Other urls found in this thread:!4ZpDlbpI!QmrkobdmhevqL6lRKx4wNZJB3-UDJa0ANTbD-jD66zg


FUCK, my computer had to reboot and I tuned in to the stream of World Peace on that arco link of adult swim just as Sam was singing "JEWS ROCK!" on stage in a monkey costume while dancing around with puppet strings and dollar bills flying in the air and a panning shot to a man looking disgustingly at the floor with a caption beneath him saying (((ADULT SWIM EXEC: ETHAN GOLDBERG)))) -- not the exact name but definitely the first part and the (((echoes))) -- please tell me someone has a cap of this, or a stream on Youtube somewhere like last time. Holy shit there is going to be hell to pay

I don't say this lightly, but I swear to fuck Sam Hyde has ACTUALLY FUCKING DONE IT THIS TIME. IT IS HAPPENING.

Missed the Stream, god I needa download link posted asap.

Praying for peace crossed at a friends about to cuck a man for the first time!4ZpDlbpI!QmrkobdmhevqL6lRKx4wNZJB3-UDJa0ANTbD-jD66zg

>a jewish exec giving a shit, when they're profiting from it in the end

Sending the CEO bit to my director at work. We'll see if he gets it.

I didn't laugh much but I enjoyed watching it. The sound design is really nice and the little bumps in between bits are cool

That part where the fat MDE guy was ripping into the chick about her turning 30 or whatever. Was part of that cut out? She goes from giving a child advice to him suddenly telling her she's damaged goods or whatever, but it's like they totally cut parts of the conversation because there's really no context

don't know why, but i found the guy pouring the coffee into his lap to be really funny

the best part of that is how he completely stopped the fake british accent, as he laid into her

>fat MDE guy

>all that censored shit in their logo
it's a shame desu

its just says "adult swim executives"

calm down


The guy who's name they did show didn't sound Jewish and they people in general didn't look disgusted, they just looked like bored people working on a set.

Kind of took the wind of the joke's sails for me.

cuckoo suit?

is it bad that I keep rewatching this cause I find him really cute laughing here

sam said it was the best shit hes done.. nothin has even come close to ideas man.


Those women are actors and not in on the joke right? When fat MDE guy ripped into the chick that was scripted right?

Why was he such a HOT HEAD?

What song was that at the last skit? And is that guy from the MDE group, seems really familiar.

>fat mde guy
his name's nick you dense fuck
I like to think it wasn't scripted

Was the CEO Sam Hyde?

Sam Hyde's appearance varies so drastically but it sounded like him at times but sometimes it didn't

Was that actor Sam or not?

only bad if you're a homophobe, fuckin homophobe

It's ok to b gay user

>I'm a queen
what did she mean by this

What's the difference between Stormfront and Sup Forums?

Anybody know the song playing through the episode? It played during the intro and all the transitions

The actress looked genuinely uncomfortable, and it doesn't read like a scripted scene but who knows


at least he doesn't have a vagina YUCK

>I like to think it wasn't scripted

if that were the case, she'd have to be one dumb roody poo loving, bitch


It's already up on BTN.

from mde's fb:
>tonight is ep102- its Good, believe me. notes: we didnt coach the women on what to say, & the kids had earplugs

Nothing will ever beat paradigm shift 2070

I still laugh so hard that my head feels like it is going to explode when he says "You're astrally projecting right now" in that douchey ted talk style.

that shes a stuck up cunt who does whatever she wants

he said on a twitter post they didn't coach them and gave earplugs to the children lol

>dude women are whores lmao
>dude jews control everything lmao
>dude being a white man is so hard lmao

what hacks, you would think with all that jew money they would've done something different

Sup Forums has a sense of humor

t. Sam Hyde

man, that thing is hilarious. i've watched it so many times, and every time i laugh throughout. i would love to see him con his way into more scenarios like this.

stormfront takes shitty, overly verbose essays to write what Sup Forums shitposts in one line

I don't understand why Sup Forumsacks hate Jews when Trump is very clearly pro-jew. Don't you guys support Trump?

Sup Forums has a faction of libertarians. Don't tread on me faggots.

eh, if you don't like it, that's fine. it's funny to me.

Sup Forums hating Jews is an old meme it's a lot of semizionists

sam's british accent starts off very australian

Really how tall is Sam Hyde? Is he actually 6'4?

nothing beats

"We're just gonna KILL EM *baseball pitch* "

boston ross was really comfy and good

the half in character-half laughing type thing and the shot of Nick just kind of just being happily entertained

thats something i wish theyd explore on the show

they did a little bit at the end of the Wall Show skit

Please tell me someone still has archives of "MDE Shill Insider" or whatever his name was from last week when he did an AMA on here across a few threads; I don't think it was Sam, but whoever it was, he was dead-on about a lot of shit that made me think he was just fucking around (calling the "Jew" segment a week ago, saying that they hated Episode 5 and Adult Swim insisted on it just to appease viewers but there was literally nothing that could be cut from the rest of the eps since it would be so over the top throughout and go off the the rails with episodes 2, 3 and 6 specifically if they could even get them aired etc etc

Anyone have archives? Or screenshots? I have a few screens but they're just of him answering boring questions about plans for releasing additional Williamsburg skits and shit. The threads are in my history but are all 404'd now :(

Pic related is one random pic I saved that was on one of his posts (btw if this is from a vid that's actually been released, someone link me; I've been watching MDE for years but don't remember ever seeing whatever this is from)

what is this t. meme

think that pic might be from kstv if anything.

Man I really want willliamsburg 4

What's the song at the end

They broke character like in moms

What did they mean by this?

iirc, that's from kstv? something about filters for poor africans or something

What is this symbol?

I mean when Nick broke character she looked like she was gonna cry

i like the alien one, too.

I fucking loved this.

Opens with slut shaming.

Mocks the Jews right under their nose.

Ends with a celebration of white male aggression.

Culture is changing, baby.

why doesn't Sup Forums ever talk about actual funny adult swim shows like Black Jesus instead of this wannabe edgy unfunny tim and eric knockoff shit

all the letters of 'world peace' all scrunched together

Ancient finnish mene secret.

t. knower

>...I mean Charlize
>Charles starts laughing
See this is what fucking makes this show for me. It's entirely its own thing, and it's enjoyable because of that. It's like the David Lynch Comedy Hour or something. I love it.

post the kstv mega links

>Culture is changing, baby.
2070. white people will get tired of playing the knockout game. race riots.

because Sup Forums hates black people

>Ends with a celebration of white male aggression

That wasn't what the ending was about.

Tinkle and the black bitch were the best guests stars on the show tonight.

Not that guy, but what was it about?

Just making fun of "Type A" people who are just angry all the time?


he is 23 y/o and 5'8

Do the MDE guys congregate there or somewhere else?

Go vote on my poll it's important.

I liked the song at the end credits

Also the wall was a awesome skit

He looks like he is maybe 6'2 with shoes on.

not him but I got the vibe that it was about caffeine addicted 30 year old managers of stagnant, regional companies that take their aggression out on their loser employees

2real4me shit is basically the mic drop of comedy

The end credits song is (if anyone is wondering):
The Soft Moon - Try

I just want to make sure everyone really understood what they meant by the """""""WALL""""""""" show

New viral marketing thread, good for you sam:)

>tfw 30 and no children

I wanna know the intro song

trying to enjoy this show but it makes me physically anxious and I don't know why

It was showing a "succesful" guy who is manager at some company was addicted to sugar and has serious anger issues. The point was to show how unfulfilling that life is. Nothing in that skit was celebrating him being angry. That makes no sense.

it was probably a personal jab for sam since sam used to be a car salesman

Same, I kind of wish they released all the songs they use for the season as a soundtrack (like Ideas Man)



I hate jews
Gas the kikes,race war now

that pic makes me want to go on a fucking killing spree, good job sam

Yeah, we get it, it's pretty straightforward.

no it wasn't cut out, he interrupts and insults her because she was telling the girl to think over her decisions when she's already 30 and doesn't have a man

i didn't catch that, while i was watching it.

Mostly because it's tense as hell, they're putting their show on the line to tell you the truth, the music is tense, and the censoring almost makes it feel like someone is hiding something

good it should