Thoughts on this guy?

Thoughts on this guy?

He is the father I've always wanted.

His performance in Friday Night Lights is unironically one of the greatest TV performances, right up there with Gandolfini, Hamm, and Cranston.

Underrated. Was very glad when I saw he was the main character in Bloodline

Early Edition taught me how to be A Real Human Bean before it was popular

I feel like I'm probably alone here, but does anyone else think he kind of looks like CIA?

Yes, you're the only one who thinks so retard.

poor mans Alec Baldwin

He's just a "that guy" actor.

>OK fellas get me a white guy
>got just the man for the job

my mom met him at a rugby 7s tournament in Las Vegas before. said he was a very friendly man

Yeah, some guy who was an extra on Friday Night Lights met him and said he was a super cool dude.

Oh shit.

Kyle Chandler is your biological father then?


yeah looks like a guy you could have a beer with and shoot the shit

>right up there with Gandolfini, Hamm, and Cranston
Kek Based Chandler is way better than Hamm. That's why he blew him the fuck out at the Emmys.

He is so fat

Pure husbando material.

I'm yuropoor and not at all interested in american football irl but he made it all worth it. The football games the best part of the show.

he has dandruff

fuck off

You'll never be hugged by this sexy police daddy.

So glad that he finally won that Emmy, he was perfect.

pretty much a single note actor but at least he does decent work.

He's kind of like a cross between Ray Liota and Ron Livingstone
Good guy though

looks like "that LEO guy"
a real hard ass
a real by the book guy

I wish he was my dad and had disciplined me better.than i was desu

(i'm basing this on the two roles i've seen him in btw)

Early Edition was swell.

Bloodline S2 really fell off compared to S1, which was basically perfect.

Just isn't the same without Danny.

This. Just started rewatching it a few days ago. He's so good on the show, like the show was made for and around him