It's been 24 hours since the surgery and I am finally allowed to remove the bandages...

It's been 24 hours since the surgery and I am finally allowed to remove the bandages. It looks fucking horrific and it stings like crazy. It also bled a lot, but its healing. This is after the antibiotic ointment was applied

Other urls found in this thread:

Jesus Christ user what the fuck happened?

Dafuq happened.



Are you the dude who had the skin fused between the head and shaft, and it was painful to get a boner?

What happened user-kun

What type of surgery OP?

Yes, that was me


Damn dude. Did they give you an estimate for a recovery period?
I showed my bf your pics yesterday and he just felt bad for you.

I think I remember a thread with you a couple weeks ago. Nice man. That shit made me cringe of all the dickpics with the tight skin attachment thing

Does it still hurt to get a boner?

My circumcision was botched when I was a baby and I had severe skinbrdges. It caused a pain whenever I got erect and gave me little to no pleasure while having sex or masturbating. Yesterday I finally got it surgically corrected, now I am going to be healing for 6 weeks

Tits or gtfo. If faggot, an hero.

Gtfo dicksniffer and learn the rules.

Show us your tits or ass.

sue your jewish parents

Jesus Christ. This is an actual reason to get cut.

I disagree with the practice whole heartedly for infants, but for this. Snip snip motherfucker.

Not only does it hurt, boners cause it to bleed now.
4 weeks to be sealed, 6 weeks to stop being raw, and 1 year to look like a regular penis

The fuck happened here user?

>circumcision was botched
It started with a cut, my man.

Jesus christ. I hope it ends up being worth it dude. Looks super painful.

This happened because I was cut. I got cut again to fix it

Read the damn thread


I've invented the rules, nigger.

Im laughing my ass off reading this thread cus I saw op's previous dick thread and it was hilarious. Fockin'... Mutant cock m8

Well you invented them poorly.
If I had responded to OP with something like
>I'm a girl so I don't get it but I feel sorry for you
I would agree with you and post tits
But I did not
Therefore I won't
So you can shut the fuck up

You tell him, Girl! Fuck these cis white misogynists

no u

Yeah, it used to look like a mutant, now it looks like a character from silent hill

what is this shit


What I wanna know most is why they didn't fucking fix this when you were younger

It's way better now. Trust me.

Oh wow, I was thinking of getting a frenuloplasty but was worried about the pain. Compared to this it seems like a non issue

.... Is that a new frenulum?

>record scratch
Yep, that's my dick. You're probably wondering how how it got here.

He's fucked BECAUSE of getting cut. Bar severe phimosis and other medical reasons the USA is the only country cucked so hard by Jews they willingly fuck their kids up at birth

Congratulations, you just ruined your dick

Damn dude, myself having been blessed with a beautiful penis, I feel for you. But you're going to be better off, after that shit heals, it's going to be sensitive as fuck. The ring around my dick from where I was cut has always been sensitive.

no u

From what I can tell, my mother never notices. She was 19 when I was born and I was her second child, so I doubt she knew how to properly care for a child after circumcision. On top of that, I was the first boy born in 15 years in my family. It was all girls before that and none of them could keep their husband longer than a few months.

No, that's fixing a short frenulum that's pulling the head down when errect

And my brother was only not circumcised because his penis was too small at birth.

everyone start posting sexy woman so he gets a boner

A whole month of fapping while crying, and a whole year of waiting to show your penis to your closer ones and finaly say worth it, I am a complete man now. You sir, you are the stronger user this night

It's the cutting of a short frenulum to allow forskin retraction.

Good luck lad, Ive been considering it aswell as stretching has done nothing for me.

He fixed it, you fuckpole, you cunting ass swinelard, you jellylegged coeur de vilain, you

Jesus christ, my circumcision was when i was 18, it didn't look anywhere near as bad as that.

Don't stick your dick in meat grinders kids.

Cheers, sounded a bit fucked

Welp that's pretty much why my son is uncut. If he wants to get cut that's up to him but I wasn't gonna mutilate his diddle

This is Sup Forums so tbh I kinda just thought you were a gay guy.

After blood from my dick fell on my foot. I lost all desire to fap

Exactly my intention, until people got all thirsty for random boobies.

aww, but like I said, keep your mind strong

Brother was to small to circumcise. Hahaha.

>he got cut and needed to get cut again

I am not cut but because of having a foreskin that is too short i look like i am cut. Only bonus is that my dick doesn't look like a mutilated cow

>IMPLYING you can fix cut up nerves on your dick

>cut fags need anal to feel pleasure

pay a crackwhore to suck on it

Goddamn i hope you recover. Seriously Godspeed user.

Bullshit faggot, the ring around my dick where I was cut feels good as fuck when rubbed, licked, sucked, fucked.. Idiot.


The thought of a botched circumcision is why we didn't circumcise our son. It isnt a necessary procedure, at all, and if he decides he wants one when he's older, there will enough there that a minor slip won't ruin the dick


>you will never feel true uncut pleasure biatch
>millions of nerves cut
>forskin feed to some jew demon



having to lie on an anonymous image board. yeah, ok bud.

This shit is why circumcision on infants should be illegal.

>Sup Forums
>no one lying

I remember having the same kind of thing as a kid, like partially fused (even though im uncut), and it basically felt as if the foreskin was super glued to the bottom of the head... wishing you well OP

everyone has that, the foreskin doesn't fully detach from the glans until like puberty for some people. lots of parents don't know this, pull their kid's foreskin back and fuck up their dick.

I got this done when I was an adult!

Trust me, it looks horrific at first when you're fresh outta surgery, but it looks a lot nicer and looks completely different like a normal cut cock when it heals up. Read up and apply things like vitamin E when it's healing after a while to prevent scarring.

fuck me I have a very tight and unretractable foreskin and I didn't need to see this image. The cream they gave me isn't doing SHIT.

It's hard to be against circumcision now that I know there's a bunch of benefits.

The only thing I can see is being against infant circumcision because it takes away a male's choice. But there are many benefits, and I can't call parents "mutilators" or "monsters" because they thought it was a better option. It's not really mutilation anyway, it's a beneficial modification (most of the time).

if you read anything other than american propaganda you'll see there are no benefits

The fuck did the doctor use, a dull axe?

you having to be chaste for a year is turning me on so hard right now

OP, I hope you don't end up with herpes from the mohel. He sucked blood from your wound as part of the ritual, you know that don't you?

revision or full circumcision? result pic?

being cut is the dævils work