So my cousin sent me a nude pic "accidentially". Thing is...

So my cousin sent me a nude pic "accidentially". Thing is, she had already put "Oops" on the image before she sent it to me.
It turned me on severely.
Do you guys think it was an accident, and how sick am I for getting turned on by it? Image not related, obviously.

None of this happened. You guys keep making these "wincest" threads every fucking hour with your pretend roleplaying and fake stories.

Pics or it did not happen

Post picture or it didn't happen.


This isn't really wincest. My cousin recently went on a pretty severe drug trip which worsened some pre-existing mental conditions. It was that "shaman brew" dmt. I'm asking you if you think it was actually an accident, and if I should feel guilty for being turned on by it.

Hold up, I'll post it

Send her a Dick-pic and write "oops" back to her.

Oh boy Ill hold my breath



No I don't think it was really an accedent. And no if she's hot it's not wrong you are fucking human

This is the only valid solution.

With her current mental state I don't think this would be a great idea. Last time I talked to her she stole my neighbors cat litter and gave it to me as a gift.

Fuck her op you must

I kind of want to, which is what bothers me.

Yea this. Even if you have undies on you should respond with an Oops msg

What's up with her mental state? Like what drugs was she taking?

I can't really explain it, but if you search "shaman" and "dmt" you should find an article or two about it. Apparently it's super powerful.

I'll check it out. I have to say that I do agree you should oops her back.

Not super powerful just taken at high doses. Overhyped substance reallyi

>stole neighbors cat litter
>gave it as a gift

Well, I've never done it, so I wouldn't actually know. My question is whether on not this was actually an accident, and if it wasnt, was it motivated by the drug, and if I should be ashamed for wanting to fuck her.

Returning the litter was an awkward situation.