I get really gay when I drink! Ask me anything

I get really gay when I drink! Ask me anything.

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What's the youngest boy you'd fuck? 10? 5?


rate my cheeks

Not drunk, 4/10
Drunk 8/10 would eat your ass and fuck it

Why do your 40s look so gay? Also wanna fuck?

Post penis?

Favorite film? Fav animated series? Fav ice cream flavor? Fav food? Fav band? Fav youtuber? Any Netflix recommendations? Do you prefer furry or shaved vagina? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest how would you rate yourself in appearance? What is the difference between existing and living? Opinion on the Pakistan India conflict? Any hobbies? Any fetishes?

Star Wars
Family Guy
no youtube
existing is being and living is existing
Pakistan is always right
I collect old cars
I eat asshole

do you drink purposely to go full homo?

feel disgusted after?

also where do you live?

I drink because I like too drink but one of the side affects is get get gay

Yes sometimes i do feel disgusted especially after fucking old guys

In Colorado


>I get really gay when I drink! Ask me anything.


you make me feel better about my drunken omegle faps.

do people actually unironically use UBER? or is it just a meme?

i know that feel though, i get really touchy with guys and perv on them when I'm drunk.

>old guys
hot, any stories?

Dude uber kicks ass when you're drunk. It's a super easy app to use when hammered. Plus, it's cheaper then a cab. I don't understand your question I guess.

>living in Colorado
>using absolutely any other drug besides weed

OP what is wrong with you. do you wanna trade? i live in MO, alcohol is legal here too, and if i lived in CO i god damn sure wouldn't be wasting my time with alc



>meet older middle aged man on Craigslist
>go to his house, drink beer
>pulls out some coke, do a few lines and drink more
>need to piss
>he wants to get pissed on
>piss on him and in his mouth
>get great head from him
>cleans my asshole, deep clean!
>move onto his bed and he sucks cock like it was his last day on Earth
>do more coke and drink rum
>half pass out and he tries to fuck my ass but can't get hard
>pass out
>morning he sucks my cock again
.tries to fuck me but cant get hard
>creepily whispers weird shit in my ear
>time to go home
next day
>notice a shit load of bug bits all over me!
>fucken basterd was infested with bed bugs!

>be me
>hanging out at the P.F Changs bar like usual
>see a very intoxicated looking homeless twink eyeing me from across the bar
>has a broken nose and pick marks all over his face
>homeless twink looks familiar
>realize twink is coconut head
>strike up conversation with twink
>ask him if he was coconut head
>twink says "i don't wanna talk about that part of my life"
>twink says he is poor and asks me to buy him a plate of Mongolian beef
>coconut twink ferociously eats the plate of mongolian beef, rice and all in a few minutes
>I leave to restroom, to take a piss
>I'm pissing at the urinal
>suddenly someone slaps my ass from behind
>i spray piss all over my brand-new Ed Hardy shoes
>turn around
>it's fucking coconut head
>he drags me into a stall
>starts deep throating like a little champ
>coconut stops sucking
>he looks up at me
>he says "i'll finish ya off for an andrew jackson"
>i hand him a 20
>he then pushes me away
>opens stall door and flees into the night
not even kidding
fucking coconut faggot didn't even finish me off

8/10 very nice

i wish we could get drunk together and play

>want to do gay thinks with a twink
>grindr is filled with hipsters
>craigslist is filled with uggos

life is suffering.

your fault for being a fucking degenerate
hope you get aids and your cock falls off

lyft is always cheaper in my state

also just for laughs check how much MB the uber app takes. it's SO fucking huge, it must be an NSA backdoor. lyft is less than 1/3rd the size


>>be me
>>hanging out at the P.F Changs bar like usual

lol this made me kek. what a life user.

damn user the start was hot. what's like getting fucked while on a coke high?

im guessing a coconut head isnt the haircut?

Nigga, your fave band is Madonna? You're 100% gay.

How many Hillary voters have you pegged?

Okay Op

Why, in a time filled with support for faggotry, would you be so scared to embrace your bisexuality/homosexuality without being drunk? Why must you hide behind booze to deal with something that isn't that big of a deal? You don't get drunk and are faggy. The fagginess already exists in you. Embrace it or die regretting the fact that you never sucked on a delicious cock.