Name the one actor

name the one actor,
without thinking,
that will make you spend money to go see a new movie in the theatre

pic unrelated

Arnold, obviously.

The only other ones would be girls I find attractive in a nude scene, but frankly, I could just google that later.

And maybe the Seinfeld gang. If they did something together.

>everything else you posted


saoirse ronan


thanks for the standard Sup Forums hive-mind-opinion that I won't take into consideration. If you really wanted to derail the thread properly, you would have tried to correct my spelling of theatre.

big surprise,
I'm actually trying to have a thread about actors on Sup Forums

you asked a question

i answered

die in a housefire you retarded niggerfaggot

yes, I asked a question
yes you answered
you gave a typical fagbook hey everyone look at meemee I fit in answer

no backbone, no actual opinion, you shouldn't even post here
you just shit up the board with your inability to think for yourself

Michael Fassbender

OP here
now that is a proper answer

Daniel Day-Lewis.

I find that interesting.

He's a great actor and his presence indicates a good movie.

Even the new X Men was decent.

I agree with you completely.
I agreed with from the beginning.
Don't assume I'm being sarcastic, user.
I'm not.
Thanks for contributin to my, so far, shitty thread.
You made it better. THanks.

please take a break from the cunny/feet/banepostin and just write your favorite actor itt

Brad Pitt seems like a cool guy and he's in a lot of good movies.


Aidan Gillen

Well, it did say to just name the first one that came to mind. I guess my rationale for thinking that is because, whatever else you want to say about him as an individual, he rarely takes on roles and always fully dedicates himself to the role that he's chosen. I appreciate his work for that reason.


leo dicaprio

pls go to bane poasting general

OP here
quit shitting up my thread with your blog
you barely contributed, when you did - no one cared
just fuck off to another thread
Sup Forums might be one of the worst boards on 4changs but I will be damned if I allow you to make my thread one of the worst threads on one of the worst boards

movie? nah.
have fun gay-loving a tv star. that's going to work out great for you.

>leo dicaprio
another (albeit few) accurate responses. I might not agree but appreciate the contribution to the thread.
then you lost all credibility, seeop here, this is my thread, quit shitting it up with Sup Forums bullshit. just talk about movies you autistic fucks

OP is a Humongous Faggot

Cruise the Bruise

Not even meming

Jesus you're a faggot

thanks but it's not 2006, so we all know that by now

OP really is a massive autist

Tom cruise, he has great eye for scripts and I enjoy his movies always

nice contribution. It seems you are angry about all of the upvotes you are missing out of due to the time it took you to make your post. Don't feel bad about it, we don't want you here anyway.

Nic cage

Oh sorry, I meant Michael Fassbender and/or MEW, of course. My opinion was incorrect, and I see that now.

yes. yes. yes.
there is a reason tom cruise is the highest paid movie star in the history of film.
the reason is his phenomenal ability transcends even his own insanity.

I can find fault with this nominee but, in my heart, I know this user is absolutely correct.

Michael Shannon
Greta Gerwig
Michael Fassbender


I see.
You are welcomed back into the thread.
I'm sorry if I appeared heavy handed initially, but it takes a strong will to properly run a good thread. There are a lot of faggots these days that think a thread requires only an errant thought. No: it requires planning and proper maintenance. It's somewhat like an orchid. Nevertheless, I appreciate your attention to detail. I welcome your further contributions.

Went to see Transcendence purely because of him in the trailers. Why can't he pick good projects :(

>Michael Shannon
I do not care about Superman. And before you google him to prove you aren't talking about Superman, we all already know you are only talking about superman. Isn't there a capeshit thread you should be spamming now?

>Greta Gerwig
greenberg had one good scene, maggies plan had zero good scenes, and mistress america had negative one good scenes. Is your point that you are trying to prove you enjoy wasting your time watching bad things on a screen?

>Michael Fassbender

hey how about tom hanks?
yeah, great contribution.
fuck out of my thread with your tepid-water lukewarm opinions. guess what? some people like morgan freeman, how about that for your next suggestion you ferret-face-fucking-faggot.

I enjoy Shannon since watching Boardwalk Empire faggot,also really liked him in Take Shelter and Midnight Special
And I enjoy Greta Gerwig as well,Mistress America is a straightforward funny comedy,Maggie's Plan isnt that bad as you said,Damsels in Distress is a good movie.
And before I type Fassbender I havent read the whole thread
Whats is your problems?

probably the same reason why you cannot pick good actors. You are not allowed to post itt. you are terrible.

excuse me, user, I am trying to run a proper thread here. Your gayass opinions are first and foremost wrong, and also you make yourself look bad by expressing said faggotry. That being said, I haven't watched any of the movies we've been arguing about. But I'm still almost positive you like bad things.

Please feel free to continue posting in this t.

keep your stupid nigger threads going
Sorry but your opinions are shit and you should kill yourself
I think you should come to reddit for your """"""""""""serious"""""""""""" discussion

if you havent watch Take Shelter kys


Mel Gibson
Russell Crowe
Oscar Isaac
Tom Cruise
Care Blanchett

Can't pass on the Fass. Went to see Jonah Hex because of him, will go see Assassin's Creed largely because of him, but the entire team behind it gives the project so much potential.

OP is a stupid niggerfaggot

Keanu Reeves

robbin williams

>Russell Crowe
>Oscar Isaac
>Cate Blanchett

Did you enjoy Robin Hood? I thought it was pretty gud.

Actually I thought it was shit, but mostly due to Scott being a senile old man who can't direct anymore.

Based Bogart is Based.

Thank you, senpai. Somewhat like the actors being discussed on this thread, I value the effort and time you dedicate to your craft. It's not just raw talent to make a thread great, it's work ethic and persistence as well.

Continuing on, I'm also very inclined to see a given movie if Gary Oldman plays a significant role. Do you feel this to be a fair assesment of what he brings to the table as far as screen presence and skill level?

keanu reeves
vin diesel
the rock

>I do not care about Superman. And before you google him to prove you aren't talking about Superman, we all already know you are only talking about superman. Isn't there a capeshit thread you should be spamming now?
Take Shelter, 99 Homes, Midnight Special, 13

Yeah, you're a faggot if you only think of superman when you hear Michael Shannon

>I'm actually trying to have a thread about actors on Sup Forums

Holy fuck you were a lonley child.