Remember when CollegeHumor didn't suck?

Remember when CollegeHumor didn't suck?

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>didn't suck
I don't recall

When they did Hardly Working yeah

no. no i do not.

Honestly looking back at the older college humor videos, they have a distinct timeliness to them.

They dont quite hold up, and much of the delivery and concepts of the jokes rely on the audience indulging in self arrogance or snobbiness.

I don't know, when I look at college humor videos, I get a "I'm smart because everyone else is dumb" vibe.

I feel like CollegeHumor just changed with the internet. I watched some of their older videos the other day, and they were extremely stupid, but I laughed, maybe because they were stupid in just the right way, or maybe because a younger me laughed at them eight years ago.

Then, you go watch something they put out now, and it's just not funny, it's like a knockoff Jon Oliver skit that falls flat. Everything is so political, and not just in the political videos, a sense of us vs them seems to be present in everything they do, and it just rubs me the wrong way. It reminds me of the way a lot of internet culture is these days, and that I'm constantly feeling as if it's got up and left me behind.

I miss the old days when everything was a lot simpler.
This will still be one of my favorite videos


>I get a "I'm smart because everyone else is dumb" vibe.

It's called Collegehumor for a reason

This is exactly it, they were always videos aimed at a certain subsection of the population: college kids. And, so they had the general zeitgeist of that generation. Both were liberal, but where our (I assume) generation manifested itself in liberal smugness, the new generation of college kids manifests itself in a feeling of moral superiority. In this, it is a lot less accessible to people who disagree with it.

This is exactly the same thing you see with Jon Oliver vs. Trevor Noah.

shit I meant Jon Stewart v. Trevor Noah

All you newfags make me sick. Probably like Jake and Amir.

Only real niggas know Dutch West. OG CollegeHumor cast with way better sketches.

>Adam ruins everything

Well he ruined CollegeHumor pretty well, so I'll give him that

GOAT skit

This one captures the feeling of the internet seven years ago pretty well

>Ron Paul fags

How did we go from that to Bernouts

Can't say that I do.


I unashamedly split half my time between digg and Sup Forums before they jewed it out. Then reddit became a thing. I could never get past it's UI, though.

The only good one was the 9/11 one.

lmao they might as well just be sjwhumor now, they really are not connected to college anymore

This is what eight years does

Paulbros lost faith in the system years ago and shifted to Johnson and Trump in hopes of collapsing the system, Berniefags are just college shitheads like the retards who voted for McGovern.

I remember watching Jake and Amir as a 16 year old and finding it funny.

I feel like the original Jake and Amir videos were funny, but also that might be because I was also 16 back then. Time flies so fast.

>not connected to college

I fucking hate what sjw culture has done to them and cracked.

I like this one

adam ruins everything season 2 when

Your a fag


Youve seen this one at least 3 times


Thank you for not voting

Adam Ruins Everything was good when it was just a few youtube videos debunking actual myths, like circumcision, diamonds, all bullshit things that people actually buy into. The problem with turning it into a show is that you then just have to find X hours of stuff to debunk, whether it actually needs debunking or not.

Then there was this segment, which would be alright even if it's clearly pandering to feminists with that 'expert because woman' shit. But Jesus, the way it's treated like some issue of major cultural importance while fucking circumcision is treated like 'Eh, who cares?' is just fucking repulsive:

>circumcision isn't just a meme issue

t. reddit

I voting Johnson you faggot

>actively enjoys having nerve endings hacked off of his dick
t. cuck

Cut vs uncut is literally a meme you fucking retard

>actively enjoys being unhealthy
>buys the muh pleasure meme



>pleasure is a meme
>too much of a bitch to properly clean his own dick
Cuckoldry personified.

He was the only thing that put a smile on my face during Ghostbuster2016

>Doesn't bathe
> calls others unhealthy

fuck these were goat

not that it matters to you guys, but women prefer it cut, sorry bros

>literally all you have to do is wash your dick or jerk off

Seriously, I haven't touched my penis since using a public bathroom during my first semester in college and my dick has no cheese.

>uncut fags at this level of denial

if cut wasn't the master race, why did god make his chosen people do it?


How do you know what your missing if you cant even remember the procedure being done?

Remember when Sarah Schneider's nudes leaked during the fappening?


no, but i just looked it up

7/10, decent ass, would be better if she did squats
least she ain't fat or flabby

I remember being super young and everyone thinking they were so cool for sharing the videos. They weren't particularly funny. Now I've seen a few of them and they were kinda funny. So I think OP is just plain wrong. They have never been the height of intellect or humor but they are okay. Seeing their stuff twice a year is fine.

The Onion is better and has really bounced back from mediocrity.

I caught a few minutes of it on TV, he "ruined video games" by saying how sexist and offensive they are.

>I actually raged
Wow, I didn't know I was such a gamer. Props on the video I guess
I love this one

>he keeps getting awards

This thread basically proved that it was never good. These videos suck.

Anyone remember Liquid Generation?

>clean suit
>flash of a flamboyant color (tie, pocket kerchief)
>faux pompadour
>sides of the head shaved
>smug expression and matching hand gesture

Yeah, kill him.

This is how you do humor. Far superior

>Anyone remember Liquid Generation?
I remember the guy that started it. He went on to do Zipperfish and YAaFM for a while. I liked the podcast he did with his friend

>there is no place for the square block!

Dammit, same exact thing went through my head.

But the hymen episode was actually good and informative. The balloon arch metaphor was genius. Also it completely makes sense to have a female Adam talk about female parts, not to mention she's the predominant female actress on CollegeHumor so it's not like they're pulling a Daisy Ridley.

But it was still kinda bullshit how when he asked for an expert she said she is an expert on vagina because she is a women.

That same argument couldn't have been made for men and penises.

Because YHWH is a blood god who demands the sacrifice of the tips of little babies' dicks.


Even with all the repeated internet/social memeness I still think some of them are pretty good.

GOAT video coming through

wow, the dark knight rises references, haha