Post yfw Brendan can now go to wrestlemania whenever he wants

Post yfw Brendan can now go to wrestlemania whenever he wants.


he can't go to wrestlemania whenever he wants, it only happens once a year

Hopefully Prize gets another crack at him and locks him back in

why is he so sexy bros?

>finally I have succeeded in Making A Murderer

wow netflix

The prize will be up on charges soon if there's any justice in murica.




I will get you out of jail in no time, Brendan.

What a fucking shitbird. How he's not in prison I don't know.

the justice system is crawling with them, they're called jews

is he going to get some cash for the 10 years he was jailed?

he could sue, but the justice dept will just frame him for murder instead of paying out

Pretty much guaranteed I'd say. He'll be a millionaire several times over by next summer. Just in time for Summerslam most likely.

>tfw you will never be part of ultra rich Brendan's entourage following him to major wrestling events drinking and doing meth and hookers until he's bankrupt

He's going to have the best experiences for the next couple of years, most of us will never come close to the fucked up joy he'll feel as he runs through all that cash.

Does Brendan post on /asp/?

He's a mod.

Yeah. And it's called Making a Murderer season 2.
It's all false flag guys. Netflix is behind this.

>yfw Trump becomes POTUS and orders a Federal Investigation on the Manitowoc sheriff's department

>mfw Trump appoints Steve Avery as his Attorney General and personally pays him $100 million in compensation

we did it reddit!

Poor guy, hope he sues the state for every penny they're worth

Why? It's not the state's fault he's too dumb to not confess to a crime he didn't commit.

Yeah, they made him mod because he was the smartest person who posts there.

it's the state's fault that they accepted an obviously forced confession.


He's been in jail for too long. Most criminals go back into the system. I give him 2 years before he's back in chains.

you mean before he stupidly confesses to some other crime

Dreams do come true..

Most criminals are released after completing their sentence or getting parole, not because they have their conviction overturned. As a result they come out poor and unemployable and end up resorting to crime to make some cash.

Brendan is going to get a huge payout though because he was wrongly imprisoned and has lost the best years of his life as a result. The only way he'll end up back inside is if he does the typical retard-wins-the-lottery thing of blowing all his newfound wealth in a year or two and ending up poor again. Or if he's lost his sanity and masturbates in public or some shit.

He wasn't missing out on much to be honest, it's not like we're going through a hey-day era or anything

It would've been fucked up if he missed the roaring 20's, the free love 60's or even the 80's. Dude missed out on the 2000's - present.. literally nothing of value was lost

why that nigga look like a beta male version of josh hartnett

Isnt that what happen to stevie

Bruh he was jailed in 2005 there are iphones now and stuff

Put this around your neck senpai

was he even employed to begin with? I thought he worked and lived on his family's property, the huge car lot/junk yard

Yeah, culturally it's been a shit decade or two, and if he wasn't framed he'd probably have ended up as cannon fodder in Afghanistan or Iraq or something, but the fact remains he may have found a girl and got married and had a family if he hadn't been locked up. He's pretty much lost that chance now, unless some gold digger goes after him like that cunt did with Steve.

Plus there's the whole injustice aspect of it. The people who framed him, the cops who coerced the confession, the lawyers who fucked him over, the judge who accepted all the dodgy evidence, they all need to be punished and see him compensated so the system learns this kind of thing is unacceptable. Every citizen should be outraged about the whole thing for two reasons:

1. It's cost the taxpayer a shit load already and likely to cost a lot more

2. It could conceivably happen to anybody or anybody we care about

The justice system needs fixed and this is a case in point.


He was in high school. He was only like 16 or something when he got accused.

Has there been any reaction from the real killer yet?

How worried is he right now Sup Forums?

>Too late for Wrestlemania
>Just in time for Shitterslam

Poor bastard.

That dude was shady as fuck.

we all know it was the ex-boyfriend

the guy knew whatsherface's cellular account password when no one else knew

i havent been following this story and dont know who this guy is but you can clearly tell by his expression that he is an evil person. so what did he do wrong?

Was 'hired' to defend Brendan and did everything he could to throw him under the bus to the prosecution.

And deleted all her voicemails for the lulz

Was working behind the scenes with the prosecutors.

He was Brendan's lawyer but he literally helped the cops legitimise their coerced confession and make him look guilty. The guy was a grade A dick.

What always gets me is how readily the guy was willing to back up the prosecution when the "evidence" against Brendan, and Steve really, was pretty iffy. If it was me I'd want them to do their job properly and actually find the killer, not just break rules and try to pin it on some useful chumps.

Though he was is lawyer and promised to get him free of all charges. He used others to intimidate and goad Brendan into making a false confession

>Brendan wins lawsuit and wins millions of dollars
>Hires newly independent Hulk Hogan as his personal trainer
>Competes in the next Wrestlemania
>Hordes of fans in the crowd holding signs that say "YEAH?"

He made it boys.

It's made my day honestly. Happy for him.

>If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention

Didn't he get cancer? Almost makes you believe in karma