Sup Forums webm thread


Other urls found in this thread:“censor”-martin-cod-s-most-interesting-man












>giving up tactical phalanx to put yourself between spikes and enemies

for a bunch of immortals they're kinda dumb







Please no...





>Batman will steal this kryptonite later to kill Superman - is this part of my plan?


RIP Johnny



>that guy who just runs into the crowd and does nothing




I had heard that shit was good and suggested my sister and I watched it. She'll never trust me again.






Great film.

Seriously what is wrong with him?

Rewatched that for the first time in years the other day, it held up really well



Just post the one with the short haired girl cutting some dude's dick off and making a strapon dildo with it


>Just post the one with the short haired girl cutting some dude's dick off and making a strapon dildo with it



Watched this again last night, the movie looks far better than Genysis in almost all scenes (except the fake Arnold head). The Terminator skeleton even looks better than the cgi terminators




Funniest death in the entire series

she knows exactly what she's doing and how she got that job in the first place


I can't believe she's fucking some CoD nerd (albeit a ripped one) and he asked her out initially on Twitter
What a world we live in


you're shitting me i don't believe you“censor”-martin-cod-s-most-interesting-man

Also he speaks no Spanish and she speakee no English. Go figure.

>CoD nerd


jesus fucking christ

post webms you fucking faggots

It's a black male thing

Y'now you catch more flies with honey than vinegar

i'm too depressed now


shes cute but theres no thick thighs or ass, and she could not handle baring my children, she probably would refuse to cook any meals or be a good mother


>some chad gets a whore gf
>this faggot gets depressed
end yourself right now

somehow ramsay loses all this cavalry by the time he fights jon

why does a terminator need a laser?


>See bullets/mortars being easily deflected

Why no use Gas?

why does a terminator knock?

>Why no use Gas?
That's your answer to everything isn't it user

no u

fucking knife eared pieces of shit



what is this?


a great little film called Enemy.

haha what in the fuck is this

>doesn't know christian slater
>doesn't know ll cool jay
>doesn't know johnny lee miller
>doesn't know patricia velasquez
quite literally kill yourself you fucking faggot

How many people has liquid nitrogen dispatched in the movies?

FACT: women won world war 1


That time of the month huh?

Naomi fans should look up this early sexploitation flick she made before she was really famous, where she plays a hottie college student who seduces her professor played by Jimmy Smits.

>before she was really famous

Fucking who?

thanks m8

why do people think this mediocre shit is good?

why are people such reddit tier plebs

just read the plot summary, that looks like something that could easily happen in the current year
too bad they're aussies

Well isn't that the question of the day?


There's a bit where she tries to seduce her dad wearing lace lingerie too
Should cover a few fetishes there



Yes I made a good dozen or so from her
Only thing I remember about that season
