Didn't think I would get this far how do I not fuck this up ?

Didn't think I would get this far how do I not fuck this up ?

Halp niggas



Tell her exactly that.

Send link to thread.

Ask her for her number

If dubs, send dick pic.

dude we need 4chans help

send exactly what you wrote

also plug in your fucking phone

Ask her "Any favourite/specific locations where I should murder that pussy"

Get Snapchat or cell number. Then wait to contact her for at least 3 hours. Then your first text should be to tell her its you and she should come by tonight. When she replies wait at least 30 minutes to reply back to her.

why wait 30 minutes? i think youre right but im not sure why

Where is the funeral gonna happen ? Your place or mine?

Because when you reply too fast you seem needy and not confident. When she thinks you're ignoring her she's thinking that you just must have more important things going on. I know it's counter intuitive but it turns girls on.

don't fucking wait dumbass. she already down now. better follow through like asap and murder that puss before someone else does. she clearly wants the hammer might as well give it to her now.

Keep the thread going wtf. Send something else

"A criminal always goes back to the scene of the crime anyways"

That's not how it works you fucking virgin

shit responses so far op keep it rollin. screenshots would be appreciated

Your graveyard or mine?

also got trips last post ^^^
get that bitches sc or ig lol

Uurrrrrghhhh I don't know what to say now. I've never got this far with a girl. Hi my name is (insert name). Would you care to meet my parents for supper one evening?

she seems to have humor. just go fuck her tonight. her place or yours? thats all u gotta say man