What do actors do all day

what do actors do all day

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post on Sup Forums

your mom

Each other

wait around hoping to finally get to die

This. At least I do.


Fassbender fucks black girls all day
Alicia just watches

Why is Alicia so fucking smug all the time?

That's what Henry Cavill does


He used to be a fat kid. Of course he loves comics and browses internet forums.

what is this

>the greatest informational tool in the history of mankind is at his fingertips
>could have total enlightenment on the subject in literally seconds
>doesn't use it

How do chimps like you manage to operate a keyboard?

Woah, wtf is up with his voice?
Superman is American

i was blind but now i see

spend time with friends, family, doing hobbies, and then occasional press, events, acting/singing/training

The same things they have been doing for many years.
Fuck actors/actresses and do cocaine.

Bitch resting face

I'm pretty sure I once encountered Ryan Gosling on a bunnyhop server on CSGO about 3 years ago. He was raging about something and then I recognized his voice and said "Ryan Gosling?". He went quiet and disconnected. His username was Dick Rambo

Why are Latinas always high on weed and coronas?

They probably fuck all day like the Olympians. The fappening proved as much.


crush puss


Brando reportedly fucked over 2000 women

reported by whom?


by over 2000 women

that's even not that many if you're a single guy with money. He lived until he was 80

pleb tier number. Warren Beaty fucked 15k and he's still kicking

how do famous people do this?
if i was rich and famous i would be so scared of sex. what if she pokes a hole in the condom or she wipes the cum off her tits and pushes it in her pussy? or what if she goes to the garbage can and grabs the condom and sucks the cum out of it and then tries to impregnate herself??

women are scary


Also pro escorts who make more money by not doing that

And he's fucking dead.

What does it matter? We're all going to die my man.

if you were a rich and famous and therefore most likely socially competent person you wouldn't worry about these things because you wouldn't have this warped view of women being scary monsters that Sup Forums breeds

then why do celebrities have so many illegitimate children?

No it's a legit concern. Most prevalent for new NFL players. Happens all the time to them as they go bang ghetto/trailer trash.

i don't, uh... i mean, they do the same things as everyone else

>everyone else

like i know what the fuck a regular person does all day

I'd let him fuck me in the ass.

No homo.

This, I'm less of a neet and more of an overall degenerate but I have fuck-all idea of what the average Tom, Dick, and Harrys of the world do with their time.

Look at how happy he is when he plays. youtube.com/watch?v=yLEMb_RIZ3o

I'd believe it

would take goose for more of a surf player tho Tbh

>tfw no black gf

Going by that Johnny Depp video Amber Heard used as evidence they drink wine all day.