
this was probably the greatest smackdown in recent years of hollywood limousine liberalism.

Why they chose Islam over women I'll never know. What an odd thing to decide to die on an ideological hill over.

what's his name again ?


Trust me everyday is some cringey variation of Bin Al-flecki

That Affleck is very handsome?

Okay thanks OP but it didn't deserve a thread about it.

He isn't handsome. He is average as fuck. It's funny how he can trick some people sometimes.

Wonder how he gets on with Israeli Gal

watching Bin'Afflicki make autistic faces during that segment was hilarious

Ben Al-Afflecki sword of the prophet of Islam, dhimmi representative to the People's Cali-phate

he has good hair which if anyone can clarify I believe is a wig now.

he had good hair in his 20s.

his ex wife also had a time where she didn't have a manface. It was all plastic surgery. She is one of the babe GFs in Dude Where's My Car and she is a 10/10

>Ben affleck
It's okay if you are ugly user but don't drag the beautiful people down with you.

>In 20013, in an interview with Esquire Magazine Hollywood actor Ben Affleck has strongly condemned Hollywood for not incorporating more muslim actors and directors among their ranks, speaking of a "white Christian conspiracy" which is keeping muslims out of Hollywood

>Earlier that year Affleck has voiced his support of the Ayatollah of Iran and hopes the US will admit their wrong-doings proclaiming that "We have killed more muslims than they have killed us"

Holy shit, this guy is so brainwashed

you can tell he really wanted punch Sam's lights out.

>that webm

> white Christian conspiracy

You can tell he's relatively new to Islam because he missed an opportunity to bash Jews

>wanting to choose women instead

Enjoy your slut freedom and marrying a non-virgin whore, cuck

>hello darkness my old friend

>It is reported that while filming 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' Ben Affleck would regularly exhibit threatening behavior to fellow co-star Gal Gadot. One such occasion came after a long take, where Affleck reportedly said "Too bad Hitler didn't finish off your grandparents, then we could have a real Wonder Woman" It is said he then made a Nazi salute.

>On another occasion upon learning one of the gaffers had a spouse that died during the September 11th terrorist attacks, Affleck would simulate a plane crashing into a building while making exploding noises.


I watched that episode live. No fucking clue what got under Ben's skin so much. Maher and that dipshit were absolutely accurate with what they were saying. Wasn't even remotely extremist.

>"Its gross, its racist"

It's Abdul Bin Affliq al Muhammad

>Gadot's grandparents are Holocaust survivors

Ibn Al-Flecki

White women and white gays have quickly been pushed to the bottom of the progressive stack along with white men.

Always remember, at the end of the day, modern day progressives hate white people. Therefore, they will always side with brown Muslim men over white women.

It's a cuck think. You wouldn't understand.

Binyameehn Abdul-Gezah ibn al-Amerykhani ibn al-Kaleehforni al-Sayyid ibn al-Flekki Abu Boldt

absolutely fuming

>christian conspiracy to keep muslims out of hollywood

Ben Affleck is right, we are actually the problem so us whites should just remove ourselves entirely so the muslims can live in peace