Faces of Sup Forums thread. Get at me ya faggots

Faces of Sup Forums thread. Get at me ya faggots

well hello there

No way you're real

what the fuck is going on with your mustache

Kek I didn't notice that

Explain yourself OP

yeah you're right, this is a set that keeps getting reposted over and over. Google image search, I bet you'll find it

Blurry as fuck but oh well

That sucks.
She cute.

One reposter will say passive aggressive things about you too, best not to even engage them

Not very often people say things about me that aren't mild compliments or full-on insults.

Whoever that chick is though, I would eat her face.

It's a man
Google somikchan

Russian trap

God damn it. That's what google turned up with and I hoped it was wrong.

Trap or not

I'd still fuck them

No homo of course

If you got a face that pretty (and overall body shape), idgaf if you got a dick.


I don't have time to shave everyday! Its my seventies gay man look. Usually there's no scruff.

I'm mostly sad that they probably fuck guys.
I'd fuck a chick with a dick.


I am very real. I'm the realest person you're ever going to meet.

build that wall

You look like the kinda faggot I'd see at an antifa rally

Niggers tongue my anus

post more

Stop posting them and post yourself then.

show tits

how do you differentiate between your own hair and trailer trash chach hair that gets stuck in your stache?

i love to work out with iris kyle in my big floppu hat


Looks like the nig from mafia 3

is that supposed to impress anybody?

Grow your hair, hippies.



Wtf is that mustache


I'm sorry, at the moment you are not eligible to make requests. In order to get that privilege you must first do a certain task. This picture will elucidate as to what that is.

why did it upload sideways lmao

Or perhaps
Since my face was on topic with the thread
I could not

Rayvon Niggrotta

Do this pose first and I will.


I ain't cute enough to do that pose. My lip bite is shit.

Are you pretending to be retarded, with the turbofaggot numale pose and evidently paper-thin ego? I just took a noeffort candid shot of me sitting at my desk and your feminine traits compelled you to feel challenged in some hilarious way
Are you gonna suck my cock or what

Lip bite isn't mandatory.

all that salt, calm down boy, not my fault you're so fucking ugly

rate me, Sup Forums



Show your face.

Let's see if i can guess this right. You're a male.

>cut your hair fag
>stop making yourself look like a total retard by covering your face
>can't rate you because I can't even see your fucking face.

Are you gay? Would smash

>"f-fuck, I'll just say he's mad"
>"and restate that I'm prettier"
Loving every lel


Did you try to pretend to be a girl for any reason?

im not gay. everyone thinks im gay

o-only in the first two photos...
inb4 something about my eyebrews

eyebrow you mean

I also have a waist trainer on that i am not taking off, dear user


Not even once

I'm not lesbian. I have a bf of 7 years

>have a boyfriend
>post pictures of yourself in fucking Sup Forums
jesus christ

Yup, he and I post pics of us fucking occasionally.

I posted this a while ago but is me.


that's why i dont sleep

Ok, more normal pic.

Good. You can watch his 9 incher pound me.

Dude what do you expect? All femanons are just attention hungry whores that don't put out in real life.
And we give them power by feeding them attention and being beta as fuck. If we simply ignored them and gave them less value shit would change real quick.


I put out nigga, stop that assumption bullshit.

>don't put out


That sounds good

this thread is fuckin bleak


trim your fucking beard already you hobo


An attention whore is different than an average slut/cum dumpster.

Why would you transplant your pubes to your face?

nice pedostache


Pretty soon that creepfag will join in and start asking every younger looking man if he is "snipped".

Couse is Nice for gorls

Damn girl let me see that b hole

Isn't everyone in here attention whores, male or female?

"Are you happy about it? And do you have a brown ring around where you were cut?"

neighborhood retard


Tits or gtfo

Cool and tough beta 10/10

Me right now on MDMA

One more


boy or girl i'd fuck the shit out of you dam



Kek you look torqued

Thanks user that's really sweet :3

