Le atheism xd

Bros, who's hyped for sausage party!!

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I told my mom that I believe in the flying spaghetti monster, not jesus!

>she freaked

Atheism was a mistake.

the sex scene if you care btw

What you are witnessing, dear friends, is the inexorable march of progress!

There is no God. Everything is lawful.

Atheists are absolutely insufferable.

>atheists gleefully basing their life views and opinions on a movie with talking cartoon food

sounds about right

>Sorry Dmitri Karamazov, the evidence says you're the murderer :^)

>7 IPs
>5 posts

Also, is there now going to be an influx of Sausage Party threads where posters go on Reddit just for the sake of complaining about a movie they're not going to see anyway?

They're dark sided.


>all policy should be based on the weight of evidence
Blacks would instantly be jettisoned into the sun in that case.

woah look at mr smartypants over here
>post yfw you realize the western world was "Rationalia" all along

Atheism is why we have tranny's and faggot nu-males. It was a mistake

>being this spooked
Prove I don't own the continent of Australia.

I don't care if you believe in God or not. I have friends and family who don't and I have friends who believe the earth is literally like 3,000 years old.

I do have a problem with Atheism™, as it's just in-group out-group bullshit. They are also far more obnoxious than Christians™ have been to me lately and I live in fucking Nashville. I remember during 1990 - 2008ish thinking Christians™ were the fucking worst with pushing their religion but like within the span of like 6 or 8ish years Atheists™ have been far more fucking annoying and arrogant.

Just keep religious shit to yourself please

more like whites would be jettisoned. they're the worst offenders of killing the planet, committing genocide and colonialism imperialism agendas

>Atheism is why we have tranny's and faggot nu-males.
Hitler was an atheist, just saying.

Nonsense. Those people that were colonized weren't using the resources that they were sitting on and as such more advanced people need to drag them into the future for their own good. The evidence supports this.

proofs? I thought he was Catholic or somethin

>tfw I said redditers were atheists and I was correct

MY evidence plainly supports the notion that you're a doo doo head.

>Hitler was an atheist
He was a Christian and a pagan believer. After all the swastika is a pagan symbol.

Do you really hate true history?

Everyone's religious when they're trying to get elected.

He was a catholic. Catholic priests blessed the nazis

Hitler later said he kind of lost faith but he did start out as a catholic

>Source: Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion

He was a "Christian" but his Christianity was
specifically tailored to promote his ideas (i.e. full disregard of jewishness).

Also, here's a quote by the man himself (though it comes from Speer memoirs):
>You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?

>Hitler respected Islam
I did not know this

>but his Christianity was specifically tailored to promote his ideas
So pretty much like the founder of every sect of Christianity?

As a means to control people

He did respect Islam very much.
Still thought that Arabs were inferior.

Pic related: It's you.

>tfw I want to be a christian but can't believe something so crazy

Pic related: It's you.

Check this shit out: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_atheism

>tfw Scientology actually has some truths to our universe and yet majority just don't understand

Go and read Ancient Iraqi faiths, Ancient Greece and the Old Testament.

>Ancient Greece: Zeus mated with a mortal female and produced mighty offspring

>Old Testament of the Bible in Genesis: the Sons of God mated with mortal females and produced mighty offspring. The Bible also recounts that Giants and not extinct animals used to roam thousands of years ago.

Put aside your non spiritual evolution and understand the truth

Why do people assume being religious means being anti-science? Why do southern Baptists become the image of what all Christians are? If you are a Christian then it can be considered anti-God to be anti-science.

>Old Testament of the Bible in Genesis: the Sons of God mated with mortal females and produced mighty offspring.
That idea comes from one obscure verse, and most Christians don't interpret it that way.

I'm going to be researching this shit all night user. Thank you for tipping me off to this.

I c wat u did thar

>Why do people assume being religious means being anti-science?
Because religious people are often go completely anti-science when they hear about things like Big Bang (that does not interfere with the concept of God in any way) and evolution.


Only retards assume that, religious people are anti-God. Especially Christians.


No, you're making shit up about the world to suit your narrative.

You've likely never even encountered a creationist.

Let me tell you than I have over 300 confirmed won debates with fundies on the Internet, kiddo.

You might think it's funny, but you won't be laughing when you don't get into heaven because you refused to believe in Christ the Lord who died for our sins and allowed us to once again be embraced by our creator, the Lord God.

Nah mate, theists are insufferable.

The film echoes opinions, retard.

Place your bets.

>He was a "Christian" but

You can't do that.

You can't pretend?

>Atheism leads to nihilism, then to pursuit of animalistic pleasures
>Tons of prominent Athiests are known degenerates: Amazing fag, Lacy Green
>Movie is anti-god, devolves into a giant orgy

It's amazing how Atheists continue to claim that they're in the right when they follow the same patterns time and time again.

>your beliefs about facts are wrong because they lead to immoral behavior


>Atheism leads to nihilism
What did he mean by this?

>Sup Forums neckbeards get triggered by cartoons, version 32523525

Atheists use similar stupid logic.

>If there's a god, why is there so much suffering in the world?

I'm like 99% sure this post is bait. I was about to respond seriously but the Atheism leads to Nihilism part was thrown in there so nonchalantly I'm sure this isn't real.

Holy fucking shit, this is why no one but your mom likes you.

Documentably and factually the Nazis overran and destroyed Christianity in Germany, because Christian leaders were speaking out against what they were doing. They literally made documentaries about this as early as in the '40s.

Many religions entail beliefs that are borne out of superstition or dogma, or make claims about reality that can be falsified. So it does require a certain amount of cognitive dissonance to harbor beliefs that are scientifically unsound while in practice relying on the efficacy of the sciences.

You realize the ending speech of the movie calls out militant obnoxious atheists right?

Logically, atheism necessarily means nihilism and hedonism. There is no logical way an atheist can be a moralist.

An atheist who claims to have a moral code is an atheist who operates on emotion, not rationality.

>It's okay if we say all religion is wrong as long as we add "and I guess atheists can be jerks sometimes"

A (((Hollywood))) movie that shits all over Christianity? Looks like they found a diamond in the rough here.

People been claiming this for a few days without providing proof.

The whole movie is tailored toward pro atheist since "Kek, foods religion gets them killed."

How does it attack militant atheism?

>Logically, atheism necessarily means nihilism and hedonism. There is no logical way an atheist can be a moralist.
What the fuck

How do you know Allah isn't the real god or YHWH for that matter?
What if you were born in the wrong country and therefore believe in the wrong god?

What the fuck is your problem? Either use your rational mind or shut the fuck up.

Your shit makes no sense

>My mom wanted me to go to church, so instead I'll go and watch the latest Seth Rogensteinowichberg movie where food smokes weed, that'll show her.

Allah is pretty clearly Satan.

Heh, well played, good sir!

>hates degenerates
Nah, he's an alright guy. Shame about goat fucking though.

Are you retarded?

>Murder is evil.
>Because God said so.
>God is the absolute standard for right and wrong.

>Murder is wrong.
>Because it causes human suffering.
>Human suffering is wrong.
>Because people don't want to suffer.
>Because you don't want to suffer.
>Because reducing the suffering of others will reduce your own suffering.
Provably untrue, and already delving into areas that have nothing to do with morality.

Why is he brown?


There's a reason why the west (mainly Christian) is so successful meanwhile the rest of the regions are filled with suffering.

Also explains why highly agnostic countries such as Sweden and Germany are literally getting invaded.

Glad you liked my meme, fellow 4channer!

Satan wants souls, kill the gays, they go to hell.

>murder is wrong.
>because you get sent to jail
>but I'm an anarchist capitalist and you breathing is violating the NAP

>Provably untrue

God, Allah, YHWH are the same "God the Father" figure from Christianity.

Only difference is Jews deny Jesus Christ entirely and Muslims claim he's a prophet but not the Son of God.

How so? The christian god has caused more death and suffering than the muslim one
what if the christian god is the devil?

Powerful people cause human suffering with no negative consequences on a daily basis.

SOMETIMES helping others is helping yourself, but other times you can fuck over society and get away scott free.

Well, we need a suffering index then.

>The christian god has caused more death and suffering than the muslim one

t. high school history education

But seriously, you don't know jack shit about the Islamic slave trade and Conquests.

>The christian god has caused more death and suffering than the muslim one

>implying reducing general human suffering automatically means you personally suffer less

Also that morality is literally both Last Man nihilism and hedonism (concern only for self security and comfort)

>Islamic slave trade and Conquests
I did not know Allah traded slaves.

Are there really atheists on here or you they just pretending to be retained for a reaction?

I'm talking about the scriptures, Anons
To be more specific about the people god and Allah killed themselves

>Are there really atheists on here
Beautiful bait, my friend.

well why is there? most of it could be avoidable with a few tweaks here and there by the grand designer.

I know you're probably going to bring up free will and the importance of people making decisions, and there's truth to that, but so much of the suffering and evil that happens is completely out of our control. sociopaths with no impulse control and a bloodlust don't really choose to be that way, they can't just free will themselves out of it.

I'm Atheist and my reason for having a moral code is because I was put on Earth with no direction and therefor it makes as much sense to decide on my own purpose as it does to say nothing means anything. I have no way of knowing if nothing means anything, so I follow the moral code that's instinctual to me.

I don't really consider that emotion based, there's logic to my decision to live morally. And when you break it down everything is emotion based, it always comes down to "I don't want this to happen/I do want that to happen." I think this occurs even with god, you obey him because you don't want to get sent to hell.

One of the most cancerous sub in Reddit

Slavery is part of and inseparable from Sharia law, the law of the Qur'an, as spread by the prophet Muhammad as the perfect word of Allah.

This is entry level shit. Muslims are fucking maniacs.


>well why is there? most of it could be avoidable with a few tweaks here and there by the grand designer.

>God doesn't exist, because he's mean.

I used to be religious but then I realized that I'm allowed to rape and murder people in the name of atheism without anyone caring so now an atheist scholar.

They're same god

>White people consider this entertainment

>tu quoque
Except it's not atheists that believe that God is the epitome of goodness.
That and the existence of suffering is a contradiction.

How's that a leap in logic?

This. If I really need to be enlightened on reddit of all the place, r/science is a much better alternative.

It's more like "God is irrational, therefore he does not exist", akchualy.

>telling the one who created everything that he's irrational

wew lad

>The Quran describes Allah as the best deceiver there is, a liar who is not above using the same evil and wicked schemes of his opponents. For example, the Quran calls Allah amakr, in fact the bestmakrthere is:

>But they (the Jews)were deceptive, and Allahwas deceptive, for Allah is the best of deceivers(Wamakaroowamakara AllahuwaAllahukhayru al-makireena)! S. 3:54; cf. 8:30
>Are they then secure fromAllah's deception (makra Allahi)? None deemeth himself secure fromAllah's deception (makra Allahi)save folk that perish. S. 7:99
>So theyschemed a scheme: and We schemed a scheme (Wamakaroo makran wamakarna makran),while they perceived not. S. 27:50

John 8:44
>Ye are ofyourfather the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.