Watching the congressional hearing, and It's looking more and more like impeachment...

Watching the congressional hearing, and It's looking more and more like impeachment, and jail time for some of his team (Flynn). Am I just being paranoid? Can our dear leader be saved?

Please bros, tell me what's going on.

Mark my words, nothing will happen. These fuckers have exactly zero chance of going to jail. You and me get a different set of rules to play by, and us, being the plebians, don't get the good set.

I dunno. Everyday I'm seeing more and more chatter and people talking about impeachment and shit. Just feels different from any other presidential "scandal" I can remember.

Help me bros. What do I think.

its only in liberal shit tier fantasy land websites that impeachment is being discussed

prepare your anuses for 8 more years of butthurt libtards

Lel if you stop watching msnbc absolutely no body is talking about that. I mean maybe liberals are but not people in the real world. I bet you stiIl believe trump is a russian spy that don't pay taxes

Yeah, but I'm looking for opinions that are less pedo-anime forum basement dweller edgy. Know what I mean?

You're in the wrong place, motherfucker.

BBC, CNN, Washington Post, New York TImes, and every other major news organization is discussing this. Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars are not, but these are places where dumb people go to be fed their thought diarrhea.

So you're looking for opinions that go with what you already think.

btw, idiot, this image is a way to shoot yourself in the foot
I recommend not aiming at your own foot

Every major news organization also said there was a 273% chance of Hillary winning the election.

I'm looking for a little bit less of "libtard cuck fuk u kill yerself" and a little more of "I think that this is going to happen, because {meaningful argument}"

You just named the top 3 biased news channels of the left. Of course rachel maddow is talking about impeachment

If Bill Clinton got impeached because he lied about getting a blow job what makes you think the Orange one is immune to impeachment?

You know whats funny? Rupert Murdoch the owner of Fox hates Trump, but Fox won't chastise Trump because he loves money much more and Fox loses viewers every time the do it.

Republican congress



The polls were right... The polls and researchers predicted that Hillary will likely win because most of the scenarios led to her winning, while only a few led to Trump winning. The fact that a highly unlikely scenario happened, and Trump won the key states he needed by narrow margins does not mean the polls predicting those narrow margins but not say the improbable scenario of Trump winning in all of those states is the likely outcome were wrong.

On the morning of the election CNN projected Hillary to win with an 80% chance of winning.

That means Trump had a 1/5 chance of winning, which is not impossible

Don't argue with stupid... they do not understand probability and never will. People win the fucking lottery, get struck by lightning and die in terrorost attacks where there is much less chance of "winning". The will not understand that Trump winnig had a much lower probability than Hillary doing so, but it does not mean Trump couldn't possibly win...