What are the chances of passing a class if you pass the final...

What are the chances of passing a class if you pass the final? I literally did no work in my one course but managed a C- on my exams. My grade is still a 38.90. The final is extremely easy and I have no idea how much it's weighted.

How old?

I don't understand

you have to be atleast 18 to post here op

Well I'm 20 is that okay?

wtf your not in college are you? How the fuck do you not know what percent your finals are?

The power of not being in class going to a D3 school that cost 12k a semester and not getting 12k worth of education

I never used to know lol. I'm a pretty shit student in academic terms..

Well good luck OP. sorry for being rude earlier

It's okay my dude

That sounds a hell of a lot like my shitty ass school.

No fucking idea. Every professor can assign their grading to different criteria. One can have attendance as 5% another 50%.


98% acceptance equals a million dindus from inner city. Can't afford to go there so the school gets government funding and also your a non-hispanic white like yours truly there is zero help or aide. I'm applying to a satellite D1 and hopefully get accepted from my prior 3.0 performance I get accepted.

If you didn't care enough about the class to show up and do anything, why do you care what grade you get?

Oh, and as faculty at a university, read the fucking syllabus. And fuck you, you lazy piece of shit. I hope you're in my class and I hope you come to argue your grade on the final...

Don't worry, I'm sure they're hiring at your local McDonalds, dumbass.

Stop making sense

Idi nahui

Regional managers make a lot actually

I don't think anyone dumb enough to get into OP's situation is going to make regional anything.



>Idi nahui
Well, considering the grade you're getting, enjoy spending the rest of your life blowing hobos for change.
Going to hood one of my grad students next week, I'll think of you and your lack of preparation while I do it.

A fucking- men dude. 100% white beta male on this end and I actually get 0 dollars from school or parents. It's actually retarded that all the fucking degenerates get help but not me.

Your wife cheats on you while you are away teaching, right?

She teaches at the university also, I bang her in my office during my lunch break.
Just repeat your mantra, 'do you want fries with that'...

> Calls me an idiot
> actively violates work contract

>I doubt you've read my contract
>as long as the door is closed, no one cares
>you'll still be the academic equivalent of something stuck on the bottom of my shoe


Here's your A

>Key words: academic equivalent

I take it your frown on the guys who change the oil in your car, but you can hardly do it yourself.

>0 financial aid dollars
>what was your gpa
>what was your SAT
>what things did you do in HS that were valuable

Why should uni subsidize having third tier students when they can try to bring in national merit scholars, football quarterbacks, all state trumpets, student body presidents...

If you'd worked hard enough to graduate top 10%, you'd have money.

I can change my oil. I choose not to. less than 20 bucks since I bring in my own synthetic. Worth that to not have to get under the car.

The difference is, you can't do what I do.

10/10 making your argument into a useless tirade

>$40,000 pre saved
>2.7 High School GPA 3.0 College GPA
>Starting center for my High School at only 180 pounds, Student president 2 years, captain of the debate club, and Secretary of the German Club
>1,120 SAT

>Denied D1 schools stuck in D2 hell

Look. I'm nice to the guy that changes my oil. I know the name of the lady that empties my trash at work, and I give her a christmas card with 50 bucks in it. I tip well when I go out to eat.

What pisses me off is people that think school is supposed to be easy and are trying to get by doing the least amount they can rather than taking advantage of the opportunities to learn and make yourself a better person. no matter what that person chooses to be.

I've worked in construction, I've changed my oil because I had to. They sucked. Glad I'm where I am. But it wasn't by not going to class for a semester and then hoping that angels will take my final and I'll get a C that means nothing and does nothing to make me better.

What the fuck were you doing for a semester? Too busy playing LOL to head to class?

>2.7 HS gpa
>1120 SAT
ya, you're going to have to demonstrate you can succeed in college on your own with a 2.7. and a 50th percentile SAT. They're not going to pay you to come.
With numbers like that, you need to go to D2 or CC and show you can make it. By going to class and getting good grades, not by being a nonentity like OP.

You haven't offended me until you said i played league of legends.

I work everyday doing roofing on top of other odd jobs. I fell behind in class work because of work. The only thing I can do logically is do all the assignments prior to semester cut off

That is me (OP)

How the fuck do you make a 1120 on the SAT

I made a 29 on my ACT a sophomore in high school with a mediocre transcript and then made a 32 my junior year.

Are you literally mentally retarded?

Being mathematically retarded kills your score

Look...the problem here is you aren't matching what you're promising with what you're delivering, and you're expecting to get something good in the end. That never works.
If you don't have time for school because of work, you need to take fewer classes.
If college isn't for you , you should think about trades. My plumber makes about as much as I do. My electrician probably more. College isn't for everyone, but there can be successful careers with or without it. Military is nice. TBH, roofing sucks.

You can't expect to not go to class and get anything out of it. Even if you did get a passing grade, who cares? You didn't learn anything. You're just paying tuition for paper.

nobody reads the fucking syllabus you massive faggot

2 page syllabus. Read it. Odds are, any stupid question you have is there. Odds are, your path to getting help if you have trouble is there. Odds are, the steps you need to take to get the grade you want are there.

Or, come waste both of our time by asking questions already answered...

'what? we get graded on class participation?'...

Dude, being mathematically retarded is not an excuse for your shortcomings. Laziness and a lack of motivation is the REAL reason why.

In 8th grade, I took my ACT for the first time and made a 26. I got high scores in ELA ( 31 E 29 R) and low scores on my STEM (21 M 21 S) .

I might be a little mathematically incompetent myself, but it's very possible to teach yourself if you're not a fucking deadbeat loser.

Being a professor. How pissed would you be if a student submitted all the assignments needed to pass?

You mean submitted them all on the last day of the class?
Check the syllabus, are late assignments accepted and is there a grade penalty?
Realize that I'm not just giving assignments to grant a grade. I'm giving them to teach. How can I teach and make you better if you turn in 20 assignments on the last day, when if you'd done them every week, I could give feedback and make them better as time went on?
I wouldn't be pissed. Just a little sad that I couldn't do the teaching I wanted and was stuck just writing down a grade.

You're focusing too much on a single letter on a piece of paper. Its the whole learning experience you're missing.

Let just leave it at I was forced into college and my entire life I wanted to be military. Parents ruined my military entry. My ASVAB allowed me to get my dream job of 19k being a tank commander in a Abrams. I just lack motivation because I'm forced into something I don't want

You're an adult. Put on your big boy pants and decide what you want to be when you grow up, or at least what you want to be in 5 years.

Why are you in college? What is it getting you? why do you want to graduate, and how is your degree going to help you in the future? What grades/certifications do you need to be successful, and how hard do you need to work to get them?

Do you have the time and the abilities to do what you're trying to do?

Make your expectations fit your abilities and your effort.

Late assignments are accepted, but no penalty is mentioned. It's a office intro class (Word and Excel). I understand it's a learning experience, but I thought as it as check mark on my way to qualify for my degree

all ist vehrlossen hinkelllll,

So. Find out if he/she has office hours.
Finish your assignments. Do as good a job as you can.
Go into his office, close the door.
Admit that you fucked up-you thought you could balance work and school, but you know you shortchanged him, and you, by not being more attentive to class.
Give him the assignments. Tell him you aren't expecting anything, but that you'd appreciate any feedback on the work that he can give. So that you can learn something from what happened, and so that, pass or fail, you'll be ready for the next semester.

Thank him for his time, tell him if you're in one of his classes in the future you'll try to do better.

Then reassess yourself and decide if this is really what you want.

Don't just slip an entire semester worth of work under the door on the last day and expect something good to happen.

Was menien Sie?

I'm going to do that.

Thanks for the advice I truly appreciate it. You would've thought I'd get better advice on /b than advice. I'm sorry for being a cock to you earlier.

you probably will not pass.
i don't know if this applies to you in one way or another, but some professors will fail you if you miss like 4 classes.
do you have your syllabus? if you post pictures of relevant information i could tell you if you have a hope.

are you retarded? i read like 70% of every syllabus i get. there is important information on there.
some teachers will fuck with you if you ask a question that is clearly answered on the syllabus

Na, no worries...I was a bit salty. I hate seeing people not take advantage of their chances-
you need to decide if it was because you couldnt because of work, etc, or you didn't because you don't think it would help you get to where you want to be, or if you just didn't do it because you didn't do it.

Going in to the last week of school not having done anything asking for a grade isn't going to work.

Going in showing you learned from your screw up just asking to be treated like a grown up might get you something. It might not. But its better than just blowing things off.

Ususlly I get somewhere around my test average on the final, I hope this is not the case for my calculus class though.

on this topic, what i do if i am in such a situation is just hand them a bunch of late work. i tell them that i dont expect them to grade it, but if there is any amount of points i can get i would appreciate it.
your teacher probably hates you though OP. you shit on his/her class