Be me

>be me
>lick girl
>want to kiss her
>she turns her head away, only kiss cheak
>"I don't kiss after I was licked"
>We fuck
>I want her to suck
>She doesn't want to suck
>I wash my dick in the bathroom
>she sucks

Why are there women who are digusted of her own juices? Why do they think it would be normal not to kiss a guy to lick you? Way to punish somebody who does you a favor

pic not related

would you kiss her cum stained lips after she sucks?

hell yeah i love cum
i would drink it out of her ass gladly


If you expect one person to deal with it why shouldn't you be able to deal with it yourself?

I even prefer kissing her cum stained lips after she sucks of someone else.

because im a man, i do what i want
the woman does what i tell her to

ITT faggots.

are women who kiss after being licked lesbians?

went out with agirl like this.
she said she doesnt suck dick because she kisses her son with that mouth. so i dumped her fast

its not gay if its your OWN cum and ur just kissing its not like ur sucking ur own dick and dumping and swallowing loads fagot

I fucking wish my wife would do what the girl in the picture is doing.

not dumping her for having a son

>I wish my wife would be gang raped by coloured gentlemen

it was my son

Not to mention, the faggots that think of kissing a girl that sucked you off is gay would suck their own dick if they could

my gf loves it. Different strokes for different folks

...well shit lol

You are a horrible person

I actually do.

Dubba dubs checked!
Also that's one hairy belly, god damn it's really bad're worried about the hair? Check out the fucking dreadful tattoo.

I go ass to mouth with my whore.. its only smellz..

Tattoos I could deal with for a pump and dump, the hairy belly is just anti-boner, you could probably feel the stubble on your stomach. You think the tattoo is worse though? Each to their own.

Yes, of course women do what you tell them...