Was it kino?

Was it kino?

Other urls found in this thread:


>right now as we speak a cunny poster is eating his own shit and talking into a camera about how society will never accept his love of some young actress


>complete shaves his head with scissors, back and front


>the FBI will never relese the complete 50 hours of footage

its released you fucking kek

"This is for you"

What did he mean by this?

Sauce it up

Who is this guy? I know he blew his brains out.

Matthew Barney


I want you to draw me a nice picture in paint as a thanks

Is it weird i listen to it to fall asleep
i also like black box recorders...

he was obsessed with Björk and got a little upset when she started dating a black guy. (she was dating Tricky)
he sends her a bomb.

When you think about, for 1996, it was.
The cinematography was amatuer but the story is an interesting peak into the seemingly smaller lives in pre-911 america.

And regardless of what you say about the entirety of this video journal and his actions, he set a goal and met it.

It is somewhat impressive seeing him build a grotesque acid bomb in his birthday suit and watching his obesity rise as the digital dates travel through 9 months, as he becomes more and more like a tv autist, in love with a literally who singer.

nope. goldie

I much prefer David Parker Ray's Toybox tape to gently doze off to.

No deal im a dumb mobile poster.


>David Parker Ray's Toybox tape

oooo thas a good one.

this is now a real footage thread.

>a little upset

this is now a bjork thread.

>The second day, after you get totally familiar with the rules and procedures, we’re gonna get down to the nitty gritty. A lot of it will not be very pleasant for you...

What did he mean by this?


His suicide.

THis. Confirmed kino.

Real kino would be seeing the footage of this happening


>tries to splatter his brain to a canvas saying "the best of me"
>uses a small caliber gun with a low energy round
>brain doesn't splatter

Realisation of what they'd been missing in their lives up to that point? Bittersweet moment but that they shouldn't dwell on it.

>wait wat
>I didn't even put that canvas or his intent together

>no safeword

average Sup Forumstard obsessed with cuckolding and BBC

I could never tell if he was wearing facepaint. He looks like that wrestler, The Boogieman.

Why does Bjork look a little Asian?

What a bunch of dumb bitches. Hope they're rotting in jail.

Honestly it's one of the more kino found footages.

And I freak the fuck out when he starts moving his head all crazily

>american parenting

>darth maul?
>96 opps nope.

truly stalkerkino


This is the most tragic and pathetic death imaginable. Fucking christ. I fed up with this world.

Loads of bought Asian brides in Iceland. Her mom/grandmother probably was one.

I'm not autistic enough to actually watch the entire video of a loser stalker but I did skip to his death.

what the hell is he talking about before that long as fuck breathing exercise?

Don't be a pleb. Watch the whole thing.

>His name is Mr Kino.
>He was and always will be the true face of Sup Forums

since when is youtube ok with hosting suicide vids?
Also, tfw not amerifag, if (when) I want to kill myself I have to fucking use an exit bag which seems complicated as fuck, while there you just have a to pull a trigger.

Finnish genes

just lay down in front of a train, 100% death rate

sounds messy

Where do you live?

>Can you let me have some oxygen? You mean, like you want me to die for real?
>Ponder: Uh huh.
>Die right now and go to heaven?
>Ponder: Go ahead and die right now. For real. For real.
>OK, I'm dead.

huh... who could have seen her death coming.....

It's not as easy as pulling a trigger. More people manage to fuck up firearm suicides than you likely realize, and as you can imagine they are far worse off for it than they were before the attempt.

thats the genius of it, you're dead so dont have to clean it up

Born in Uruguay

>american reading comprehension

Fucking Christ everyone in that room belongs in a cell.

I was always curious about that one welder working on an oil platform who resurfaced from a diving bell and forgot to depressurize before opening the hatch to the outside world as he stepped outside

I hear they found his spine more than 200 metres across the other side of the platform deck


Just ask your local dealer to get you a gun.

Byford Dolphin?

They're all out of jail now

That's the insane part.

Vigilantism when

how did this guy manage to look so fucking creepy by the end of the video? he looked somewhat normal at the beginning

I remember seeing the law&order episode based on this event.

There is something more sinister and evil when its an unnecessary death like this.

whatever it is, I loved it

not to mention
>uses small caliber gun
>doesnt pass out immediately from the shot, lets out an audible pained groan instead

Jokes on you, I can't read.

That's just air exiting his lungs, dumb ass.

>killing yourself over some shitty cumskin singer

good rittens

Fucking kek

They all deserve death desu


Can't believe they just kept doing it after the girl shit and puked on herself. Fucked up beyond belief.

That's what's kino about it.

Most actors watch this when they're playing a role similar to this.

What the fuck man

Why do they start being so mean to her in the end

>youd think "i just pooped, puked, cant breath and am going to die" would be alarming enough to stop sitting on a childs head

>Just die and give up. You're a quitter. You obviously don't want to live bad enough. You have to fight for your air. :^) Just sleep in there with your puke and poop then quitter baby.
>These people were allowed to live.

It was 2 therapists, 2 helpers, and the mom. The mom got off scott free. The 2 helpers got community serivce. One of the therapists, watkins got out after 7 years and the other therapists got 16 years and may already be out. So no, they pretty much all got away with it.

Opiates and sleeping pill suicide seems the most humane way to die

what state are these fags in?

A child betrayed and murdered by 5 people she trusts deserves a softer punishment than if a stranger tickled her pink in the street


So are the Junko Furuta murderers.

I don't have access to opiates and (effective) sleeping pills because here you need a fucking prescription form 12 different specialists to get something remotely narcotic or dangerous.

man she was pretty cute too

I watched an ex OD on heroin. It did not look humane or peaceful at all. She puked all over herself, stopped responding, and turned blue. Paramedics couldn't do anything. The vomiting was violent as fuck. Looked terrible desu

Yeah because faggots like you might use them to kill themselves.

no, it's because they're fun as fuck to use moderately

Helium Bag it is then


I did some reading into 'attachment therapy' and it seems like it's basically all being done in Everwood Colorado. Probably some cult tier clinic

please tell me why should people care wether i want to kill myself or not?

please give me one reason why i can't just tell a doctor " i want out" and get prescribed nembutal the same day.


>casuals won't know the reference

Because then nobody can collect taxes from you retard.

The doctor took a oath and giving you shit to kill yourself with would be in violation of said oath.
I don't know why anyone that isn't a doctor would give a shit though.

>casuals won't know both references

>everyone involved in this bullshit is walking around free right now

It's an irreversible decision and doctors are there to help people by their very oath.

I think it's sad why you are bringing in ethics here. Killing oneself is a very easy task. Yet you want to make murderers out of people rather than just do countless ways if you decide to take the irreversible decision

Your family probably cares.

okay mr merchant

said oath says that doctors pledge to help their patients and reduce suffering. If you tell a doctor "i'm suffering, i want to die" there's nothing in his oath that prevents him from giving you a green light. That's why some countries have what we call assisted suicide, like switzerland, and the only two reasons others countries don't are
1- we need you to pay taxes
2- we know what's good for you better than you do

so basically utilitariansim and moralism
which are both shit.

They were going to have a Zack Snyder marathon

seeyou don't have to make a murderer out of anybody. Google "assisted suicide".

if they care about me more than about themselves they can understand and respect my decision

What do I need to read for? That's why we have cortana.

Why can't you just do it yourself? A really simple task but you want a doctor involved in a death

I don't care.

t. his mom's husband

don't kill yourself retard