Cringey moments like this have increased ten-fold in season 2.

yea this shit was pretty horrible .. idk what that kike Esmail is doing anymore.

>he opened a private tab, for eternity

>He exited his browser, and closed his laptop.

>he swiped left, now he's alone forever

I'm glad Sup Forums has stopped pretending to like this shit show

shit was kino as fuck


>he emptied his recycle bin

>he was sitting on the toilet and masturbating with his laptop balancing on his knees but his mum walked in and he stood up, causing his laptop to fall onto the tiles and break

>he ran ccleaner

>He alt + F4

Haven't watched the last few episodes yet.

Please tell me that firecrotch isn't talking about Tyrell

>I'm the female serpico
>I'm fidgety and quirky
>I always have lollipop in my mouth
>love me I'm so random

>I always have lollipop in my mouth
most tryhard shit I've seen in ages desu

>He flipped his etch-a-sketch around and shook it

she's not.

>he deleted system32

I like her because no one else seems to. Even that corner shop owner she tries so desperately to befriend seems to just want her to gtfo

Thats brutal man why would you even post that

Id love to cybersex her

take it take it take it!

Why does she have such strong facial features?

she looks very much like her mum desu

Esmail is a hack, everything is wrong with season 2

>Inexplicably waste the best actor/character of the cast by not showing us where Tyrell is
>waste Mr. Robot as a character by have him appear for 2 lines an episode
>needlessly focus on Darlene/Angela/Joanna when no one cares about them
>the Craig Robinson storyline is obvious filler
>CEO of E-Corp hasn't been given any interesting scenes
>waste FBIfu as an actress on a lackluster character
>just dicking around for the entire episode so they can put a dumb cliffhanger in at the last five minutes

fuck off nigger

She looks exactly like both of her parents at the same time.

she's a qtp2t tbqhwyf

Hmmm makes you think

You're not wrong. Only thing I liked about this season was the Eliot and Darlene flashback where we are introduced to the birth of Mr. Robot.

The rest has been very fucking hackfraudian and lackluster.

Which had the greater fall, TD season 2 or Mr. Robot season 2?

Mr. Robot has 6 episodes to redeem itself, it could avoid being the absolute monstrosity of TD S2

The last two episodes have been better IMO. Hopefully it keeps getting better and has a nice finale

That's the cringiest moment in the show. I still love it.