All memes aside, who had objectively the best business card?

All memes aside, who had objectively the best business card?

Bryce or Van Patten

paul allen

Paul Allen by far

Paul Allen

Paully A

>first name is in smaller font than last name
lord have mercy

>Paul Allen
>can't even fit everything in one line at the bottom

It's Pryce

>can't even beat autocorrect

van Patten > Allen > Bryce > Bateman

paul allen

Patrick = too boring.
David and Timothy = feels good between your fingers
Paul Allen = took batemans boring look and added a new, sleek design to it

I have to go with Paul Allen.

>can't even fit everything in one line at the bottom
That's intentional. It's a simple addition to his card that makes it stand out in a tasteful way. Notice the periods between the digits in the phone number, another subtle, refined addition.

Tim and Dave's look like something you can get at costco

Patrick's is nice but the font is outdated

Paul's card is really the nicest

I like Allen's. Bateman's is probably the worst.

>doesn't know about aesthetic balancing

kek plebian

That a gram?

I like van patten

But i think we can all agree bateman's is the worst

Paul and David are the best.

Bateman has some retarded looking numbers on his card, would not go to for business 0/10.

why do they all have the same phone number

Luis Caruthers.

>the best
You're a big dummy

Paul Allen's.

The subtle off-white colouring. The tasteful thickness of it. It even has a watermark.

Why are they all Vice President

How are they all VPs?

Bateman's :^)

The number is for the front receptionist. She transfers the calls to the VPs' secretaries.
A company can have numerous VPs.

Companies usually have multiple VPs dingus

With some companies, usually financial companies, everyone at a certain level of management is "Vice President".

Bateman's numbers are literal kino

Its easier to choose the worst: Van Patten by a mile.

I would say that the best is probably Bryce.

Pick one


What was Bateman even thinking with that card?

the other 3 blow him out of the water

bateman's font, bryce's raised lettering with van patten's egg shell would have been perfect, that not being available I'd go with paul allen's

It literally looks like he made it in Microsoft word.

>numales attacking Bateman's card


Check em.

What the fuck was Bateman thinking with that raised lettering?

>David van Patten
nice to touch, comfy bold font, his name immediately catch your attention
>Paul Allen
simple elegant design, two lines of bottom info beautifully mirrors two lines of company name, dots between numerals are nice detail
>Timothy Bryce
mediocre gaunt font, different style between name and surname is too intrusive
>Patrick Bateman
same problems as Bryce, cheap-looking paper, absolutely disgusting style of numbers, how can somebody just himself so much, fucking mess

How come they don't have unique phone numbers that lead directly to their own office?

He was thinking like a real man

>e &P

Sorry that Bateman's numbers dont match your B-O-R-I-N-G style, user.

You're right, it's not boring. Bateman's card is a fucking train-wreck.
First of all, the color is completely inappropriate. Bone is FAR too much color for a business card. Secondly, look at the top of the card, a full QUARTER-INCH from the top to the Pierce & Pierce and the phone number. Speaking of the phone number, look at those hanging numbers. It's completely gross. The font itself is just so bland. Mergers and aquisitions is too small compared to the Pierce & Pierce. Bateman inexplicably decided to make the font at the bottom varying sizes. There's no texture to the card, it's basically just a piece of printer paper.

I can't actually fathom how or why Bateman has such a shitty business card. It must have something to do with the story, his card is just a complete wreck.

Uh, how bout you shut up?

Bryce's typeface is better, but Allen's is the overall better package.

American Psycho sucked though so that's a shame.


t. Minimum Wageslave


I agree, no one could unironically like bryces typeface.


Honestly I'd have to go with Bateman.


Luis Carruthers'

Exactly. Fucking arial of all fonts? The """"""modern"""""" meme needs to die already

Allen's font is generic as fuck but style wise is GOAT.

Bryce draws me in more. Patten is fucking shit oh god

Bateman's card looks like the cleanest one.

Paul Allen > Bateman > Bryce > Van Shitten

If they had a card with Bryce typeface + Allens spacing and style then that card would be GOAT

Batemans font is such an eye sore

>doesn't even mention card texture, thickness, and color
just disregard this idiot, everyone

t. Yuppie

Your mom is an eyesore

This has already been established many times.

Bateman's card stock with Bryce's typeface is the best card.

The only thing that's been established is how plebian Sup Forums is if that's the general consensus.
Paul Allen is the best, it's not even close.


It's bone

This fucking thread again.
Allen> Bryce>Patten>Bateman>>>>>>>Carruthers
I am not going to type the reasons again. If you are confused as to why, just look at everything in those cards up close.

>Bryce over Patten
Maybe you should type your reasons, because that makes absolutely no sense.

Bryce's card is the best actually. Patten's card looks too old timey. Bryce's card looks rough in a good way and easy to just rub your fingers across. Allen's card looks too modern-futuristic and looks like it would give you a papercut


Patten's is godawful.

I am going to bed. I am tired as shit. Look at the small details bro. Numbers, font, texture, background color, margins, alignment, choice of font color. also i forgot to mention that van patten and bryce can be interchangeable since it is mostly subjective but still looking over all the details you shouldn't be surprised if you come to my conclusion. I wish I made a copypasta of my previous replies tho. night

Paul Allen
Van Patten

Paul Allen being first was a easy choice.
Bateman not putting a space after & bothers me a lot and Patten took the pattern too far

Van Patten, no doubt

nigga what are you doing

Dude you realize this whole thread is fucking ridiculous right?

Bateman's is kino but all you normies hate it, this is CLEARLY a reflection on his dislike and general stuck feeling with living his yuppie life. His style is great, but doesn't fit with the boring style a business card usually has.

When "Baxter" asks Paul to play squash together, Paul says "call me" and gives him his card, while all the cards have the same exactly information except the name. Really makes you think...
Also, what's "bone" in Patrick's card?

>Paul Allen
Classic. Subtle, but consistent and readable. Nice font, great spacing and kerning. If this card was a man, I'd let him fuck my wife.
>David Van Patten
It's good, but the bolding of his name just screams "look at me!", and that's not good. The number has no hyphens or anything, but the font is alright.
>Timothy Bryce
Arial is not good for business cards, no matter how much time you spent in Microsoft Word, it'll never look good. Also, nice smashed up letters at the bottom, jackass, I can't see shit.
>Patrick Bateman
This is the worst fucking card I've ever seen in my life. Look at how obvious that serif is. Look at how unreadable the bottom is. Truly awful.

>old style numerals
>rightful use of smallcaps and fullcaps
>serif font in print instead of falling for the sans meme
Bateman has the best.
And these dubs as well.

>he thinks old style numerals are shit
You know nothing about typography senpai.



Bryce = Allen > Bateman > Patten

Bryce is an absolute goddamn genius when it comes to lettering, font, and material. Look at how goddamn sharp that looks; almost like it was carved into the card by hand. VERY nice look.

Unfortunately, the gap between the number and the logo is far too wide to properly give it it's due merit. 4 and a half stars.

Now Allen, on the other hand, measured his card very nicely. It's all very well and proportioned, EXCEPT for the bottom, where the clueless idiot assumed two lines made his card better than the others.

His saving grace happens to be the punctuation dictating his numbers, making them stand out, from end to end. Excellent call on his side. 4 and a half stars.

Bateman is plain, boring, and functional. Like an E-Class Mercedes Benz. It's not quite the S-Class or the Maybach, but there's a certain amount of pennies thrown into it to give it the sense of modesty and luxury. 4 stars.

Patten is cheap, forgettable, toss-away trash. If he had not been hired by Pierce; he would certainly have been published by Putnam. 3 stars.

How nice a card like Bateman's is doesn't really translate from real life into film

You can't feel how much heavier it is than the others, is how much nicer that improved cardstock is


Seems like Patten is the real loser according to this thread

Bateman's is the worst.