


really makes ya think what she meant by this

What's her endgame?

Why is that allowed on tv?

Why is that aIlowed on tv?

I honestly think she's really sexy and just saw the constant derogatory nudity as artless and cheap

da-damn...l-lena dunham looks like that?


Is that skin or underwear I cannot tell.

Guys what the fuck i think i like it whats wrong with me

she's got pebbles for doing this scene

she can't keep getting away with this!

This show is degenerate leftist filth.

Same here. I don't know why

I would literally gf this

Why is she so thicc

End your life tonight mate, she is repulsive inside and out.

shes not thicc shes just fat

enormous difference

>spread further, we still cant see it




as if you haven't done disgusting irredeemable things that you keep nice and deep and buried in a tiny little box and you keep hidden away way deep inside that you must forever keep secret otherwise it'll ruin you and force you to flee until eventually a normie discovers you and you get the beating of liftime and if you're lucky you'll have died from the injuries sustained otherwise you're going to be torn apart like a piece of meat once the big boys in your prison get word of what kind of scum you are



> I honestly think she's really sexy

You're either Lena or you're blind drunk. Either way, go home.

sharon stone just had to uncross her legs

this fucking lump had to uncross them and move them apart

just vile

>as if you haven't done disgusting irredeemable things that you keep nice and deep and buried in a tiny little box and you keep hidden away way deep inside that you must forever keep secret otherwise it'll ruin you and force you to flee until eventually a normie discovers you and you get the beating of liftime and if you're lucky you'll have died from the injuries sustained otherwise you're going to be torn apart like a piece of meat once the big boys in your prison get word of what kind of scum you are

It's not your fault user

see the thing is with my moral system I don't have to bury anything because I don't believe it is possible to do something wrong

thus nothing is buried, and nothing eats away at my conscience

>I am a sociopath


I dont get it why doesnt she just lose weight? Doesnt she have the money for surgery or a personal trainer/dietician or something?

Laziness probably

Either that, or he knows he's just living in a simulation like the rest of us


it's part of her selling pitch, and was her card to success

nobody would have given a fuck about her if she was a liberal basic thin bitch #1012 trying to enter the game

where my girls at!

ahahha jesus christ

she would look much better without the dyke hair



From what is this?

How does Elena Kagan manage to double as a Supreme Court justice AND a famous female actress?

>not fully erect
This isn't kino.

anybody have this in 4k?

>spread legs
>legs are still attached
>spread legs further
>STILL attached
>force legs at spread maximum
>a little bit separated
I'm actually smiling

I'd hit it.

Christ, imagine the smell of fish that must have released into the room.

Came to this webm twice


>spread legs
>legs are still attached

Imagine being Adam Driver in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Lena Dunham, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your cottage cheese body and horrific half jewish monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another Star Wars fangirl in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Adam and not only sit in that bed while Dunham flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her back fat and stretch marks, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that pretentious hipster performance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's A TRUE TALEN and DAMN, LENA DUNHAM CAN WRITE A SCENE LIKE ***THAT***?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking kike face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of cute Hollywood waitresses waiting to be stars for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of assfucking nowhere Indiana. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her inflated stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "shapely (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she says she is born with just for having a cunt and being born to wealthy Boomer parents. And then the Dunham calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Adam. You're not going to lose your future Star Wars roles over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

I would honestly feel bad for him were he not paid to do that.

absolute 10/10

>this fucking lump had to uncross them and move them apart
And we still can't see it.

I bet she thought she was real sexy doing it too.

damn I shouldn't have eaten and seen that, now I have to go throw up.

>that vaginal recoil as it becomes unstuck from her thighs
i-im not sure how to feel desu

she's got fat thighs
they give awards for that?

Fuck thats so hot. Stupid fat bitch

fucking jews

She is disgusting physically and as a human.
I'd hate fuck her and never mention it to anyone I know irl

*puke internally*

second times the charm

Wow, Karen Straughan got fat and slutty huh.

>as if you haven't done disgusting irredeemable things that you keep nice and deep and buried in a tiny little box

But Lena isn't hiding anything about how disgusting she is. She's proudly displaying it publicly for all to see and judge her by.

This is a time where you can unironically blame the Jews.

*barf anally*

This shitpost only works when you use known persons.


Anyone have this is a standard video format other than webm? I want to make an edit.

I opened that expecting to get grossed and it was worst than I expected.

rofl so fucking fat it nullifies spreading the legs, god i hope she fucking dies

This is a new low, even for me.


I-Is she trying to seduce someone?

If a feminist ever talks about man spreading. I'm going to show them this

Is that her clit I see?

the viewer(You)

It's like a human with elephant legs.


For what purpose?

You guys are bullshitting. You know if you were alone in a room with her and no one would ever know, you'd smash her ass so hard it'd sound like throwing flip flops down a flight of stairs

It'seems primal, and you're used to finding non-fat chicks attractive. Fat thighs and looks like if she had your kid it would come out big, strong and healthy. Your genes can sometimes override common sense and conventional attraction.

With me, I get hard looking at that caveman-looking chick who plays Enchantress. Genes remembering neanderthal boning, maybe?



And then cuddle.

I would wreck this fat bitch up and then not answer back her texts

>tfw accidentally full screened the video

What did she mean by this?

More like this, user. Hairy jewish-looking chicks with an indifferent attitude/gaze are boner-inducing.

She has a little too much confidence in her appearance.

I like it that when male reviewers discussed that episode and speculated that it was all a dream by Lena FatHam's character. Because succesful handsome men don't have affairs with pigs. And SJWs lost their shit.... kek.

Did someone fill a trash bag with oatmeal?

But you don't disagree.



>Because succesful handsome men don't have affairs with pigs.

They do though.

Fat chicks are my fetish, but this is too much.


Get in here guys: