Captain Australia

>Captain Australia
>progressive Joker
>Bullseye rip-off
>generic ninja girl
>generic soldier
>Lizard rip-off
>Pyro rip-off

DC is shit.

>>progressive Joker

What did he mean by this?

Not OP but Joker is now a loyal white knight who would do everything to protect his waifu's smile

DC and Marvel have used each other's ideas for years. Do a little research.

forgot about the Scarlet Witch rip-off main baddie

stronk female Joker

I love using my internet to say how much I hate popular things over and over.

post more Katana :3


No. I know some of you are upset because it appears like he actually cares about her thus not following the Animated Series dynamic completely but. He uses her as leverage to escape Batman. And his feelings on her are up to him, not Bats, Waller, or the State. If he's gonna discard her, that's his call, not theirs. She's his, so he got her back.

>>Bullseye rip-off
Deadshot was created before Bullseye.

The abused battered wife angle would upset the numale's sensibilities.

Don't you have essays to pound on your keyboard why Margot is a internalized misogynist?

The nigger version wasn't

Yeah a giant tree and talking raccoon animal is a lot more creative! Lets go Marvel!

so who did cara play in this movie?

Compared to the OP they are though.

Did you mean to blow out your own asshole? Of course you did.

Boo fucking hoo, so Floyd Lawton is black now, who gives a fuck... Deadshot still came first.

>still can't release a movie with a female lead and blacks are sidekicks.

I kinda liked her tbqhwy, clichés notwithstanding at least she didn't have irritating dialogue

I stand corrected.

>current year

not really, I hated that cast even more

>Will Smith

Will Smith is whiter than most white people, personality-wise.

As if they have any opinions that matter.

scarlet witch with black hair


he obviously chimps out from time to time, that one time it happened in front of a camera

Hasn't marvel made half the comic characters that were originally white men into minorities and women?

Spider-Man has went through some major gimmick casting, but that's all thanks to Sony who want clickbait like Dictator & Cis-Busters.

>current year

go back to doing your reps, scrub

Oh I actually meant the comic books. Didn't they make Thor a woman and captain marvel a Muslim and Spider-Man black and falcon was captain America for a while etc? So maybe the movies don't have minority leads but to say marvel doesn't care about diversity is trash considering they've pandered to diversity in the comics for years

>So maybe the movies don't have minority leads but to say marvel doesn't care about diversity is trash considering they've pandered to diversity in the comics for years

They use their comics now for printed clickbait. It also backfired. Christopher Priest left Marvel because he got tired of being pigeonholed to black lead titles. They literally segregate black authors to only do black characters.