ITT you unexpectedly get hard from this chubby bitch and ask for moar so you can cum

ITT you unexpectedly get hard from this chubby bitch and ask for moar so you can cum.

Go ahead.

Fuck off cunt

Alright. I'm an idiot. How the fuck do I watch webm shit on my phone? It transfers to drop box then becomes unplayable? Halp

It's okay user, no one will know that you fap to chubby girls.

If you're on Iphone, download VLC from the app store. If you're on something else, I dunno

Fucking thank you.

Eh. Your built like my wife. It's not bad, just uninspiring.

Thank her with your cum.

post your wife

Nah. I'm cool. Thanks for the vlc tip tho!



You fap to mediocre, pleb-tier, vulgar suburban trash.

She's amazing


anal please

this is relevant to my interests


sorry, none

More so I can cum pls

don't cum yet





anyone survived this long?




watch her try to get off this cock and almost cum in the process






Ew instant boner killer...she's so loose and disgusting..she has the body of a middleaged gay dude