Blacks are the master race

Blacks are the master race.

Prove me wrong.

Asians exist



They consistently do the worst academically.


I'd like to see the legs on that chair give out while that whale is shitting

1) Their skin & hair moisture is low
2) They're naturally more violent and criminal.
3) They're naturally less intelligent.
4) They're naturally less creative.
5) Modern day black culture without interference from any other culture has achieved less than any other culture had done a millennium ago.




There is no master race. Only those who are better than the common losers

They decided slavery was fine for them for a very long time.

They are black


>Jews exist.


because whit people created the modern race?because without white people you niggers would still be in Africa living a tribal life or dying from starvation and disease?because niggers commit on average more crimes than any other race?shall I continue?

facts be rayciss n sheeit.

Yh reality is sentient and has conscious biases.


human history proves you wrong

>be me
>white/hispanic, 25 years old, 6'1
>3 years ago meet sexy milf on craigslist who was looking to be in a gang bang
>meet up and hit it off and she likes me enough that she ends up hooking up with me on her own several times
>hook up for a few months
>finally tells me she has enough guys for the gang bang (3 more besides me, and her boyfriend)
>think itll be guys my age
>ends up being 3 30 something year old black guys
>get nervous at first
>they are all chill but once we're all naked only one has a decent size dick
>none of them last very long
>end up just getting handies or sucked while i fucked her for almost 2 hours

Wish I hadn't lost contact with her but what gives, I thought the "master race" was supposed to be good in bed

they smell and look like shit

many of african americans dont go school and try becoming rappers which end up becoming gang activity

>implying he has a small dick

He probably workout just before taking this picture to have his muscles tight, and he probably is 6.5 feet tall. So, probably his dick is still over 7 inches.
Overall he is still a 9.9/10.
And he hasn't even shaved his head.

Impossible to prove wrong. .

So long as you ignore all the evidence in this thread.

>On b

You most be one of them special ones.

>Inb4 muh jew