian left would be like Marxist extremists. Jews aren't marxists. Their love of shekels prevents them from it

Dubs get

be gone nigger

check it

Ish. It's anti-SJW/PC and hates niggers. This is largely due to a very high number of INTJ/Ps. But that doesn't mean it is right wing, just that the left wing isn't favored.

>Jews aren't marxists


Oh boy here we go

Nah. It's a happy mix of all ideals. A site where we debate & challenge each other's ideas &political views in a mature, well thought out debate. Nigger

Cancer here. This is accurate. Though I am pro-trump.

I guess

Mind=blown amirite?
Communism= share of wealth between all classes. Do you honestly see Jews sharing their shekels? They fit in better as middle ground capitalists or libertarian right wing.

No, this website allows both right and left wing opinions unlike leddit which censor right wing opinions.

Wait so Sup Forums=Jews?
Somehow I'm not surprised

>ex navy seal
>100 confirmed shitposts
>feel the Bern


You can only express right wing views on /r/thedonald, the rest of leddit will censor and ban you for having non liberal opinions.

>Mind=blown amirite?

No, it's just low quality bait.

Stalin's advisors were all jews. Karl Marx was a jew. The progressive agenda is being pushed by jews. Communism is the perfect system for the jews because it allows them full control over the goyim.

This is about the best description I´ve read about this site so far. I like you.

Can you read?

Sup Forums is full of right wing dipshits, Sup Forums is just full of assholes.

Says dipshit

It's not, but it does have a fairly large right wing community. They're the loud children screaming about Sup Forums - hard to miss.

right wing are assholes, left wing gets triggered. It's better to troll cunts who get triggered rather than people who already know their assholes

I have more fun trolling the right wing posters tbh. They don't see it coming, and they're too far up their own asses to know when a liberal is actually a tard or just messing with them.

Republicans are the new cancer

Lost my fucking shit.

As a liberal myself, that says a lot more about liberals than right wingers...

As a conservative i actually despise way more tha
liberals, these fake "neo-con" idiots supporting zionist scum like Trump and degenerate faggots like that homosexual pedo, nigger lover, Milo.Israel is the biggest cancer on earth.


please die

If you mean that every poster is either a paid shill for the right or a colossal fuckhead ie, the only sort of people who would support trump, then yes.

Trump is still a much better choice than many others. Even ((they)) like him the least. Trump hates mudslimes more, enemy of my enemy and all that.

Hillary also killed thousands of muslims, the real problem is zionism.

Just because trump was one of our 2 only choices does not mean he's a better choice than anything.

Why would you ever admit that. Even if its anonymous, have some self respect.

Its like theyve never read 1984, that is jew paradise.

Do you really think, when I said anything, you I meant every human alive to day you autistic faggot?

First and foremost, it's a breeding ground for trolls. And troll behavior always comes across as right-wing.

Moot point, really, since none of them are old enough to vote anyway.

I don't mind being cancer. I'm an Ethno-nationalist, but on the political compass I am just right of Gandhi.

>, the real problem is zionism.

Though I disagree with the first part, I agree with the 2nd. Imo the main reason for this is because the Muslims will do a fine job of making everyone hate them. However Hillary wouldn't even say "Islamic terrorism" and an anti-jew president is a pipe dream.

Hlllary would act as PC as the jewish funded "Anti-islamophobe" movements, it's just damage controll.
Notice how these (supposed to be) anti-islamophobe groups never mention or boycot israel on their marchs? well, it's not really a coincidence.
Hillary and Trump in a nutshell:

I never said Trump didn't love Israel. I was saying of the realistic candidates they all did. So when you remove that from the equation Trump was the clear winner.

>This is a right wing website right?
This is one of the most liberal sites on the internet.

Liberal; yes, left wing; no.

Sup Forums is right wing, Sup Forums is all over the place. Commies, Facist, Anarchist, you name it we have it.

This bald cunt honestly destroyed you guys:

Sup Forums is the path to truth and awakening.

Sup Forums is at least 70% trolls so it's hard to tell. Sup Forums originally birthed Sup Forums and has historically been against censorship and other left-wing social ideals though.

Sup Forums is delusional.

>implying thats bad in any way

GG faggot.

>Sup Forums is the path to truth and awakening.
It's is not, Sup Forums is a zionist shithole controlled by JIDF

Fuck off back to your containment/echo-chamber board.

They just need some help right now.

>censorship is left wing
You mean authoritarian? Or are you retarded?

no, it's a mixed site. some fascist dickbrains, a few delusional lefties and libtards. And a selection of noble anarchists


I'm talking about PC bullshit and things like "safe spaces". Right now the left is authoritarian af.

Sup Forums is autist wing, we all belive in autism and personify the autism. Autism will rule the world one day

Sup Forums is the aut cloud


censorship=100% niggers

no exceptions

Yeah but the libertarian left still exist. Plus "SJW's" aren't really a thing. It's not a mainstream idea, just a couple thousand college kids with twitter accounts. Sup Forums turned it into propaganda for the right.

ffs, the left means anything from anarcho-indiviualists to full Stalinists and everything in between. The left is not authoritarian, it's just because so much attention was given to the authoritarian, they grew in power. If the right and the alt-right did not get their jimmis rustled so much by a bunch of idiots on the internet, we would not be in this situation, if you want to get rid of something the best way is to no-platform that thing instead of devotiong all your time to it .Plus the right is also filled with identity politics, it's just not called that

We're more 'politically incorrect' than 'right-wing' per-say, since not a single one of us Faggots can agree on any topic. Here be Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats and a few others no one gives a flying fuck about. This site is about pissing others off as much as you can, and causing mayhem in rl on occassion, confusing, misinforming and purposefully tricking others for your own amusement.

We're not 'right-wing' we just don't give a fuck. Now, back to feggit with you you ignorant little fuck.

if fucking a 9 yr old wife is good enough for the prophet muhammad its good enough for me

op has proven also that you can be cancer-jew-pol/b all at once

Well Hillary thought it was a major issue. The amount of time she spent pandering to them is why I (a liberal and a registered democrat) voted for Trump. That and her heavy handed use of logical fallacies.

I know that, but the issue is the political left is pandering to the authoritarian left. Which is a problem.

autism is the next step in human evolution

Well not everything they say is horseshit. Some of there beliefs aren't too radical.

Does anyone on reddit say 'le' anymore?
Do they still jack off to rage comics?

I've been out of the loop on pretty much anything normie for about 3 years.

As a Marxist-Leninist it's not.

>implying the efficiency of totalitarian regimes won't lead to the inevitable demise of freedom
Authoritarian is the future my friend.

It's pandering to the authorytharian left because the authroytharian left has grown in strenght thanks to the actions of the right, for a politician in countrys such as the US or Canada atm. not going for the authroytharian left can mean lousing a election. Plus why is it that everyone gets angry at the left for their nut jobs, but at the same time ignores that the right has started to openly work with nationalists and fascists?

Apparently Sup Forums is the party of autism.

True, but I think that's true of both sides. But a lot of it is annoying as fuck. Like the "police are racist" or "muh wage gap". Even Obama parroted this shit. I don't want the regret of voting for someone like that again.

To a point, but they require a functional government that isn't prone to corruption. So as it stands, it can only fail.


Nationalism is awesome though. As long as you don't go full retard and confuse it with isolationism.

But the reason why the authoritarian left is a bigger issue is because they are the social majority vs the same group on the right. If the pendulum swings so too will priorities.

what's with all the advertising this place gets?

if only this were true

/b is full of sjw nigger normies now

That's not even true. Plus, would fascism and child porn be better?

everything is better with child porn

i am pol

Judging from OP it's a fag website.

But where do you see a majority of it? The sjws are nothing more than a meme today, most countrys that mean anything have either a right wing goverment or are clouse to electing one. Neo-nazis and fascists are fully open with their views most of the time, hell even the liberals have shifted to the right

Because the trolling have gone big time.

>tfw ghandi was a nationalist