After 8 years working for the department of corrections in a women's prison I handed in my notice last week. I'm out...

After 8 years working for the department of corrections in a women's prison I handed in my notice last week. I'm out. I have nothing to lose anymore.

You cunts can ask me anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Did you fuck one of them or are they really all lesbians?


No, though a significant proportion are "gay for the stay".

Do you have naked photos of any inmates while inside?

No. You can't take cameras in, and you don't carry your phone while you're on duty. Cunts will steal anything.

Story pls

How many did you fuck? Did you blackmail them?


What's to tell. The truth is that most cunts in prison are not attractive, and the ones who are are don't stay that way for long, but you come across a small proportion to are fuckable and know how the system works. Shag for a fag, or maybe a joint. Things get a bit funny after hours, especially in lower security or pre-release units.

On hot dog day do you serve them wieners cut up so they do dildo with them?

sounds like heaven on earth, why would you ever want to leave?

WTF? No.

How do they deal with that time of the month

Got any horror stories?

Like I said. Most of them aren't attractive. You're working with the worst fucking beasts you can imagine, they spit and piss and they stink. They get fat. They get sick. Most people have this mental switch in their heads that clicks when shits getting fucked up. Most of those cunts don't. They'll spit on a screw even though they know they'll go to solitary.

What do they use for dildos then?

you know you if you get caught for this you become a sex offender right?

Like normal women. Tampons or Pads at the taxpayers expense.

Anything really, or nothing. Saw one fucking a broom handle on CCTV one night. Had to bust in and confiscate it. Could be used as a weapon.

Pretty sure anons want you to greentext a sex story.

Anyway, how was the pay and the work hours? How does one get such a job?
I'm 19 and lost in life, should I give it a shot?

Were you ever concerned about beating a woman?

timestamp last paystub or GTFO

Like this fag did

2017. Likely has direct deposit. Who cares

Are you asking me? Dunno what country you're in, but no, nothing I've done would list me as a sex offender.

Pay was okay. The department of corrections in my area advertise often, they get a high turnover. I applied for the job, got it, went through 6 weeks training and 6 months probation on the job in a high security mens prison. 2 years later there's an issue at the womens prison, they need staff urgently. I'm available to work nights. I take on a 6 month secondment that lasts 8 years.

I never beat a bitch that didn't have it coming, and there's usually other guards around. We don't actually beat them. We're trained in how to apply pressure holds and arm locks etc.

Not a question you asshole.

Did you see good titties

You still get pay stubs, faggot


So what are you going to do now? Seems like the most logical question.

your thread sucks balls op

A good looking friend of mine from uni was sent away for fraud. She came out claiming she was raped by hardcore lesbians and sold between inmates.

Is that common?

Are drugs a common thing in there?
Any gangs?
Do they split based on race like dudes do in the movies?

Yes. But more often bad ones too. Unfortunately it's always the uglies that like to flash them around.

go roleplay on reddit plz.

What's the craziest bitch you ever came across and what did she do that made her so crazy?

Pic unrelated

>Are you asking me? Dunno what country you're in, but no, nothing I've done would list me as a sex offender.

In 'murca inmates cannot consent to sex with guards. If you fucked an inmate in the states is automatically considered rape.

Judging by what you've experienced, does the prison system work, or is there a better way?

thanks mom

Only if you bother to print them up. I haven't seen a paystub in years.

Maybe they still hand them out at McDonald's? I wouldn't know.

That's rough

Got a job working security for armoured cars. Pay is much better, I only work days.


Drugs are very common. It's impossible to stamp it out. Gangs? Not in Australia so much. As for race, it's Aboriginal or other, and most of the time they get on fine. You're more likely to split up a fight over ciggs than race etc.

Cunt is called Michelle Burgess. She got one boyfriend to kill the wife of her other boyfriend, then while in prison got 2 officers in hot water. She's batshit crazy.

I'm in Australia. It's not illegal, but it will get you sacked.

Op you have to expand on your answers. Your thread has potential but your answers are boring and short as fuck. Tell us about the most fucked up shit possible. With a lot of detail!

Why aren't you a better storyteller OP

You knew what you were getting into

i think op's doing a good job.

What he fucking said

Bad story is bad

>Why aren't you a better storyteller OP

He's a prison guard. They're not known for their loquaciousness.

Wrong. Idiot.

so how long were you a guard and why are you re-telling stories from 2003?

lol roleplaying as a guard.

so OP, what was the better job of the two, working with male inmates or females? i bet its alot more strict with males or where they both pretty much the same?

Ever felt threatened? Were you ever attacked? Scared?
Did the bitches ever riot?

Oh Australia! That's kindergarten for adults. You wouldn't last a week in the American penal system.

Was Banksia better after the upgrade, OP?

you must hear alot of moaning at night.

8 years.
The story is from 2003. The bitch is still in for life, and is still batshit crazy.

I'm answering questions. If you want a womens prison story go watch orange is the new black asshole.

Working with males was better. Believe it or not, they're usually calmer, especially with screws. Women don't have that. I mean, women are irrational and emotional at the best of times. These were much worse.

I've been attacked, but not scared. Just fucking angry. I was never there during a riot, but occasionally they'll flood their cell or set clothing on fire.

Wrong state. Banksia Hill is in WA.

Seconding this. Is rape more prominent in male prisons? Do males take other drugs than females? Which ones are more brutal( I'm assuming males)? Have you ever seen lesbian action? What would happen to you if you had do to time?



Moaning, screaming, arguments. All tends to die down around 2am.

If you're talking about them fucking each other or jilling off, they tend to keep it fairly quiet for the most part. Unless you get a lovers tiff, then it's fucked. Imagine being locked in a cell with your ex?

In Australia prioson rape isn't all that prevalent. That seems to be mostly a Yank thing. It happens, but it's usually a punishment. You'd say sexual assault is more prevalent in the womens side, but rape in the male side. Women don't tend to rape other women because it really doesn't give the rapist any real sexual gratification I guess. But you do get fights where someone has groped someone else.

That's her, only twice as fat now.

The fat guy in the background is the guy who's wife was killed. He took his kids out to hire movies, knowing that her other boyfriend was coming to kill his wife. He comes back, then lets his kids run inside to find their mother stabbed and dead.

Fucked up.

huh. so not all women are loud...

I like co-erced and reluctant traded for sex, is this a good job to get into?

I'm surprised you fucked one. Must've been a rare gem indeed. I've been inside banksia for my work and fuck my brown dog they are NASTY. The cast of OITNB is just fantasy.

Come to California. Prison guards top out at around $6800 per month. There a whole bunch of men's prisons.

The ones who are coerced and reluctant are the ones who will fuck you over.

If your looking to get a root or a bj you can usually find someone who'll offer it if they know you have something that they want. If you're lucky they'll look half decent.

Yeah, true. And blood diseases are fucking rife too. The two that I got involved with were short stays. One was in for some Tax fraud. The other got caught up in her ex husbands meth business. Both were clean, reasonably good looking, and in pre-release. All they wanted was weed.

How often did you shout, "Resistance is futile"
C'mon, be honest.

you cant rape the willing

>Prison guards top out at around $6800 per month
not including the kickback you get for turning a blind eye

Not once.


When crims first come into prison they get "inducted". Swap their clothes, strip searched, health check etc.

Part of the strip search is the squat and cough. Basically, they're naked. They have to squat down to spread their cunt open, then cough to loosen anything they may have jammed up there.

So anyway this crim has stashed about $50 in $1 coins up her cunt. As soon as she does the squat and cough the coins start falling out of her. You can hear them rolling all over the concrete floor.

I'll admit that I yelled out "You hit the jackpot" to the guard who was searching her, like the crim was a poker machine paying out.


Had to google that one.

Is the search done by male or female guards?

Are them bitches mostly black???

Policy was only women guards can strip search or pat down women crooks, but when you're struggling to find enough women guards available then there's no choice. In the end they ARE in prison, what rights should they have anyway?


So you got desensitized to feeling bitches up pretty quick then?

did you always have to have a female guard walking around with you?

Is Judith Gabriel's story at all plausible?


Also who is this bitch?

Pretty much.

When you and two other guards are tacking a naked chick who's just lost the stash of meth she had shoved up her cunt you tend to lose track of exactly where your hands are and worry more about what her hands are doing. I'm sure that I've inadvertently digitally raped someone while taking them down and dragging them off.

No. They tend to rely on the security cameras to make sure everyone is on the level.

I mostly did night shifts. Most of the women guards wouldn't do nights, they had families, kids etc. Most nights there would be one or two other women guards dotted about, but for the most part they weren't with me.

No idea.

did you carry any weapons just in case, like pepper spray, nightstick etc.

No. You never took in anything that could be taken off you and used against you. We carried handcuffs and keys.

We had an armed response team.