ITT: guess a book/game/cartoon/whatever by what we think a perfect cast for its movie adaptation would be...

ITT: guess a book/game/cartoon/whatever by what we think a perfect cast for its movie adaptation would be. Starting with easy peasy

harry potter

user pls

Hint for the next one: it's a novel


It's a soft sci-fi tho

Mate this isn't going to work unless you give some better clues

how in the fuck is anyone goibg to guess this
get a grip op

john wick 2

Okay, I agree that the second one is some cryptic shit, but I thought the OP one is easy-modo
It's a chinese cartoon, everyone must have heard of it.


Tell us what this one is so we can tell you why your casting choices suck and make better ones.

I'll tell you just to watch you try.
It was death note

OP cast seems to be Death Note

Fan casting is always shit

>this character has a beard
>so this actor that usually has a nice beard should be great

With no attention paid to range, ability, relationship with directors, etc etc





>this actor looks kinda like cartoon character

>guise I have the perfect actor for the live adaptation omg

Holy shit people it's a guessing game
Sure thing I could' have put a fucking Idris Elba as a pope Francis because he seems to be sleeping with every Hollywood director, but how would that make guessing easier if you couldn't even guess Ryuk by a guy who was born with Ryuk's face

who is that semen demon?

You have to be more specific, there's five of em

the woman

Kirsten Prout

>Kirsten Prout
thank you user


So Light, Ryuk, L, Misa, Light's Dad? I'll buy that.


The Four Pharoahs