You watch a lot of movies right? why don't you try making one

you watch a lot of movies right? why don't you try making one

dew it

I don't really like doing stuff

Nah mate i just watch every single shitty marvel and DC movies and then shitpost on Sup Forums about black characters from said movies

i dont have a billion dollars

I have no interest in directing/photography. I guess I've always just loved stories.

This is probably why I can't stand videogames now, stories a shit.

already made one with ur mom

>why do you criticise movies so much user, I don't see you making one

You stay in your house a lot right? Why don't you try building one

not an argument, nolan made his first masterpiece with $1000.

>this is a 15 year olds attempt at making a point

i probably should just shoot some creepy pasta or something irl

i don't have 1000$

thats not possible. the camera alone costs more

I'm not a gay muslim american former playwright, and I don't want to write a film about the plight of our trans youth.

Just because you know about storytelling doesn't mean you're good at it. And watching movies doesn't give you any knowledge of screen composition, lighting, cuts, lenses, camera formats etc. I like classical music, but I can't compose it or conduct an orchestra.

the camera quality wasn't great and it was probably second hand, or he borrowed one from a library / uni / school

Look at Gareth Edwards, he went from cheap indie shit to Godzilla and Star Wars

>I can't compose it or conduct an orchestra.


>you shitpost a lot on a Chinese cartoon forum right? why don't you try making one

I made a bunch of short films. They were tremendously shit. I didn't know I was capable of producing such shit. Making decent art is hard as fuck y'all.

I used to make clips in powerpoint of stick figures fighting

youre right. maybe i can do it..just maybe

Post them famiglium

I bet they were better than my stuff. I'm still not over the sheer terribleness... Jesus. I had a hot girl in her underwear and I had neat sci-fi ideas and it was still SO BAD. Jesus fuck.

Challenge accepted.

are you the "I'M DYING LAUREN" guy?

Nope. I never released any of it. Only good decision I made in the whole debacle. I spent over 5000 dollars too...

Long since lost to the void. We're talking like 2004 here

>I had a hot girl in her underwear
worth it then

What website is that? You can straight up hire people online to be cameramen for your indie flick?

You should have shared your work bros, sounds like some fun stuff

did you post them on stickpage? I used to love that site when i was younger


It's not like I had sex with her. She was just a struggling actress that I paid to star in my abominations. And I behaved like a professional toward her, didn't ogle her or anything even when I was filming her ass. I was more focused on the technical stuff.

I can tell you it wasn't fun at all. I don't think you could even have fun making fun of it. The only person who watched some of it (besides me) was my roommate at the time and she agreed I should destroy it all.

I meant for it to be a bunch of fun, thought-provoking sci-fi vignettes but it didn't come out that way. It turned out to be a depressing glimpse into the most autistic, sad parts of my being. Awful awful awful.

What was it about?

>It turned out to be a depressing glimpse into the most autistic, sad parts of my being. Awful awful awful.

you just make us want to watch them more. Are you sure it's lost?

if you say things like these you are not meant to be a filmmaker

this is why you will always be a nobody

meant to reply to this

>just enough skill to be able to identify genius
>not enough skill to actually produce genius works

Paraphrasing from Amadeus.

I'm not sure I could describe it in a way that would make sense. At the time I thought it was really clever but I realized afterwards that it was just vague and dumb.

The first three interconnected short films had to do with IA and cybernetics.

First vignette is about a girl living alone in a house. She's been alone for years and years. The house is IA-controlled and won't let her go out because it's unsafe. It's not like a strong IA, it's not evil but it was configured in such a way as to decide everything for her.

Second short: Then a hacker/burglar comes, and she decides to leave with him, to escape. But he turns out to be (unsurprisingly) an asshole... And because he lives mostly in VR he makes her feel even more alone than before.

Third is about her going to see nature and feeling happy and free in the "real world" except, TWIST, it's not nature it's nanorobots and shit. The environment has died already and it's just robots and simulacrums now.

The rest of it was about this same idea of the automatic, cybernetic, self-regulating world in which humans have made themselves irrelevant. Just very short films about day-to-day encounters with machines, or sometimes just machines by themselves doing their things. It ended on that. A world of machines buzzing about doing their machine things. No humanity in sight.

There you go. Doesn't make sense and was horribly executed anyway.

Yeah I wouldn't do something like sci fi unless you can really do it justice.

Try something that you can realistically write and direct. For instance, I've written a script about antisocial high school kids that are planning a hostage situation (spoiler: they don't go through with it because my budget won't allow)

But either way. You should be fucking proud of yourself for actually getting out there and making something. That's the first step.

I'm in the middle of making my second one.

The first short film I did I actually posted to Sup Forums in the filmmaking threads for feedback on how to improve. I deleted the video once I saw someone posting it pretending to me, I didn't want it to become a meme.

It doesn't cost a billion dollars to make kino.
Costs at least a few thousand

>implying a million dollar film has ever been kino
The maximum budget for kino is 5 million. Any more than that, and it loses its ability to be kino and is downgraded to, at best, a humble flick.