Literally nothing manly about this hairstyle. Anyone who has this hairstyle should kill themselves immediately...

Literally nothing manly about this hairstyle. Anyone who has this hairstyle should kill themselves immediately. Beta metrofags.

Yeah, that is a fucked up look. Today's mullet.

I'm gay for it

Nothing manly about HAVING an hairstyle. Men are not cocksuckers they don't need to have fancy hairs...

>walk into bar
>every guy has this haircut
> wtf


u rite but girls don't get it and thats why this niggas get the girls

We're at the point where you're unique for not having this lame haircut and stupid beard.

ITT: newfag betas who can't grow a beard.

Also, having a hairstyle and maintaining it is more important than what it is. Shows you're on trend and care about your appearance.

it's called fashion
look it up

>on trend

translation: hipster faggot

Shut up Sup Forums, this man is well groomed and looks magnificent. You are just mad because you can't even grow nice eyebrows

wow look at me being smug about my beard and not having a retarded haircut

fuck you and fuck this pidgeotto lookin' ass trend

The only problem with this is that his beard is too long.

When this whole bullshit became fashionable, there was a mad race to grow a good beard. Guys who grew them quick had an advantage.

But it's been 2 or 3 years now. Anyone who wanted a beard has had enough time to get done. But they still have the mentality that it needs to be as long as possible.

Don't be so embittered bro. There's nothing wrong with keeping your finger on the pulse. The pros almost always outweigh the cons. It's just hair, but perception is more important.

>having a hairstyle and maintaining it is more important than what it is.

>Shows you're on trend and care about your appearance.

Jesus Christ. Get some fucking testosterone. Real men don't need a faggot hairstyle to get women. I bet you take longer getting ready than most girls do because of your hip and cool style.

I'm a gay guy who's into beards, and I think he's pretty hot.

Women dig guys that actually make an effort. Maintaining personal style is part of that.


Ha. More like I have zero interest in the shallow women attracted to hipster faggots.

Yeah because a haircut every 4 weeks and literally 30 seconds of putting in product each morning is really onerous.

Such a small thing really, and almost always has positive results.

you seem pretty frustrated

Why the fuck does every guy wanna look like a fucking terrorist?


Pick 2

Also, your reaction image, which I assume is supposed to be a real manly man laughing at me, shows a dude who obviously puts in an effort with his hair! Lol

You're me 5 years ago.
Sorry, but you're about get ugly as Hell.

you're right, the beard is not long enough.

that hair with the hipster beard is literally this decade's permed mullet.

you know how fucking embarassing those pictures of guys from the 80s with that hair are? it's gonna be the same deal with this in less than 10 years.

honestly unless you model your life after nick offerman, you cant call yourself a man, and a thick beard is defiantly farther that OP's little pedo stache

Don't kinda makes me hard and want to swallow his jizz... But it's a lady penis.. so that's not gay!

Trim your beard and stache , shit looks disgusting

don't listen to a pleb, you're actually pretty cute, specially for a pasty ytboi

Picture in the Dictionary under DOUCHE

Ah, shit. Did I message myself this a few years down the line?

Don't be jealous mang.

thanks dollface ;- ))

"kurt benz" on instagram

ultimate beta bitchboy

>>fake realtor
>>wears ripped jeans
>>dat hair
>>takes photos like "papparazi" took them ex; pic of him on his cell phone leaving the airport
>>used to be known as "kurt doom"
>>kurt doom was gay emo kid
>>drives old mercedes & has beat up louis vuitton duffle bag
>>lives off parents paying his rent/credit card
>>wants to be instagram famous
>>wears fake yeezys (if real ones werent gay enough)

>>kurt benz is a fucking fagget

Nothing wrong with styling your hair bro. Men have been doing it forever. Even the masculine alpha-males of the 20s-50s

Okay, be gentle.

The style in OP is popular because it's easy and usually means whack a little product, style and out the door and it's fashionable. Men in their late teens/early twenties want to be fashionable and presentable. Older men don't care which is fair enough because usually they have a set style but the majority of men between those ages want to:
1: be presentable and attractive.
2: be fashionable and "cool".

It's popular for a reason, not because everyone is a hipster. It's simple yet interesting and many people can pull it off.

>call yourself a man
He's a fucking actor.

>posts pic of well groomed guy with high maintenance haircut and hairstyle
Opinion disregarded

Like my haircut?

Shave the sides and back much shorter looks dumb

Dude I'm not jealous, I'm legit trying to improve your beard, YouTube some beard trimming videos, your beard looks like whiskers

Ching chong ding dong arrr rook saem

the hairstyle?

what about the hairy face vagina?

And in 10 years time you and your friends will get a brief chuckle out of it and move on with your lives. Totally worth it.

Looks ok.

Maybe do something about that Adidas shit you're wearing, though.

At least he looks manly you metrofag hipster manpurse.

I had a swagman beard but I trimmed it and it looks better now.

My takeaway from this look is "vain douche"

Don't shave the sides shorter, what he means is to get it faded on the sides and back



He's also a carpenter and outdoorsman; typically manly traits

Creating a strawman argument isn't going to make your plucked eyebrow, highly maintained hairstyle and facial hair pic look any less gay


How I do my hair now

That's what we call a 'Hitler Youth Paul Bunyan'.

I know. You're right. He's actually pretty cool.

first impression: looks like a devo hat made of hair

Well played

Alright youn!

Fuck you doing up at this hour?

Grow an actual beard. Get a real haircut.
Then realize it's either your personality or complete lack thereof which will get you laid.

That guys beard and mustache is well groomed, and his haircut it is the same trendy one as ops just less off the sides
Your retarded

if you have that style, you're never going to live it down for the rest of your life. every time a friend or your children see a picture of you with it, you're gonna get laughed at, and you'll have to make excuses for what the fuck you were thinking.

there is nothing worse than black plastic frame glasses + enormous beard

it's hipster dialed all the way to 11

For a style you claim to hate, your awfully passionate about it lol

This guy fucking nails it. This decade's mullet sums it all up perfectly. Right down to the faggots here defending it as 'looking like you care about grooming'. HA! Git the fuck out with that conformist bullshit line.

Someones jelly they can't pull it off

Id sit on that face fo sho

i'm passionate about laughing at faggots, i really am

I'm gonna admit, that I can't grow a beard like that. And I've not got that oval head shape that everyone who is considered "good looking" has.

When I don't shave, and wear sunglasses, I've been told that I look a little bit like Johnny Depp. But that doesn't really make be feel any better. I still wish I could pull off OP's pic.

whachu want
death to synths
say no more

Rooks rice fie outta fie

Not sure what your stance is on this issue, you seem to go both ways on it

itt: dumbasses

get over it, TRUE alphas have whatever fucking hairstyle they want to without the approval of others. You're the real beta fag if you don't get something just because someone else doesn't like it.

>not getting a haircut because its conformist,

Well go get a special snowflake cut and be like everyone else who "isnt a conformist"

Prescription glasses and a year plus worth of growing a beard does not a hipster make

Same fag can't even make a good joke

yeah. i suppose everyone should have thin, lanky, long and greasy hair with a fashionable neckbeard and fedora amirite?

Are you a trap by any chance?
Yep, you cant do it anymore gotta go back to my regular shoter sides and 5 o clock shadow

this, it's scruffy. give it a comb and a trim, try washing it from time to time too.

regardless of whether you are, this picture screams hipster to me

it doesn't really matter i'm just bitter right now.

Ooooooh no no no i am reary asan

Oooooh rook rike advatisement tryin tell us sumting

Congratulations on being so confident and non-conformist that the potential and brief laughter of imagined people in 10 years is enough to influence your behaviour today.

It's going to be super satisfying when you get presented with the Golden Achievement Certificate for Not Having An Embarrassing Haircut Ten Years Ago. Your heart will swell with pride and people will shower you with praise.

Laughing at the dumb things you did when you were younger is a part of life. And being able to laugh at yourself is important.

how'd you get so good at typing with a dick in your mouth

You've been called patches before haven't you?

Every fucking game now includes the hipster bullshit option.

W-what if i have the hitler youth haircut, but no beard?

hahahaha so you admit you're already laughing at yourself and calling it a mistake?

looks like my posts in this thread were very effective.

look man, my beard is fine. it's a little sparse on the sides but it's not bad

you have handlebars for cock sucking, don't talk down to me.

Nah scruffy can pass as a style if done right, his looks like pubes

kinda true i have a very similar look, until one day i went to a local brewery......... and every single broke dick beta male in there had the same look ... i shaved and cut my hair and 2 am drunk AF in the bathroom ever went back f beards

Hes saying who cares if someone a decade from now thinks you look gay, not that he thinks he looks gay right now

Someone post the nazi SS soldier with the sexy Alpha hairstyle

re-evaluate your life and then consider ending it

Guys who can grow beards
Guys who can't

>Confirmed for hipster.
>Confirmed for faggot.
>Confirmed for an imbecile without personality that relies on a idiotic ironic beard (The irony here is that sport a manly beard are now used by nancy arse cucks) to fit in with other faggots and girls. But still is rejected by men. Real men.


I'm saying that times change and trading off looking sharp in the moment for potential future embarrassment is kind of stupid, especially for something as trivial as a haircut

>creates this same thread every day
Bro, did you get cucked by a guy with this haircut?

rook rike fagget azn

What if someone only has the haircut?