Director says that Batman broke his teeth for killing Robin

Director says that Batman broke his teeth for killing Robin.

So basically:

>deranged maniac kills your adopted son and partner
= you punch his mouth and send him to get therapy

>random thug comes at you with a knife
= you take that shit, stab him with it and then break his spine on the floor


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doesn't the film list harley as being an accomplice to the murder of robin or something? so how did joker get his teeth knocked out if he already had the grill when he met harley?

>When it is listing off Harley Quinn's criminal charges it lists accomplice to Robin's murder as one of her crimes
>Joker didn't lose his teeth until after Robin died
>Joker's teeth are knocked out when he's being evaluated by the sane Harley Quinn in Arkham

The whole thing is a mess.

Grills just go over existing teeth, anyway, they aren't replacements.

>list harley as being an accomplice to the murder of robin


That "accomplice to the murder of Robin" shit was added later, probably by the trailer company that cut the theatrical version.

wait did it really say that?

fucking hell

>Snyder: Robin was killed by the joker 10 years ago
>Ayer: The joker killed robin went to jail got harley and then killed robin again
>DCEU in charge of continuity

Unintentional homicide

just an accident bro

oh I'm sure he's fine.

he's just not going to remember the first 30 years of his life and will have to eat through a straw for the rest of it

>Batman doesn't kill
wanna know how i got these grills? well? im the jokah baybey!

reminder that joker is in his 40s and dating a woman in her 20s

absolutely disgusting

why can't batman just shoot people if throwing shipping crates at their head is fine, a bullet is just like a very small shipping container shot out of a barrel

This sounds interesting, but couldn't they have made a movie about that before? Wasted ideas imo.

fucking idiot marvel cuck fag shit dick butt ass shill, have you never gotten fucking fedex? bruce wayne THE BATMAN is just following standard operation procedures.cry back to mummy's slap daddy basement

Apparently not because DC is just blowing their load all over the place to catch up with marvel instead of giving us time and build up to give a shit about any of these characters


>The crate bounces off his face like it's hollow and made of styrofoam instead of smashing him into paste against the wall
>He still slams against the wall with enough force to leave a big bloodstain and trail

Nigga dead either way but that shit look retarded

>people get batman about butthurt killing people but don't care about all the men he most likely makes quadriplegics and complete vegetables

Why doesn't the guy with the gun light Batman up during the 2 seconds he is sitting motionless in front of the crate?

I love how he's just staring batman and the crate down, with his gun down, while his companions flail at the air and spread their legs like some kind of disorganized pilates class

>Joker's teeth are knocked out when he's being evaluated by the sane Harley Quinn in Arkham

no they arn't

he didnt go off the rails till Superman showed up and he started getting pushed by Lex

Here, I'll tell you the ACTUAL reason why Joker has grills:

Jared Leto is a pretty-boy and they needed something to make him look atleast a little bit menacing.

There's no excuse of making them silver. White implants exist.

Read this in Tim Allen's voice

>There's no excuse of making them silver.
It makes him look more DAMAGED

If I were on the situation that I'd have to get my teeth replaced like that, I'd get gold teeth honestly

>get scheduled for a root canal 3 months ago
>dentist struggles to find all 4 of my roots
>drills so many holes that the tooth becomes porous like swiss cheese and therefore is impossible to work with unless I shell out £1000 for a specialist
>nope.jpg just rip the fucker out
>dentist ends up breaking my tooth into mutliple pieces becuase LOL TOO MANY HOLES
>left with a stub that's flushed with gumlime
>has to cut it out but going in sideways through my gums

Root Canals are fun.

>in Harley's file in the movie it says she was an accomplice to killing Robin
>Joker already has his grill when they first meet in Arkam

is this on the glorious NHS by any chance

Why yes, all this was split over 3 visits too because the one dentist in my area was constantly rushed off his feet.

if I've learned anything from Daredevil it's bad to kill people but putting them into a coma is ok

>Batman kills thugs who obviously have mommy's
>Vary dangerous alien cries for his mommy, now batman wants to be best friends.

DCU is trash

then he'd just be The Punisher and we still have to pretend he's a ninja

Maybe he wanted to destroy something beautiful?

>break his spine

He's the Dalai Llama version of the Punisher. Wants to be perceived as a pacifist, or a Quaker or something, but is actually anything but

t. Americuck who just paid $200k to get his sprained wrist fixed

The box kills him in the extended cut.

Literally never happens. Insurance which unless you're an illegal immigrant you should get from your employer for much less than you pay in taxes. And even though the hospital may bill you like that nobody ever pays that amount. They pad the price on everything to get more money from the insurance companies.

Indeed, its a pirate life for you and me

The only way for it to make sense is that Harley let Joker escape and nobody found out. Once Joker killed Robin he was sent back. This is where he fully converts Harley as seen in the movie.

Why not just cast someone who would be a good fit for the role?

That IS from the UC, there's no bloodstain in the theatrical cut

yes they are. definitely got a girll when he shocks her too