Are you pro life or pro death Sup Forums?

Are you pro life or pro death Sup Forums?

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pro good

pro death definitely

I'm pro abortion too

Pro life is such a load of horse shit. It should be called the protect featus movement. There isn't a single pro lifer protesting militaries killing civilians or states executing prisoners. They go after the easiest target, a single pregnant woman. How courageous, pro featus pussies!

So you're a pro rape supporter, is that it? Someone else is inside her, raping her, and you won't say anything? it'as totally normal to remove him from inside her!

Death to baby raper!

pro death

Pro death, kill em all.

watch this.

Imagine if you tell the kid that your mom was raped
And you came out


Literal appeal to emotion video.
No thanks

Better than being dead.

pro death 100%
we already got enough fatherless poor kids

Lol people from Sup Forums are the scum of the earth. Obviously they are too retarded to raise a child and if they did they would probably rape them and post pictures of it.

Where are you from? Tumblr?

Pro-Choice. If you can't/don't want to raise a baby it should be your choice to abort it. better than being a terrible parent leaving the baby to die in a ditch or simply abandoning it.

you clearly don't know what you're talking about

Abortion should be a option for the ''parents''
Especially Rape victims. if you're against abortion fine raise your kid if don't that's on you to choose

Pro-consequences and Anti-murderous-whore

Who would tell a kid that in the first place?

I'm not pro choice, I'm pro-abortion. There are already too many fucking people on this planet, and if some teenage crack whore admits that she is unfit to raise a child, then who am I to disagree?


fully fucking agree. also would love a law to limit all people to a maximum of 2 kids.
Too many people on this planet killing it.

Have you been dead?

Jesus Christ said that shit's rad. Especially for innocent babby.

Anti-breeding. I believe every woman should get one free abortion, But in doing so they are sterilized.

Move to China they already have that law.

Does ethnic cleansing count?

pro death

>Pro Life or Pro Death

First off, it's "Pro-Life or Pro-Death" Tater

Secondly, that's a loaded question Tater, as the actual question is "Pro-Life or Pro-Choice", which makes your question invalid, since it is attempting to manipulate and mislead.

and its a fucking brilliant law that needs to be rolled out to all countries.

I like life more... I just don't think people earn it anymore. For thousands of years you had to be on point not to get fucking murdered by everything that existed. Now there's mcdonalds and cell phones so yeah.... I'd say we lost our purpose. And things without a point go into the garbage.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

But you're not a Sith, you're just a retarded amerilard, so no matter.

Taxes paying for abortions or taxes paying for the criminal justice system, foster homes, and homeless people

Pick one

They are phasing it out and it didnt work for them.

God forbid we put copulation laws in place instead of killing willy nilly.

Gotta have that smug sense of self-satisfaction through an utterly nonsensical form of virtue signaling though.

"I believe the best way to help humanity is by killing human children. Dirt is more important than my own kind. I am so caring and have a great grasp on justice."

Eh, I'm on the fence. On one hand there are few things as bad as abortion, on the other hand it stops irresponsible people becoming parents. Also, what'd you do with all the new babies if you banned it? The mothers would probably drown them anyway so it makes little difference.

This is funny to me since that "body" isn't sentient, can't live on its own, and doesn't meet the basic requirements to be considered a person.
Stop assigning emotional baggage to "what might have been". This is the real world, not a fantasy where everything is perfect

Ask that to a republican and they won't know what to say... Well, they're all hypocrites so they'll say the fist one when we know what kind of shit they stand for...

That those who believe life begins at conception must also believe that miscarriage is either homicide or suicide.

>>If Homicide, then the mother should be prosectued and imprisoned
>>If suicide, then the the baby goes STRAIGHT TO HELL.

>copulation laws

But it's fucking stupid. Why would we need that law here in the US? Over population isnt a thing, at least not the native population. Immigrants and refugees however, but again, most are illegal and under the radar of the law so the law cant do much for them, besides they'll just get deported anyway.

Trump is pro life.

death to them all

I'll take foster homes, justice system and homeless please.

Abortion is flat out using my money to kill people. I live in a state that has outlawed capital punishment so the other choices are blatantly just for helping people.

Using my tax money to ignore the growing crime rates and instead kill babies is why I hate Obama so goddamn much.

do you not see how over populated this planet is?
We are killing it at a extreme rate, it is not a case of i love dirt or what ever bullshit your yank ass wants to spout out. It is about the long term preservation of the humankind. If that means stopping the dole cunts from having 8 kids each then so be it.

Your logic makes zero fucking sense as neither party make a wilfull decision to end a human life.

Worthless baby killer.

You're going to arguably pay more for the aforementioned than on abortion, you know this right? It's retarded to bitch about taxes on abortion when you're going to spend more money on the justice system, because of overcrowding, needing more police officers for living in a high crime city, having a lot of homeless people and other shit.

>Taxes paying for abortions or taxes paying for the criminal justice system, foster homes, and homeless people

Wrong Trump-Tard, the Government doesn't pay for Planned Parenthood, They simply give them a small amount of funds. Congress is currently withholding these funds from Planned Parenthood, are they all gone yet? No? That's what I thought.

It makes no sense to you because you can't think, user.


Maybe we should be spending money on colonizing space instead of abortions and feeding lazy niggers then, you fucking moron.


You are such a fucking cunt holy shit.

Involuntary Manslaughter does not require a conscious decision, user.
Thus the word "Involuntary".

Yet, people go to prison for it all the time.

Found this one here earlier

Why do people keep using this argument. It doesn't work unless you're also going to advocate turning off every life support machine and stop paramedics and surgeons doing a chunk of their work. Kids, the poor, the elderly and retards can't look after themselves either without latching on to someone else. You also dig yourself deeper when it comes to being the moral arbiter of what is and isn't a person.

Use a simpler argument like more babies usually means more single mothers which always means more taxes.

I would rather my money be spent on life than on death.


Nigger you are a retard. I am not a Trump tard.

I asked him which is preferable, taxes actually going to pay for abortions (they don't since there's a law that makes it illegal, besides only a small part of PP funds goes towards abortion anyway) or for your taxes to pay for the consequences of no abortions, and the consequences of having tons of kids no one wants (which are usually black and hispanic).

Nice argument, retard.

Again I reiterate.

Neither party decides to miscarry. It is a phenomenon of nature.

Abortion is human intervention to end life.

You are retarded.


And yet, the abortion argument on the pro life seems to end at birth, why is that? Why do Republicans keep wanting to cut reproductive health services and education which is the best thing against abortion, and cuts to welfare and shit, which is what these poor families who couldn't get abortions?

The pro life argument shouldn't stop at the birth.

You going to reply to my post or just do more name calling?

Maybe OP should go save a few nigger babies and pay Child Support for the next 20 years.

But oh noes... that would be inconvenient. OP only wants to sit back and make others lives miserable without having to do anything himself.

I see your point and it makes sense in many ways. Apologies my good sir, you are correct and I misjudged you.

Pro choice if that's what you mean. I understand that birth control is easy to take but shit happens some times. If I fucked up and got knocked up by some piece of shit is want to scrape it out and at the end of the day what difference does it make to me or anyone else? Not our decision to live with. Let them kill it if they want

Manslaughter is due to sheer negligence. A miscarry can happen for reasons not under control by any human being.

Explain how a justice system would even determine who's to blame.

Go ahead. Let's hear your retarded and thoughtless troll logic.

>phenomenon of nature
So is over dosing - most of them are not decisions either.

You are still a retard.

Besides - how do you know the baby didn't decide to an hero? U talk to them?


I feel its one of the best options, morally speaking, as far as reducing our population. If humans don't figure out how to reduce our rate of growth and educate the kids that are born we are fucked sooner rather than later.

I agree with this. But just like with abortion, the American people are not allowed to have a say in policy.
If I had my way, abortion would be illegal and congress would be gutted entirely so we can we get our fucking priorities straight as a country.
It would start with space colonization and feeding people.

The corruption levels in both parties are through the fucking roof and doesn't really matter what either of us think anyway.

Don't care

Pro death.

Don't act like every infant is a pure angel that will grow up to be a productive member of society.


pro abortion
we should get the mother killed too

a fuck that cyanide for everybody

Miscarry can also happen for anything the mother did.
A single drink, the wrong food, an unknown chemical.... Suddenly, you're THE JUDGE on how all miscarriages happen?

They're babies. They are independent living beings. As such, they just don't die without cause. SOMETHING or SOMEONE caused their deaths. It's either manslaughter or suicide.

Which is it? Manslaughter or suicide? It's not for me to decide which in each case. The fact is: it's ALWAYS one or another.

When was the last time you heard of a 9 year old dying without any cause? So why should a 3 month old (from the moment of conception) "just die" without cause?

>pro death
I can't even

Overdosing is willful negligence not a phenomenon of nature you complete fucking retard. Holy shit.

>how do you know the baby didn't decide to an hero?

Jesus Christ you are either trolling or too stupid to even speak to anymore. Either way, you are too far below me to even entertain such nonsense anymore.
I am above scum like you. Enjoy your life.

I'm in favor of both.

>because accidental overdosing never happens
>mothers never eat or breath or drink anything wrong
based kek

Miscarriage never happens without reason.
Either the mother's body rejects the baby - which is involuntary manslaughter.
Or the baby dies all on its own - which is suicide.


It's the only way we keep the niggers in check

There is a name for this... and it is SIDS. It doesn't happen in utero, of course, but very small children do sometimes just kinda... drop dead.


I'm pro abortion but only if both the mother and father agree, in writing.

We don't count fetuses in the census. We don't have funerals for fetuses. When a mother is pregnant she says "I have two kids, and one on the way"...not "I have 3 kids". Society has already accepted the fact the fetuses are not us.

Children and elderly can breathe and live, and more importantly are established living citizens. This is not true for fetuses. A fetus is not a baby. It's a future baby, and future babies cannot be killed. Anytime someone uses the day after pill, they are halting the timeline of a future baby.

If life begins at conception, then fertility clinics perform mass murders.... and far worse.

How would you feel about your neighbors taking their 10 year old daughter and freezing her permanently... with the idea that maybe, someday, they might consider unfreezing her and raising her?
How would you feel if they did the same to a dozen children? How about if these children was just 3 year olds? Would that make it any better?

Then do you think it's OK for them to do this FULLY CONCEIVED BABIES that are just hours old? Yet, that's exactly what they do at fertility clinics all around the world.

If life begins a conception, and they are FULLY CONCEIVED, then they're all babies. And each fertility treatment ends with 3-15 babies either frozen or dumped down a drain.

Where's your outrage, pro-life anons? Where's your protests? Why haven't you bombed any fertility clinics? Why haven't you murdered any fertility doctors?

>We don't have funerals for fetuses
In Texas they do.


...but that's Texas...

>SIDS. It doesn't happen in utero
Your own words rekt your argument.

By what measure?

In other words, its stupid, and the rest of society doesn't do it. Yup

i'm pro 1billion max people on earth

You're argument is flawed and lacks perspective.

Pro death.

But do you kill a living human being for raping?

You can't be serious. This argument assumes far too many things to be at all reasonable. How did you come to these conclusions?


I am pro choice bec. if I get a girl pregnant I want the option to zap that fucker before it costs me money. Also bec. of the possiblilty of rape babies, and autistic/retarded babies, and its the womans choice to begin with since you cant define when life begins its best left to the individual mothers not some christian fucker who probably rapes his own daughter (oh I have stories of small town mississippi preachers who rape their own daughters).

How about if you are pro life you also be pro sex education and go adopt some of those thousands of kids already in the foster care system who generally grow up to be a smear on society and how about you stop giving out those "I promise my virginity to Jesus or my creepy youth pastor" rings.

And its just bizarre to be that fucking interested in somebody elses sexuality. I saw a guy the other day outside a planned parenthood with a sign. It was just him. If my friend werent with me and I didnt want to get him in shit I would have tossed my egg salad sandwich at him cuz hey... if you're so god damn pro life you should be pro egg salad sandwich.

fucking weirdo christians gotta have their fingers and minds up my girlfriends snatch. How about her youth pastor who molested her as a child. How about the church trips that were really just fucking sex hookups for the weird ass parents that cheated on each other the entire trip and it gets hushed up bec. a christian town or how about the assistant principal who only takes the girls phones when he sees them in school and used to hit on my ex when she was 15.... you and I both know why he confiscated only girls phones...

he died though. good riddance. and how about the other stories of the molestation in every church which just so happened to be on every corner in this backwards shithole dry county shithole where a pastor from a church your girlfriend doesnt even attend calls her mother because he sees you holding hands on main street who is also the guy... >cont...

On one hand I love killing babies but on the other hand I hate giving women rights over their own body


also the guy who told your girlfriend that developed early when she was 12 and wearing a white tshirt in his house visiting his same age daughter that she was too young to wear a bra and made her take it off while she was in his house...

Fucking sickos got their minds in every other womans pussy. Fucking mind your own god damn business.

Fucking weirdos.

and next time I see one of you fucking cucks that feel so castrated by the woman who wont sleep with you that you gotta protest and intimidate girls at a planned parenthood...

... next time I see one of you fuckers you are getting an egg salad sandwich rocketed at you. Charge me for assault. I hope you do. I will egg salad your whole fucking life.