Well I did it. I fucked my aunt and got caught. I took my dads car and i'm running away

well I did it. I fucked my aunt and got caught. I took my dads car and i'm running away.


Other urls found in this thread:



Well greentext fag


okay greentext
>aunt is a milf
>she like 50
>but holy fuck guys
>also when she was younger she looked like a fucking model
>anyways she had like 3 divorces because keeps marrying really bad guys
>she single, lonely and a cougar
>she also has a lot of fucking problems because of this
>I kinda feel bad for her
>she comes over for a week
>she would always compliment me (a bit weirdly) all my life
>im 18 now
>she's saying really weird stuff
>"you're so hunky, handsome, hot"
>one time I wore what she picked out and she was like "god if I was your age I would want you! ;)"
>anyways she comes over to visit
>parents are gone
>im shitposting in my room
>she comes in and says "you know aunt **** loves you right?"
>say yeah yeah
>"you know aunt ** would do anything for you?"
>just kinda ignore her
>she start feeling my arms
>she lets out her breast
>she's fucking stacked
>and her body is fit
>and her ass is huge
>we fuck
>we fuck a lot
>one day my dad walks in on her blowing me
and well thats it

As in raped or what? Cmon fagit don't leave it in a cliffhanger

But get rid of that fucken car, park it and tell your dad where he can find it.

dubs but ur shit at greentexting

But you're going to keep fucking her, right?

You fucked up good kid. YOU DONE GOOFED!

yeah i really just dont give a shit. my life is over
yeah that's a good idea

Kill your father before he tells your mother and profit

im glad that posting on b was your priority

Okay so what did your dad do or say? Threatened to kick your ass or something? Trust me pal I know it's awkward but these things can be bygones. I got caught fucking animals in the farm and its never mentioned now, 15 years later. As a matter of fact, it never got mentioned after that anyway. Just a few awkward talks and that's it. My mother was furious the day it happened

Fucking moron. That's your mom's sister. Congratulations on permanently changing the dynamics of your entire family. Do you enjoy seeing family for the holidays? Now that's gone.

no but its his sister and we both well know she is so mentally unstable

its like fucking a ten year old i swear

>life is over
No it isn't dumbass, see my post about animals above. That day my mother wanted to chop my dick off and then told me to gtfo the home. I was seriously packing to go. My stepdad (he caught me and told mum) suggested I should beg to stay. I heard her crying her eyes out all day after that, but, here I am today, all normal and shiet. I do love dog dick tho, after all these years. I frequent them bestiality sites every now and then, and would fuck a lovely mare anytime.

fucking weirdo. jesus christ, dude.


Lying to anonymous strangers is fun.

Wtf you can't drop a bomb like this and get away with it green text that shit!