How do we remove the shitskin twitter meme cancer from our board?

How do we remove the shitskin twitter meme cancer from our board?

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legalize baneposting


go back to wherever you came from, kiddo
Sup Forums is for shitposting and shitposting only



Ban reddit from Sup Forums. So no more got and dr who generals.

Permanent waifu, cunny and baneposting.

Christ a man can dream....

>take all the good stuff out of Sup Forums
>leave the cancerous stuff alone
Great idea!

That's the spirit, reddit!

this is reddit

sup reddit

Baneposting is the reason for all of this though
Just like /got/ it made a way for reddit or to pretend they've been here for years

That's the spirit this is sup reddit.

as long as there is baneposting reddit will never leave. redditors love that shit


cunny spam bot and baneposting detroyed this board you completely retarded nigger loving homo. and what the fuck is wrong with /who/? ive never once seen them outside their general

>what the fuck is wrong with /who/? ive never once seen them outside their general
t. /who/ pleb

Remove reddit tier generals like Game of Thrones and Doctor Who.

Remove all capeshit discussion with the exception of the Nolan films and Raimi spiderman films to Sup Forums.

Allow waifu threads again, they trigger the crusty virgin reddit spergs

It really is that simple

the fact that it's a thread aimed at effeminate liberals and teenage girls?

to be honest with you ive never seen that show even for a minute. but keep spouting memes thatll show me

and most of the underage capeshit retarded 14 year old posts who are all over this board day and night are worse that one group of fags who stay in their general and dont make a million at a time like got? grow up, nigger

make quentin and krager mods

oh yeah this kids a child of /who/
what happened to your forced stanger things general? did /who/ pull you back in you piece of shit

Quickest way is to probably ban all discussion of marvel movies.

I think it will be a powerful message to redditors telling them they aren't welcome here anymore.

>most of the underage capeshit retarded 14 year old

Yes, why can't we remove both? Capeshit belongs in Sup Forums, Doctor Who shit belongs on tumblr


try harder faggot, i dont even watch tv shows that arent cartoons


>remove discussion about television shows i don't like from the TELEVISION and film board

fucking retard

I don't even know who's reddit and who's not anymore

Get mods that actually delete Sup Forums tier shit like these for a few examples
instead of just deleting what they don't like/triggers people that bring in ad bucks

Prohibit actual discussion so people have no reason to come here to begin with. Turn it into a dead empty board like 80% of the rest of the site.

Sup Forums is like a kid at McDonald's, you're there for the food but you end up spending more time in the play place.

>I don't like

nope, that's not what it's about and you know it you fucking faggot

Let me help you out, friendo.

> :) !!k3GighioMhx
Kill yourself you fucking snitch piece of shit

all of the youtube shilling is in direct violation of global 11. i report all of them and they sometimes even get deleted! not the RLM ones of course they are paid for

you sound like a censoring piece of shit to me friend

>he thinks there is actual discussion happening in his shitty generals


this is unbelievably accurate

oh shit I thought that tranny killed itself...

it is probably the one behind the cuck spam as well

how are you today user ? :)

doesn't matter, tv show discussion belongs on Sup Forums

the blacked/cuck stuff is the real cancer along with the youtube shilling


You need to update this and add Stranger Things to it.

you might be reddit for liking some of these, but you're deifnitely a contrarian if you hate all of these

if you think i'm behind any spamming going on you don't know me very well. i tried to get them to stop using the cunnybot a couple times already.

>i tried to get them to stop using the cunnybot a couple times already
give me the bot
i can fix this board within a week assuming you can change whats being spammed

that's pretty damn accurate

nope, they all fall into that millennial circlejerk category, where people play up the importance and quality of the show so they feel they're part of something. That's why Stranger Things belongs on there. It's an average show that redditors and other limp retardes desperate for validation claim is groundbreaking television

>all of the youtube shilling is in direct violation of global 11
Only if a certain mod is on
if its swaglord or redditwood then you can post as much as you want

ask him yourself. bump the thread so i can see the results

8ch dot net/waifuist/res/519490.html

>calling invisibro "swaglord"



ban Sup Forums and Sup Forums

>this is what shitposters actually believe

Nah, cunt. Every one of those boards is absolute trash. Except maybe Sup Forums, you can occasional find good discussion there and learn a few things, but it's definitely not as good as it once was.

>threads 404 after 30 minutes now
/film/ NOW

Make /film/
And actually enforce rules for at least a week to drive away memers instead of making a new board unannounced and letting it devolve into pure shitposting and then running to Hiro saying how /film/ can never happen
Fuck you gingercuck, I hope your gf is enjoying Jamal's massage


>Except maybe Sup Forums, you can occasional find good discussion there and learn a few things,