Let's start a puffy bald pussy thread. Only the best quality pics, no blurry shit or small sizes

Let's start a puffy bald pussy thread. Only the best quality pics, no blurry shit or small sizes.


>best quality pics, no small sizes.


I can't post my 2mb ones. Over the limit. I just meant no thumbnail sizes.



Can you explain in what situation thumbail sized posts would be acceptable...


My teen gf - rates?

There's never an acceptable situation.

Blurry as shit. GTFO.

best quality - a whopping 19 KB. Well played OP, well played.




Exactly so why point it out if it goes without saying...


You want puffy, I got puffy



Do you have a potato for a camera?

Dayyyum, mooore


Don't encourage this shit.









Got any of it oozing your sperm?


Nah sorry

She's fucking perfect please most more man


You rate her?

Realistically an 8/10 because she's small but still soft. Gorgeous pussy. But man on Sup Forums she's a solid 9.5

Would fuck her brains out daily and beat her ass until it's bright red like pic related. My fucktoy

Because faggots like you will post thumbnails just because he didn't say not to
Just like you're making a big fucking deal out of OP's wording instead of actually contributing you fucking nigger

My god more of her pls

She's 5'10 so wouldn't call her small :)

yo post more of her. facial?


More please if u have it


who is this?

If she is real and you really put your dick in her good on you man if I fucked she'd be the best I ever fucked man good shit and thanks for sharing 9.4/10

My gf has one and I love it but I promised I would never share pics :/

cheers man :)

then why even fucking talk about it?

break the promise. why else would you even bother? lets see! just crop her face out or something.

No clue, think I found it here a little while ago

I would love to see more of her asshole if possible


I would impregnate her on the spot.


I really shouldn't. She would kill me if she ever found one of her pics online.

Just do it asshole. Show that pussy and tits



i've posted my gf several times online and i've never seen those pics resurface. unless your girl goes on b there is like negative chances of her finding them.



I don't get it. Why are you here

so lickable


god damn. more?

"Insane Ass and Vagina" on pornhub i believe

It's fake you fuck


Holy shit i want to passionately kiss that


i tink yor pik is updownside

Idky. Always does that



>Lurk moar faggot

then why did you start off with a small file size, OP? Fucking retard.

^this nigga right in saying you're a newfag

But I will help a Sup Forumsrother out... Emily Bloom



Cute navel

She like butt stuff?

She loves anal and anal gaping etc

Im waiting for the edgy faggot to scream mods as soon as he sees a pussy that isn't a fucking hairball and has no stubble

I need a link, like right now.


Thanks dood

come one man. you got dubs. dump what you got.

Damn moar

this chick is on reddit gw but nice try user


who's on reddit?

Lol, she looks stoned as shit

any adult into shaved pussys is a pedophile

gay man detected. go somewhere else this is a straight thread faggot


im gonna send you a nude oc me when i was 8 crawling on my uncle cause i know you love that shit>

That explains why you are a flaming fagot now because you were 8, naked and crawling on your Uncle.