Okay Sup Forumsros

okay Sup Forumsros
bout to green text some cuck shit that happened to me a while back
bump thread if interested


tell us faggot

okay going to start

> be me
> 28 years old
> in committed relationship for about 4 years
> gf lately hasn't been satisfied with my performance in the bedroom
> says we need to mix it up or she will leave me
> tell her i'd do anything for her so that we can stay together
> she instantly smiles
> ohshit.jpg

tell me if i should cont.

I have nothing else to do than waiting , but hurry up faggot

Just post it all at once you faggot.

> she says "okay, tomorrow when you get off of work i'll have a surprise waiting for you"
next day
> nervous as shit at work thinking she is gonna peg my ass or some shit
> drivinghome.jpg
> walk in door and see someone elses shoes
> *gulp*
> walk into living room and gf says "hey user! this is chad and he's going to have fun with us tonight!"
> make eye contact with Chad
> he just gives me a smile and says hi
> we have a conversation about random bull shit for like 20 minutes
> whole time i'm sitting there nervous as fuck thinking i have to have some threesome with this guy
> not confident in my penis size so having a threesome with another guy has always been a scary thought for me

typing this on phone so give me a little time

I type on my phone aswell (Laptop is fucked up)
Right now I am typing this on a work machine
Hopefully I can fix my laptop soon and install Windows 10 back.

> after conversation we go into the bedroom and my gf instantly starts getting undressed and kissing Chad
> he takes his clothes off and sucking on her tits and fingering her pussy
> whole time i'm standing there like a beta
> but seeing my gf getting used like this starts giving me a boner
> after she breaks away from kissing him she looks over at me and starts helping me take my clothes off
> at this point were all naked and on the bed
> notice Chad has a much bigger dick than me
> she starts sucking his dick and giving me a handie

hurry up faggot im trying to fap

Are you the asian guy who was posting his cuck story about how his entire basketball team ended up fucking his gf?


> after 5 minutes of this he pulls out of her mouth and goes behind her to eat her out
> she starts sucking me off
> FeelsGoodMan.jpg
> she is moaning a lot, i can tell she was really turned on by this
> Chad finished eating her out and shoves his dick in her slowly and starts fucking her
> mfw she never made those sounds with me in the bedroom
> she eventually stops sucking my dick because of how hard she is getting fucked


Did you break up with her? This story pisses me off for some reason.

> after pounding her he pulls out and tells me to go in there
> i was kinda of nervous but did what he told me to
> he trades spots with me and starts sucking his balls while i fuck her
> mentally feel bad because she isn't moaning as loudly with me as she was with him but physically feel good because vagina
> soon after Chad comes behind me and starts kissing on my back and up to my neck
> can feel his cock poking around my backside
> want to say something but my being inside my gf is really distracting

Oh no

this is going somewhere dark... and brown

OP you fucked up though.
Should've quit relationship instead of being cuck
>Break up
>Find new girl
>Be with new girl
>New girl is more accepting
Your a fag, OP.


> feel the tip of his cock go inside my ass
> ouch.jpg
> he slowly pushes more in while im still inside my gf
> at this point my front half feels amazing and i am experiencing a lot of pain from the back
> Chad starts to get more aggressive and i can't even stroke inside my gf anymore he is just pounding me
> my gf pulls me out and turns around starting to masturbate to me getting my ass rammed
> Chad is really starting to moan a lot
> i must feel good inside? FeelsGoodMan?
> can tell he's about to cum soon
> he gives me a few heavy pumps and lets it go in my ass

>assuming any Sup Forumstard can find a girl without a shit ton of luck

> he just sits there inside me for what felt like forever
> my gf cummed and crawled towards me at the end of the bed
> starts kissing me and telling me i did good
> i start to cry from pain and the thought of what our relationship has come to
> she sees me and jerks me off until i cum onto her thigh
> her and Chad are still on the bed and i walk slowly over to the bathroom and take a shower

It's called
>Getting off your ass
>Stop being a pussy
>Find a girl you like
>Ask her out
>If rejection, find another new girl.
Repeat process until you find the right one.


besides this story being fake, this was the point where you should've killed them both.

Dude. This is a copypasta of another one. Your a fucking scrub. Then your going to take a shower and cry.

People are bumping a copypasta.


> in the shower crying and farting out Chad's cum wanted to kms for being a little bitch
> thinking of ways to break up with gf and not ever have to see her again
> imagine her telling all my/our friends about what happened
> want to kms even more

after that Chad went home and i stayed with her
here is a picture of Chad if anyone is curious

there is no way i'll ever get off to the other normie things such as going outside


>a couple days later i decided i should have some fun aswell
>text gf "i have a surprise for you" she comes home to me being fucked in the ass by a trap
>she screams but i say its ok i reach for her and pull her close taking her clothes off
>she refuses and starts to run away i scream at her
>bitch come back here
>pull out gun from my peehole "since my ass was being fucked"
>shoot a bitch me and trap fuck dead body

chads hot af tbh


Cuck kik group
