I listen to so much avant-garde and experimental music that nothing blows my mind anymore. Makes me a little sad

I listen to so much avant-garde and experimental music that nothing blows my mind anymore. Makes me a little sad.

Can Sup Forums blow my mind? What's the most fucked music you can show me?

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Look up anal cunt



"look up anal cunt" he said

ever heard of harsh wall?

What a mess... She's proof that John was never a genius and Paul and George did the heavy lifting. What. A. Mess.

check out otto von schirach. or just listen to SAWI backwards or something

Yes. Very hit or miss. For me it can be too artistically limiting and aesthetically useless, but it's nice for my tinnitus. Merzbow and Vomir are ASMR candy to my ears.

What's his best release in your opinion? Where should I start. IDM is right up my alley too.

she probably sucked a mean dick

Idk man I like vaporwave. Is that too Normie for you OP?



satanic unicorn orgy from spine serpents of sperm island is kinda what made me appreciate him.

I don't really look at music in terms of normie. I don't believe in guilty pleasures, so nothing is "normie." I listen to bubblegum pop and genuinely enjoy it. I don't really pride myself on my musical taste. It's more of a hobby that leans towards slight addiction.

Yes I like vaporwave. I think it's incredibly important, actually. People who don't take it seriously and think it's all just memes are missing out. Honk Kong express and 2814 are real boundary pushers in my opinion.

what's something good and avant-garde?

I'm sorry user, I hate it with all of my being



Incredible stuff!!!

There's too many to name. I'll just go with something I was listening to recently.

This album is like if you put Devin Townsend, Magma, and Nightwish into a "The Fly" teleportation machine and they all came out gushing and contorted:


I'm not sure if I enjoyed every second of it but I've never heard anything quite like it.

lol you did say the most fucked music

I actually take that back I judged too quickly. I kind of like it. Reminds me of Igorrr but no live instrumentation.

it took me a while to get past how whatever it is it is.

sounds like korpiklaani and die antwoord making music for castlevania

I was thinking about Die Antwoord today and how they are like the retarded Death Grips.

i still kinda love them though

They got some good songs:


>I listen to so much avant-garde and experimental music that nothing blows my mind anymore. Makes me a little sad.

sure you do. that stuff you listening to is really avant-garde and experimental and is chock full of virtuoso musicianship and genius-level composition.

Slow down there people might think you're TOO cool.

>I listen to so much shit that the shit is caked up in my ears like two stacks of shit pancakes
>I can't hear anymore
>Please help

Max Normal is selling albums cause you have no taste in music, and he realized this after making good music and not selling shit.

i really really like this image

>implying I don't know what Max Normal is

>implying there are people who don't know what Max Normal is

>Have you heard about this super underground band called Max Normal?


> definitely implying that posters posting Die Antwoord wouldn't know who max normal is
You have me in a corner, I have no idea how I will ever be able to come back from this.


holy fuck what a fitting post number



lol fucking pleb
