Mind blown

mind blown

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who is cece and philip

sad. just fucking sad

I think cece was her kid in the show. No clue who Philip is though.

and her great grandmother and great grandfather were named pam and jim

How do we save her, reddit?

She has to know about the memes. She can't be that desperate

Her and jims kids in the show

Jenna...just let it go.

Kek. Why does she keep doing this?

Dear John


>my show husband's son

top kek

Jesus Christ she needs putting down.

How often do you guys think she masturbates to Jim's character in 13 Hours?

She probably made this thread

I fap more to her than she faps to JIm

these are so painful please stop posting these

i mean i didn't even really like pam on the show. i always thought she was the most boring looking girl. easy 5. but these are so cringeworthy.

Just beatin' that dead horse huh Jenna?

I wonder what Jim's show's wife's husband thinks of all this.

she's married and has 2 kids. why do people think she's obsessed with john krasinski?

I hate Jim and Pam. they are hypocrite and even worse, their humor is rubbish.

She obviously got infatuated with him while filming the show and now she's basically in stalker mode even though she has a family of her own.

John Krasinski and Emily Blunt at the Lucille Lortel Theatre, to see Jenna Fischer in Reasons To Be Happy. 4th June 2013.

Someone has to stop her

>Dear John, I texted you but you still ain't callin

Emily is bland looking

She's basically Sup Forums in actor form.

Listen here you little shit,

i'm sorry
you're not the man i fell in love with
and i have to move on with my life


Your link's dead, plen.


betas think that she is not hot

Autists think she's hot because she reminds them of themselves.

One day you'll know what true love is user. Crazy, obsessive, addicting and self destructive.

Very brown sneakers

>true love

Because she's doing the actor on twitter equivalent of talking about an old boyfriend constantly.

her other kid in the show dumbass

I find her attractive but shes kind of meh looking

angela+pam+karen = best night

Hang on just a minute young man...



Jesus she needs to stay out of the sun. Her skin is getting terrible

i'm just so sad all the time

she unironically has nothing else

>Fischer makes a tweet once every few months referencing an extremely popular show she starred in
>haha bitch is totally obsessed, for once it's the girl that gets friendzoned! FUCK YOU MOM--err JENNA!

Jenna pls

yeah but She is 42 and all girls just love to sun bath

she's a ginger so the sun is her mostly enemy


tfw no qt Jenna mommy gf

>she will never fuck and suck your anus

she doesnt photograph well but shes naturally gorgeous. unlike jenna whos a sack of potatoes. way to go john fuck im jealous of you son

cringe, I feel so bad for her.
just let it go Jenna.

i wonder if John really liked her in the beginning of the show but she was married and denied his advances

this is my theory desu
He really seems close to her. the picture is from the gag reel of s5.

I'd take prime Jenna over prime Emily.

That look on his face is Biden-esque.

Sup, Jenna

Then you've never seen Emily's armpits.



Real talk, I think Jenna Fischer is much more attractive than Eva Green. I have no idea what anyone sees in Eva. She's ugly.

>i always thought she was the most boring looking girl. easy 5.

Those are usually the type of girl that end up like this.

Plain Pamela, too bland to be noticed or loved.


Emily is BASIC, there's a difference.

It's 1 point above 5/10.

There must always be a constant amount of JUST in the universe. JUST can never be created or destroyed. After Brendan was unJUSTed, the massive amount of JUST exploded like a supernova and is now irradiating the likes of Jenna Fischer and Jared Leto.

Picture of a woman looking at a picture. TV great of another time, once-brilliant star in a firmament no longer a part of the sky, eclipsed by the movement of earth and time. Jenna Fischer, whose world is a projection room, whose dreams are made out of office paper. Jenna Fischer, struck down by hit-and-run years and lying on the unhappy pavement, trying desperately to get the license number of fleeting fame.

that's just awesome...

>act natural and she won't shoot up the theatre

>I have no idea what anyone sees in Eva.

She looks like an actual semen demon. From Hell and everything.


look at jim's hand and his eyes