ITT: A true Roman thread for true Romans

ITT: A true Roman thread for true Romans.

Other urls found in this thread: from Pompeii.htm

Why isn't town square news proclaiming still a thing?

Why isn't fucking slaves still a thing?

From pliant virgins to learned Greeks - Rufus has slaves for every budget.

Would you be a cruel or kind master, Sup Forums?

Based greeks, now everyone can be a citizen.

all clothes looked so comfy in that show

Greeks talk a whole pile of nonsense.

fuck em.

>I shall have this sad story told in the Forum. I will have it posted in every city in Italy, and you know the people are not so liberal with their wives as you are. They will say you wear cuckold's horns. They will say your wife betrayed you with a low born pleb on my staff. You will be a figure of fun. The proles will laugh at you in the streets, your soldiers will mock you behind your back

Was 'are Octavian the first Sup Forumsack?

He worships dogs and reptiles! He paints his eyes with soot, like a prostitute! He dances in VILE NILOTIC RITES

What's a Black dude doing there?

Nubians, innit?

Looking for a television to steal


>These are my daughters, redeemed from slavery. The eldest has been prostituted, the boy is my wife's child by another man. You will treat them with respect and kindness, or I will know the reason why.

What did he mean by this?

What would roman Sup Forums be like?


>tfw completed Spartacus, then Rome, then I,Claudius

Does any show cover the late roman empire/early dark ages period?

Probably alot of feelposting about being used by a higher status man for sexual services.

>Vorenus gets cucked by Evander
>Pullo gets cucked by Oedipus
>Julius Caesar gets cucked by Pullo
>Antony gets cucked by Agrippa

Was Rome essential /cuckino/, Sup Forums?



Normies and their iphones

Bless those people who advertise for businesses in goofy outfits outside stores to carry on the tradition

Why isn't politicians punctuating their speeches with elaborate hand gestures still a thing?

honestly imagine all the cucking that went on in ancient times. you wouldn't be able to swing a cat without hitting a cuck

1. Yes
2. No, Pullo was never in a relationship with Eirene before he killed Oedipus
3. No, Julius wasn't banging Cleopatra when Pullo had sex with her. There's also no real way of knowing who's child it was, and Caesar was already married and cheating when he met Cleopatra and never publicly acknowledged the child as his own.
4. Kinda, but it was a loveless political marriage and he had his way with her and her mom. from Pompeii.htm

> (just outside the Vesuvius gate); 6641: Defecator, may everything turn out okay so that you can leave this place

>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1863: Take hold of your servant girl whenever you want to; it’s your right

>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1864: Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!

yeah this should definitely be brought back

>hear ye hear ye
>extre extre, read all about it.
I don't know what our equivalent is, I guess click bait?
>Top 10 derp you wont believe

It's good to see that shitposting is timeless

>mfw 90% of Roman politics was calling your political rivals cucks

Can't do it after Hitler or something

>I.2.20 (Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio); 3932: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1820: Chie, I hope your hemorrhoids rub together so much that they hurt worse than when they every have before!

>VIII.7.6 (Inn of the Muledrivers; left of the door); 4957: We have wet the bed, host. I confess we have done wrong. If you want to know why, there was no chamber pot

>tfw no sestertii to purchase waxtablet 6 so I can doodle lewd depictions of pomey's giving octavia some magnus cock


>tfw Brutus is such a whiny bitch

I wish an alternate history scenario where Antony rips him apart with his bare hands

>VII.12.18-20 (the Lupinare); 2175: I screwed a lot of girls here.

>VII.12.18-20 (the Lupinare); 2185: On June 15th, Hermeros screwed here with Phileterus and Caphisus.

>VII.12.18-20 (the Lupinare); 2192: Sollemnes, you screw well!

It's like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, I love it.

I loved the dialog and gestures in ROME. A lot of Greek and Roman phrases and references to myths.
Spartacus was gay and try hard.

Also what does that finger gesture mean?

>tfw Posca got to fuck prime Jocasta

It's a shame her actress is in JUST mode now

Stop sharing this information with plebs.

>lorica segmentata in spartacus


>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1824: Let everyone one in love come and see. I want to break Venus’ ribs with clubs and cripple the goddess’ loins. If she can strike through my soft chest, then why can’t I smash her head with a club?

>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1951: Sarra, you are not being very nice, leaving me all alone like this

>IX.8.3 (House of the Centenary; interior of the house); 5279: Once you are dead, you are nothing

user, have you penetrated anyone yet?

Is Rome worth watching?

>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1904: O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin.

Proof IVchan was never good

Idiot animal.

a true patrician show for true patricians (fuck yes, you idiot go to HBO now)

Go fuck yourself.

Lol that's a pretty good commentary on communism, almost beggars belief.

Pretty much the greatest HBO show of all time, still good today 10 years later

She was the greatest milf ever

>There are literal plebeians on this board who haven't watched Rome.

Such a fucking sexy woman. My god did she pull me in with those first episode nude scenes. Perfect tits, great thick body... Flawless

I'd argue that the only flaw is Octavius getting recast which comes off goofy.
Also I got the feeling that they didn't know what to do with Pullo and Vorenus in S2.

yea, kind of happened when they got cancelled halfway through making season 2 so they crammed like 4 other seasons they had planned into one. It was a good show, and it was gone too soon

GoT is better

the b8 is strong in this one

Sopranos > Deadwood > Rome > Carnivale > True Detective > GoT

It is known.

Rome>Game of Thrones>Sopranos>Deadwood>Six Feet Under

I stopped watching sometime early on in season 2. Was that a mistake?

How much different would european history be if Cesar never posthumously adopted Octavian in his will?


Absolutely a mistake

It's for the best.

You avoided seeing Mark Antony paint his eyes like a prostitute.

>>mfw 90% of Roman politics was calling your political rivals cucks
it's as clear as day...we are descendants of Romans and thus shall call everyone who disagrees with a cuck


There is more in this scene than in any of Game of Thrones.

not the first
but certainly the Best Autist Sup Forumsack of Rome

Rome > game of plebs

you sound like every woman's man

and every man's woman

Yelling has been displaced as an efficient form of communicating over distances. Perhaps you've used a phone in your lifetime.

This scene was pure kino though. His acting was on point.

Why did they recast Octavian? Both of them are great but the first one won me over and then disappeared so the second one just kind of sucks ass to watch even though he's a good actor.

As the other user said the show was cancelled so they were forced to do a timeskip

The first actor looked and sounded too young. Would have been strange to see him leading armies and commanding the senate.

The first actor was perfectly arrogant and uppity, he could have pulled it off. Towards the end of season 1 he was looking a bit older anyway.

It's not like everything they did was historically accurate, I think it was a dumb decision.

>user, have you penetrated anyone yet?
kek, I remember when I watched this movie with my father and asked him what did she mean by that

But that's an excerpt from an old greek satire written by Aristophanes. It's breddy funny

Sadly no.

>tfw no show set in the court of Justinian

Was he autistic?

p.a. systems

pic unrelated

This is some of the best acting I've ever seen. Ciaran Hinds is amazing.

>He was a consul or ROME!

Justinian was a literal cuck and weakened the Empire. Fuck him.

titties and red bush had me coming back

Pullo murdered Oedipus and then cucked him.
He's an ultimate alpha.

He wasn't autistic just bats-in-a-belfry irl. The guy was dark and menacing.

Shame they wasted his talent on GoT.

Because most people are literate now.

Not even to be mean but you'll honestly get better answers here.

>you'll honestly get better answers here.
Not on /his/ you won't.

You will though.

How old was he by the end of the first season?
It could be that they had a sex scene with Octavian in mind and showing him in it would be against the law. Of course, they could have jsut written it out too I guess.

>fucking slaves
absolutely equestrian

Compared to here at least? I said better not good, let alone great.

>Upon hearing of the defeat, the Emperor Augustus, according to the Roman historian Suetonius in De vita Caesarum ("The Lives of the Caesars"), was so shaken that he stood butting his head against the walls of his palace, repeatedly shouting: "Quintili Vare, legiones redde!“ ('Quintilius Varus, give me back my legions!')

Compared to here, without a doubt. It is Sup Forums however, so the quality is, lets say variable, but compared to the rest of this cancerous hellhole, it's very good.

>tfw no season3
life is eternal suffering

truly a shame

Me on the left

If they made season 3 now set 10 years after the final what would be happening historically?

>Ywn have the bravado and charm of Antony
why live?

>deadwood and rome had to be canceled to make way for game of fucking thrones

i fucking loved my afternoons of a mix of "THIRTEEEEEEN" and "Cocksucker sanfrancisco swearen!!"

i kind of wish they didn't start season 1 at the end of the gallic wars.

how caesar became...caesar.... is just as interesting as how he became a dictator

>finally watch the whole series.

No wonder you guys love it so much, half of it is spent making fun of plebs.

I also hate how rushed S2 was even if I knew the reason for it.