We did it Reddit!

We did it Reddit!

so, all this leaves now is Steven


Other urls found in this thread:


Tardo shouldn't rot in prison for the rest of his life but Avery is still a murdering piece of shit

steven is never getting out homey

Steven burned cats alive.

He did it. But because he is semi retarded he gets off the hook? Is this white male privelige or tard privelige?

Daily reminder that Kayla was to blame for everything.



A woman's word ought to be respected.


thread theme



>rape and murder a woman to death
>police officers come to your school to question you
>act dumb as all hell
>police starts asking leading questions
>go along with it
>admit to shit that couldn't possibly have taken place
>still get sent to jail
>years later internet memes get you released
>become a millionaire after massive lawsuit against police
>yfw getting caught was part of his plan all along

avery isnt getting out


Edgy fucking faggot, I hope he rots for the rest of his life.

Probably not much, fading to obscurity I guess?

He was already borderline retarded, and now he's 10 years older with no education living in a shithole town.
Maybe someone will set up a gofundme and get him tickets to wrestlemania.

This is what happens when we go against instinct and let tards live.

And then all we have to do is find the real rapists and killers!

Then we can get cracking on the Nicole Brown Simpson murder and find out who was trying to frame O.J.

The police killed her and burned her body to frame Avery

Guiltyfags BTFO. Steve's release is just a matter of time now given how much of his case was reliant on Brendan's supposed guilt. Seeing as anyone with half a brain could see he was coerced from start to finish Steve will be out and suing for a trillion dollars by the end of the year, mark my words.



He's done enough time to cover any sentence he could have received for animal abuse. Animal cruelty does not equal murder and this is the stupidest argument surrounding this whole case that idiots won't stop making. Literally retarded.

Will Steven Avery ever be released?

a grown human being wrote this?


nah because he did it.

There's not a doubt in my mind Steve will be out soon now.

This, his nephew is an idiot who got rail roaded and would never have been in this situation if he had a lawyer with him during questioning.

His uncle is bad and deserves to die in prison.

Would you want a cat torturer and probable murderer as a neigbour?

I'm not a poor as fuck white trash American who lives next to a junkyard so that's not going to happen. But the point is him burning a cat doesn't make him a murderer. One is not evidence of the other.

I fucking hate cats so having someone nearby to keep them off my property would be just fine. Steve can live next to me any day.

Serial killers start off by torturing animals when younger, it's a fact. He's too stupid to pull off killing without getting caught anyway.

Not always. And not everyone who tortures an animal becomes a serial killer. The only thing that is a fact is that serial killers often have a history of childhood animal abuse. But it's not a certainty.

The cat thing is not solid proof hes a killer, it's circumstantial at best. And it's also debated if Steve actually did it. He was certainly present when the cat thing happened but he maintains it was a drunk friend who threw it over the fire.

Animal abuse actually wasn't a federal crime in the US until like 2 years ago. That's why DMX was always in and out of jail.


How much do you wanna bet

Brandon Dassey has been released because of the forced confession. IIRC there is little evidence except that confession.

Steven Avery's case is different because the conviction is not entirely based on a confession. There are DNA evidence among other things.

Of course not always you retard but when you are accused of murder and you've done that in the past you've made your own bed.

He should get life for the murder of the kitty anyway.

>He should get life for the murder of the kitty anyway.

And there it is. Reddit pls go.

>He should get life for the murder of the kitty anyway.
