1. Trump will repeal Obamacare. They've got the votes now

1. Trump will repeal Obamacare. They've got the votes now.

2. Trump will reform the tax code.

3. Russia's fake news. Flynn may have had some nefarious dealings.

4. Trump's not perfect. But he's the best President we've had in the last 100 years.

Other urls found in this thread:


No one cares, retard.

Alot of people do, just not you.

18 cents have been deposited to your shill account.

>1. Trump will repeal Obamacare. They've got the votes now.
Not very likely since he's a political buffoon.
>2. Trump will reform the tax code.
Highly likely this will happen
>3. Russia's fake news. Flynn may have had some nefarious dealings.
Honestly I think it's more smoke than reality but Trump's handled it terribly.
>4. Trump's not perfect. But he's the best President we've had in the last 100 years.
Guess you've never heard of Reagan.

Which is why he'll win again in 2020.

Stupid people like you who don't care about politics.... will vote for anyone they see the most in ads.

You may be a retard, but you're contributing to Patriotism.

Man, this is some lazy bait my nigga

>will vote for anyone they see the most in ads.
As opposed to voting for anyone you see on Sup Forums memes.

The 2 best things that can happen for America:

1. Get rid of pre-existing conditions. Those cost health insurers billions.

2. Pass Trump's tax reform. We'll all be pleasantly surprised.

>mfw you could also do your patriotic duty, and actually support your country's President, too.

The people we organized to campaign for Trump were/are intelligent, dedicated, patriotic, and they invested a LOT of time.

They made a difference with undecided voters.

>1. Trump will repeal Obamacare. They've got the votes now.
4th attempt now and they still don't have enough to pass. Trump said this yeasterday when he wanted to change the 2/3rd vote into a 51% vote to push this forward.

>2. Trump will reform the tax code.
He pushed his budget through and half of it got changed. They didn't remove funding for planned parenthood at all and his military budget got cut to 1/4th the original amount. The same will happen with his tax code.

>3. Russia's fake news. Flynn may have had some nefarious dealings.

>4. Trump's not perfect. But he's the best President we've had in the last 100 years.
You mean the lowest approval ratings of the last 100 years? Otherwise this is bait.

I wonder how long it will take for trump to accidentally post a pic like this of himself with Nazi shit praised everywhere.

That was one of his old advisors that did that

1. >>Sup Forums
2. He doesn't have the votes, he's even lost Michigan.
3. Only CNN even cares about Russia.

Nigger you didn't leave your mom's basement.

ALL he lost was the lib rino vote from Michigan.

but we elected a standing US President, son.

4 of trumps advisors were booted off the campaign trail...

Trump's online campaign was awesome, I'll admit. Astroturfing until it actually became the real thing, best memes, great research on social networks etc.

But don't pretend his voters are anything but stupid cucks that fell for his meme / advertisiment instead of the other meme / ad.

That's not true. A lot of the same people who voted for Obama, voted for Trump.

Because Hillary didn't talk about JOBS.

And because Obama was HORRIBLE for the middle class.

that's how campaigns go.

That pic is gold

>But he's the best President we've had in the last 100 years.
Get that Trump cock out of your mouth, he is no where near the best president in the past 100 years.

This! This is why she lost. It was her own stupid fault.

Well, yeah. Bitch was way low on job memes.

Name another campaign where 4 people lost their positions

Question: Do you think Donald's autistic? It's been revealed the Barron is.

yes or no


>1. Trump will repeal Obamacare. They've got the votes now.


No he doesn't.

>2. Trump will reform the tax code.

With a heavily watered down version of what he was originally proposing.

>3. Russia's fake news. Flynn may have had some nefarious dealings.


>4. Trump's not perfect. But he's the best President we've had in the last 100 years.

Can't tell if troll.jpg

No he's just a narcissist

>But he's the best President we've had in the last 100 years
>best president
>hasnt actually done shit
Can you give some examples of what hes done besides put his family and friends in positions they have no clue how to manage.